Nancy Pelosi

12/05/2021 | Press release | Archived content

Pelosi Statement on the Passing of Senator Bob Dole

Washington, D.C. - Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement on the passing of former Senate Majority Leader Robert "Bob" Dole:

"Today our nation mourns the loss of a towering leader who embodied courage and excellence in public service: Senator Robert Dole. Paul and I join all Americans in paying tribute to this extraordinary patriot.

"Upon receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Senator Dole challenged us 'not to question American ideals or replace them, but to act worthy of them.' Senator Dole lived up to this challenge, devoting his entire life in service to the county he loved and to our cherished national values for which he fought.

"With great valor and heroism, he put his life on the line in the mountains of Italy to defend our democracy from the perils of fascism, earning two Purple Hearts for his sacrifice. From the battlefield to the United States Senate, he served our county with great integrity. He was a man of his word. As Senate Majority Leader and presidential candidate, Senator Dole championed our men and women in uniform and the hidden heroes who care for them each day. Alongside his beloved wife, Senator Elizabeth Dole, he honored our nation's most sacred pledge: just as his fellow soldiers refused to leave him behind on the battlefield, we must leave no veteran behind when they come home.

"From the Well of the House to the Floor of the Senate, from presidential candidate to elder statesman, he also never failed to raise his powerful voice on behalf of Americans living with disabilities. He was a force in enshrining essential protections into law with the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, and he served as an inspiration himself to millions.

"As we honor his life, let us resolve to live up to his challenge and carry on his mission. May it be a comfort to his loving wife, Elizabeth, and his dear daughter, Robin, that a grateful nation joins them in mourning on this sad day."

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