AFGJ - Alliance for Global Justice

07/14/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/14/2021 11:38

As the US intensifies sanctions against Nicaragua, over 200 organizations say STOP INTERFERING

As elections approach in Nicaragua, we call on the United States to stop interfering

'How would it be if the United States were viewed by the rest of the world as interfering with the elections directly of other countries and everybody knew it? What would it be like if we engaged in activities that they engaged in? It diminishes the standing of a country.'President Biden, June 2021

Thirty-five years ago, on June 27, 1986, the International Court of Justice in the Hague ruled that the United States had violated international law by supporting the contras and mining Nicaragua's harbors- in breach of our country's international obligations 'to not use force against another state, not to intervene in its affairs and not to violate its sovereignty'. The decision included the need to pay reparations, calculated at over $US 17 billion. The US refused to comply. Over 30,000 Nicaraguans died as a result of the war and their economy was totally destroyed by the time the war ended.

The US went on to interfere in the 1990 election, pouring in millions of dollars to create a candidate of choice and to threaten the people of Nicaragua with more war if they did not vote according to US dictates.

Following the Sandinistas' return to power via elections in 2007, the US resumed efforts to undermine the Sandinista government, openly channeling over $200 million dollars through Nicaraguan non-profits and dozens of newly-created media outlets for regime change efforts. This culminated in a failed coup attempt that killed over 200 people in 2018.

In July 2020, a USAID document leaked from the US Embassy in Managua outlined an orchestrated plan, RAIN or Responsive Assistance in Nicaragua, financed by the United States to launch a government transition in Nicaragua over the next two years.

Right now, the Renacer Act is moving quickly through the US Congress with the explicit intent to interfere in Nicaragua elections, as stated in the title: Reinforcing Nicaragua's Adherence to Conditions for Electoral Reform Act of 2021. The Renacer Act ramps up economic sanctions. It threatens Nicaraguan voters to vote for an opposition candidate if they do not want to suffer serious privation over coming years.

Our friends, family members, organizational partners, and communities in Nicaragua want the US to stop interfering. They tell us that the government cares about the poor, citing good governance from which they benefit directly: safety, food security, agroecology, access to health care and education, commitment to gender equity, disaster prevention and mitigation, energy diversification, best infrastructure and roads in the region, and programs to expand access to housing, water and electricity. Poverty and extreme poverty have been reduced by almost 50% from 2007 to 2017. Nicaraguans ARE NOT fleeing to the US border by the thousands, unlike their neighbors of the 'northern triangle'.

US regime change operations in Latin America have a long, sordid history and continue to do enormous harm in the many places where they are active today. US sanctions in support of regime change are devastating to the most vulnerable people, and they are illegal.

As elections approach in Nicaragua, the US is directly interfering and, everybody knows it. We call on the US to stop interfering; it diminishes the standing of our country, and the US globally.


ÁBACOenRed, Estelí, Nicaragua
A Legacy of Equality Leadership and Organizing (LELO)
Alliance for Global Justice, AFGJ
Big Apple Coffee Party
Black Alliance for Peace
Casa Baltimore Limay
Chicago ALBA Solidarity
Code Pink
Denver Peace Council
Echoes of Silence
Embassy Protection Collective
Friends of the ATC
Friends of Latin America
Friendship Office of the Americas
Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
Greater New Haven Peace Council, CT
Green Party Action Committee
Green Party USA
International Action Center
Inter Religious Task Force on Central America, IRTF
Jubilee House Community
Kentucky Interfaith Taskforce on Latin America and the Caribbean
Latin America Solidarity Committee-Milwaukee
Milwaukee Fair Trade Coalition
Nicaragua Center for Community Action
Nicaraguan Cultural Alliance
Pacific Northwest Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean
Peace Action Manhattan
Peace Action New York State
Peace Action of Wisconsin
Peace House, Ashland Oregon
Popular Resistance
Portland Central America Solidarity Committee (PCASC)
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice
Racine Central America Solidarity Coalition
Rights Action (US & Canada)
Rochester Committee on Latin America, ROCLA
Saint Louis Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America Campaign
Syracuse Peace Council
Task Force on the Americas
The Latin America & Caribbean Working Group of Massachusetts Peace Action
The Latin America Solidarity Coalition of Western Massachusetts
The People's Forum
United National Anti-War Coalition, UNAC
United States Peace Council
US Women and Cuba Collaboration
Veterans for Peace, Linus Pauling Chapter 132
Veterans for Peace Baltimore Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter
Veterans for Peace, Albany NY Chapter 10
Victor Jara Siempre Canta
Workers World Party
World Can't Wait

Environmental Network for Central America (ENCA)
Irish Chapter, the Network in Defence of Humanity
Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, UK
Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group, UK
Ymgyrch Cefnogi Nicaragua/Wales Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign