ENGIE Brasil Energia SA

05/11/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/11/2022 12:39

ENGIE Brasil Energia publishes its Sustainability Report 2021

ENGIE Brasil Energia has published its Sustainability Report 2021 combining the main data on the Company's social, environmental, and financial performance. This year's innovation is its publication in a dedicated page on the internet, thus facilitating access to those indicators most relevant to society and to the market.

For the 16th year, ENGIE Brasil Energia has prepared the report to adhere to the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative, thus ensuring a high degree of relevance and transparency in relation to the impacts of the Company's operations and growth strategy in the context of the economy, environment, and people. In line with GRI principles, there was a comprehensive process of engagement with stakeholders on the themes to be covered by the Report.

"We recognize the dimension of our role as drivers of positive change and for strengthening the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda in Brazil. Based on the three pillars of People, Planet and Performance, we continue to foster the high performance of our businesses, guaranteeing that our growth is always also positive for the communities and the ecosystem surrounding our operations and projects", explains Eduardo Sattamini, Chief Executive and Investor Relations Officer at ENGIE Brasil Energia.

Last year's report was judged by GRI to be one of the 14 most transparent in Brazil according to a survey conducted by GRI's Advisory Board in partnership with Resultante Consultoria. Additionally, EBE was placed second in the general category of the 23rdAbrasca (Brazilian Association of Public Companies) Prize of Annual Reports, also earning an honorary mention in the Corporate Governance category.

One of the Sustainability Report's particular features is the external assurance by an independent third party, Bureau Veritas.

Energy transition on track to a carbon-neutral economy

The Company has expanded the percentage of its generator park operating with renewable energy sources in Brazil, increasing from 86.2% in 2020 to 95.8% in 2021. This proportion is set to grow in the next few years following the implementation of the Santo Agostinho wind complex, with 434 MW of installed capacity, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

The initiatives accelerating the transition of our clients to a carbon neutral economy are in line with ENGIE's commitment to be Net zero by 2045 across all 3 scopes following a well below 2 degrees trajectory.

Socially responsible programs which foster sustainable

With a more than 20-year track-record in Brazil, the Company is involved in a series of socially responsible initiatives for fostering sustainable development in different regions, more especially where it has operations. In 2021, ENGIE began inviting its clients and partners to engage jointly in these outreach projects and maximize their results through the Parcerias do Bem (Goodwill Partners) program, an amalgam of social products such as the Women of our Neighborhood and Culture Centers as well as the Education and Capacitar (Training) programs, among others.

With respect to the Diversity & Inclusion theme, today, women represent 24.4% of employees on the payroll, an increase of 4.5 p.p. in relation to 2020. The goal is to expand to 50% the participation of women in the Company.

Among the leading social projects, of particular note is the Women of Our Neighborhood, with a focus on income generation for women, this program supporting more than 60 entrepreneurial projects as well as involving about 400 women in health-related initiatives.

In the belief that education and culture are key motors of social transformation, three new Culture Centers are under construction. These have been made possible by ENGIE Brasil Energia, and in addition to the 6 already in operation, will provide spaces with a theater, library, IT and multiuse rooms for serving the communities surrounding the plants.

The foregoing are some examples of actions which contribute to meeting ENGIE's non-financial objectives, reinforcing the commitment of the Company with sustainable development through initiatives directed especially to the development of renewable energy, promotion of gender equality and initiatives with a positive social impact. All these initiatives will lead to combating climate change following the principles of a juts transition, taking into account the social impact of the energy transition.


Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Together with our 170,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are committed to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions. Inspired by our purpose ("raison d'être"), we reconcile economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet, building on our key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers.

ENGIE is the largest private-sector power producer in Brazil, operating in generation, commercialization and transmission of electric power, gas transport and energy solutions. With an installed capacity of 10 GW from 69 power plants, which stands for about 6% of the country's capacity, the Company has nearly 97% of its installed capacity in the country from renewable sources and with low GHG emissions, such as hydro, solar and biomass power plants, and windfarms.

With the acquisition of TAG, ENGIE now also owns the largest natural gas transportation network in the country, at 4,500 km and transecting 10 states and 191 cities.

The Group also has a complete portfolio of integrated solutions focused on reducing costs and emissions and improving the infrastructure for companies, such as compressed air, local solar self-production, biogas and biomass, power management and consulting, HVAC and substations. ENGIE also acts as a partner for cities to make the urban spaces more efficient and sustainable, with public lighting, electric mobility and district cooling solutions. With 3,500 employees, ENGIE's turnover in Brazil in 2021 was R$ 13.5 billion.

The Group´s turnover in 2021 was of 57.9 billion Euros. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges (ENGI) and is represented in the main financial indices (CAC 40, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe) and non-financial indices (DJSI World, DJSI Europe, Euronext Vigeo Eiris - Eurozone 120/Europe 120/France 20, MSCI EMU ESG screened, MSCI Europe ESG Universal Select, Stoxx Europe 600 ESG, and Stoxx Global 1800 ESG).