Schroders plc

06/24/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/24/2021 07:58

Solving the problem of #TheZero: Present and Future

Solving the problem of #TheZero: Present and Future

Solving the problem of #TheZero: Present and Future



Investors are seeing zeros everywhere. It's in the interest rate policy, return on traditional income investments, the rising urgency to reach net zero emissions, and a world where zero action means zero results. Investors need to go beyond traditional thinking to solve the complex challenge of balancing the returns they want and delivering what society needs.

On 29 and 30 June 2021, Schroders will be engaging financial industry professionals and business leaders at their flagship investment conference for clients to discuss the potential levers investors can pull to drive sustainable investments in #TheZero environment today and in the decade ahead.

A diverse line-up of thought leaders will discuss a range of topics, from the role that policy makers and investment managers play, to exploring new investment themes and solutions that have opened up for investors in the dynamic age of #TheZero, with a particular focus on private markets, income investing, China, thematics investing, energy transition and climate change.

In addition, Mr Paul Polman, Vice-Chair of the UN Global Compact and former CEO of Unilever, will be sharing his views on business and sustainability in a keynote address.

Please watch this space for their insights as the discussions unfold over those two days.

For further information, please contact:

Thomas Kwan, Ashley So
Hume Brophy (Hong Kong)

Email: [email protected]

About Schroders

As a global active asset manager, the way we direct capital not only shapes the financial returns we achieve for our clients but also the impact that the companies in which we invest on their behalf might have on society. The relationship between these two outcomes has rapidly evolved as we see a fundamental shift in how companies are viewed and valued. Understanding the impact that they can have on society and the planet is crucial in assessing their ability to deliver risk-adjusted profits.

Our ongoing success is built on a history of experience and expertise, whereby we partner with our clients to construct innovative products and solutions across our five business areas consisting of Private Assets & Alternatives, Solutions, Mutual Funds, Institutional and Wealth Management and invest in a wide range of assets and geographies. By combining our commitment to active management and focus on sustainability, our strategic capabilities are designed to deliver positive outcomes for our clients.

We are responsible for £574.4 billion (€641.7 billion/$785.1 billion)* assets of our clients, managed locally by 42 investment teams worldwide. As a global business with over 5,500 talented staff across 35 locations, we are able to stay close to our clients and understand their needs. We have over 200 years of experience in investment and innovation

Further information about Schroders can be found at

*as at 31 December 2020

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Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
Level 33, Two Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong