cbdMD Inc.

06/23/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/24/2021 01:37

CBD Tinctures vs CBD Oil Capsules: Differences And Benefit...

If both CBD tinctures and CBD oil capsules have 300 mg of CBD oil, then that must mean they offer the same benefits, and they're basically interchangeable, right?

What does CBD oil do? How does CBD oil work? And what does 300 mg of CBD oil really mean, anyway?

Rather than jump right into how CBD tinctures differ from CBD oil capsules, let's start at the beginning. How does your body receive the benefits of CBD oil?

Benefits of CBD Oil

With over 100 cannabinoid compounds found in the Cannabis sativaplant, CBD is by far the most well-known cannabinoid. Despite its source, our CBD oil formula is THC-free*, so there's no need to worry about a high associated with any of our products. You won't fail a drug test either.

What CBD oil does is help your body maintain balance and homeostasis by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in yourendocannabinoid system (ECS). This interaction has a number of benefits, including an increase in relaxation and reduction of exercise-related, minor discomforts.

While the delivery method matters, the strength of your CBD oil is an important decision as well, that's why cbdMD makes our products in a wide range of CBD concentrations so that you can get what you need and no more. When it comes to CBD tinctures, their serving size can be customized even further if you choose to take more or less of the recommended serving.

What Does CBD Oil Do?

CBD works with your ECS by binding to your CB1 and CB2 receptors. Did you know that your body naturally produces endocannabinoids on its own to maintain your body's balance and homeostasis? So when you feel great, and your body is operating optimally, remember that it's your ECS that deserves the credit.

CB1 receptors are typically found in your brain and central nervous system. CB2 receptors, on the other hand, are responsible for working with your peripheral nervous system, several organs, and the immune system.

CBD oil molecules typically bind to CB2 receptors, while THC binds to your CB1 receptors. However, CBD molecules can also attach to CB1 receptors. By attaching themselves to the various receptors, the CBD molecules send messages and transmit signals through your cells and the surrounding tissue to your organs.

How Does CBD Oil Work?

No matter what method you choose, CBD oil interacts with your various ECS receptors once it enters your bloodstream. The most common methods for delivery include ingestion, topical, and inhalation. Later in this article, we will closely compare CBD tinctures and CBD oil capsules to determine the best reasons to use each method and how they differ. However, despite their differences, all of our CBD oils provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Promoting relaxation
  • Improving your mood
  • Helping promote a sense of calm
  • Reducing minor discomfort
  • Supporting recovery from strenuous exercise and activity
  • Improving the quality of your sleep

By combining hemp extract with an MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) carrier oil, we make sure that our CBD oil is properly and efficiently metabolized, absorbed, and used for energy. MCT carrier oils are more quickly absorbed and converted to energy than other carrier oils, meaning the CBD contained within the carrier oil will hit your bloodstream sooner.

How Much CBD Should You Take?

300, 750, and 1500 are just arbitrary numbers if you don't know what they really mean. So when you see 300 mg and 1500 mg written on the label of your CBD bottles, do you know what the realdifferences in CBD oil strengthsare? cbdMD's CBD oil tinctures and CBD oil capsules range from 300 mg to 7500 mg - so how can you know what you need?

First, it's important to know that when we say 300 mg on the label, that means there is 300 mg of CBD in the entire bottle, not a single serving. If you look a little lower on the label, you'll see that we provide you with a precise milligram of CBD per serving right there on the front, so you know exactly what you're getting in every serving without having to do any of the math yourself.

This also means that we're not trying to fool you with our 30-day and 60-day CBD oil capsule bottles. While our30-day bottlemight say it contains 1500 mg and our60-day bottlestates it has 3000 mg, if you look at the label closer, each bottle contains 50 mg of CBD oil in each serving.

As far as ourSuperior Broad Spectrum formulais concerned, when we say that you'll get 50 mg of CBD per serving, that means you'll receive 50 mg of CBD in every serving. Plus, a few additional cannabinoids like CBG (cannabigerol) and CBN (cannabinol), and terpenes. Need more information still? Don't be afraid to check out our third-party,ISO-certified lab test results.

Your preferred delivery method plays the biggest role in determining your optimal CBD oil strength. While ingestion is probably the most convenient way to take CBD oil, it takes longer to reach your system and doesn't absorb as efficiently. This means you might want to take a larger serving of ingestible products. On the other hand, inhalation is both the fastest and most efficient way to take CBD oil, making it a preferred delivery method for some. In comparison, absorption through a mucous membrane sits between the two in terms of strength and speed of delivery.

As with everything else you consume, your body type and size play a role in determining the strength of CBD oil needed to deliver optimal benefits. Unfortunately, this likely means you'll need to try a few different concentrations and delivery methods until you find what works best for you. That's why at cbdMD, we recommend starting with the lowest strength and quantity and maintaining them as a part of your routine for at least 30 days before increasing the strength or frequency of use.

So when it comes down to it, the amount of CBD you should take to receive optimal benefits depends on:

  • Delivery method
    • Ingestion
    • Inhalation
    • Absorption through mucous membrane
    • Topical
  • Body size
  • Personal preference

CBD Tinctures vs CBD Oil Capsules

CBD oil tinctures and CBD oil capsules are two of the most common ways to take CBD oil. The real difference between the two comes down to how they're absorbed and how long the benefits last. Ingestion is one of the slowest methods for absorbing CBD oil into your bloodstream, while in comparison, absorption through a mucous membrane is one of the fastest.

So,what's the best CBD oil for you? It depends.

Why Use CBD Tinctures?

CBD oil tinctures are a great way to satiate the instant-gratification monkey in the back of your head. Compared to CBD oil capsules, CBD oil tinctures are the faster way to receive CBD oil benefits. This method is one of the quickest ways to absorb CBD oil into your bloodstream, and the benefits usually occur within 15 to 30 minutes and last for up to a few hours.

You can use CBD oil tinctures by placing a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue and holding them there for 30 seconds to a minute before swallowing. This method gives the CBD oil enough time to absorb into the mucous membrane under your tongue and enter your bloodstream.

At cbdMD, ourCBD oil tinctures come in either 30 mL or 60 mL bottlesand are available in 300 mg to 7500 mg concentrations of CBD oil. Most of our tinctures come in one of four flavors: natural, mint, berry, or orange. Our award-winningCBD oil for sleep is availablein 500 mg or 1500 mg concentrations in a 30 mL bottle and comes in mint or berry.

One of the biggest advantages of taking CBD oil in tincture format is customizing your personal serving size. Unlike CBD oil capsules or CBD gummies, you can easily take a larger or smaller amount when needed. For example, if you find 1 mL of CBD oil too much, you can try taking 0.75 mL or less until you find your perfect serving.

CBD tinctures are the perfect choice for those who want to absorb CBD quickly, such as daily morning servings just before stressful workdays or before bed. Plus, they can be added to many foods and drinks, though you won't absorb them as quickly if you consume them that way.

When should you use CBD tinctures?

  • When you want CBD to interact with your body faster
  • When you want to customize the serving size
  • When you have time to let it absorb
  • When you only need the benefits for a few hours
  • When you want to add CBD oil to your favorite food or beverage

Why Choose CBD Oil Capsules?

CBD oil capsules, softgels, and gummies are all methods of ingesting CBD oil. Unlike tinctures, it takes much longer for CBD oil to reach your bloodstream when swallowed and ingested. The reason is that gummies, softgels, and CBD oil capsules have to pass through your metabolism first, where they're broken down before reaching your bloodstream.

Adding CBD oil capsules to your regular supplement regimen makes them one of the easiest and simplest ways to take CBD oil every day.Our CBD oil capsules and softgelscome in 450 mg to 3000 mg concentrations and are available in 30-day and 60-day bottles. Just like our tinctures, cbdMD makes CBD oil capsules for every person and their specific needs, so they can take just as much or as little CBD oil as they want.

cbdMD offersCBD PM capsulesin a 500 mg or 1500 mg concentration for 30 days and 1000 mg for 60 days. However, unlike CBD tinctures, you can't customize the concentration of CBD oil in our CBD oil capsules and softgels or add them to your food or drink. Since CBD oil ingestion is slower than absorption through a mucous membrane, it will take longer to receive the most benefits, but the effects will last for around seven or eight hours.

When should you choose CBD oil capsules?

  • When you want an easy way to take CBD oil
  • When you don't need immediate CBD oil benefits
  • When you want the benefits of CBD oil to last longer

As Always - Talk to Your Doctor First

Like anything else, you should always make it a point to talk to your doctor before starting any supplement or other regimen. While we can give you basic information and help you decide what CBD oil product and concentration are right for you, only you and your doctor know the full scope of what you need. Plus, it's important to make sure CBD oil won't interfere with any medications you may be taking or vice versa.

No matter what delivery method you choose (after talking to your doctor), remember that consistency is key for developing a CBD oil routine. This is why we recommend maintaining a consistent routine for at least 30 days before adjusting your serving size or adding another CBD oil product to your regimen.

For more information on CBD tinctures and CBD oil capsules, or to stay up to date on the latest news and special offers, connect with us onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitter. Make sure to check out our frequently updatedblogto learn how you can best add CBD to various aspects of your life.