TMK - Trubnaya Metallurgicheskaya Kompaniya PAO

04/29/2022 | Press release | Archived content

TMK audits its facilities as part of Steel Safety Day 2022


TMK audits its facilities as part of Steel Safety Day 2022

TMK has held its seventh Steel Safety Day 2022, an annual international event under the auspices of the World Steel Association, which included occupational health and safety audits at enterprises.

The audit commissions comprising TMK executives ran workplace inspections for compliance with occupational health and safety requirements. The audit was focused on key industrial safety issues in the metallurgical industry. According to the World Steel Association, the top five risks include process safety, machinery safety, working at heights, falling objects, and on-site traffic.

Additional measures were developed at follow-up meetings to further minimize risks and ensure comfortable and safe working conditions for employees. Participants of Steel Safety Day also summarized the preliminary results of ongoing measures based on the last year's audit.

On Steel Safety Day 2022, special emphasis was placed on new occupational health and safety projects at the Company's sites, such as digital assistants for walkaround inspections used to record breaches and arrange for remedial measures in a digital format, the Volunteer Rescuer project to build first aid skills, interactive training programs, including VR-based, and the Incident Investigation Library, a big data project that allows analyzing various shop-floor situations to develop a detailed and targeted injury prevention program.

TMK CEO Igor Korytko said: "Employee health and safety is TMK's strategic priority. Improvement of working conditions is a continuous process, in which Steel Safety Day events play a special role. Thanks to this large-scale initiative, we involve both our own and contracted employees in identifying occupational risks to clearly see the picture at each production site and share best practices. The effectiveness of Steel Safety Day is evidenced by the reduced injury rates at TMK, with some enterprises achieving zero injuries in 2021 - TMK-Kaztrubprom, TMK-INOX, TMK NGS-Buzuluk, and ETERNO.Last year, our new assets joined the initiative, and now this practice serves as an important tool to improve their safety culture."

TMK enterprises have been participating in Steel Safety Day since 2015, with tens of thousands of TMK employees annually involved in related events.