U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security

08/15/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/15/2022 10:30

WTAS: Key Border Security Players Show Support for American Security Task Force Framework

WTAS: Key Border Security Players Show Support for American Security Task Force Framework

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Last week, the American Security Task Force (ASTF) unveiled its legislative recommendations to address the worsening crisis at the Southern border created by the Biden administration's reckless and dangerous border security policies. This framework will be prioritized in a Republican-led House of Representatives.

Since its release, this framework has received significant support from key immigration and border security stakeholders:

Brandon Judd, President, National Border Patrol Council (NBPC)

"On behalf of the National Border Patrol Council, I want to thank House Republicans for their commitment to enacting desperately needed policies that will actually secure our borders. The National Border Patrol Council staunchly supports these solutions because we are currently witnessing unprecedented public safety and public health crises that are the direct result of the Biden Administration's radical open borders policies.

"This Democratic-controlled Congress has completely and totally failed the American people, as record numbers of Americans are dying of drug overdoses and record numbers of individuals defy our laws with no consequences and enter our country illegally, oftentimes undetected. This lawlessness and the tragic loss of lives cannot continue and we have the ability to do something about it. The American Security Task Force framework must be enacted as soon as possible and we are proud to endorse these House Republican efforts."

Chad Wolf, former Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and Executive Director and Chair, Center for Homeland Security and Immigration, America First Policy Institute

"The Biden Administration's failed immigration policies have fueled a historic border crisis that puts Americans last. After 18 months of record-setting apprehensions of illegal aliens and deadly illicit drugs, the American people are demanding policies and solutions that actually work. Since the Biden Administration refuses to reverse course on a failed border security strategy, I am glad that Leader McCarthy's American Security Task Force is promoting real and lasting solutions. The border security legislative framework released by the American Security Task Force includes three proven policies that will secure the border and combat human trafficking and drug cartels:

  • Reinstating the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), or Remain in Mexico, to prevent illegal aliens from getting into the interior of the country;
  • Reforming the asylum process to prevent fraudulent and frivolous claims from overwhelming the system; and
  • Granting the Department of Homeland Security the authority to expel aliens apprehended at the border, similar to the emergency health authority utilized at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic

"The Biden Administration views the situation at the southern border as a processing issue rather than a rule of law and community safety matter. The American Security Task Force has identified policies that will disrupt the trafficking and smuggling networks by deterring illegal aliens from taking the journey to our southern border. Introducing these reforms will send a clear signal that lawmakers are finally taking an America First approach to border security."

Dr. Kevin Roberts, President, The Heritage Foundation

"The Heritage Foundation, alongside the strongest-ever assembled border coalition, strongly encouraged GOP leaders to put forth a legislative plan to end the Biden Border Crisis. The framework released by the American Security Taskforce incorporates many of our recommendations. It is now time for leaders to unite around these policy proposals in a flagship border security bill to be introduced on day 1 of the 118th Congress. The Biden Administration destroyed our border on purpose. Now Congress needs to close the loopholes the Biden Administration has exploited, defund the operations of processing illegal aliens into the interior, and enforce our immigration laws to the fullest extent of the law. This bold legislative agenda needs to be coupled with aggressive oversight and properly controlled funding mechanisms. The Heritage Foundation is here to help this plan become a reality and sincerely thanks the American Security Taskforce for their leadership."

RJ Hauman, Head of Government Relations and Communications, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

"Over the past 18 months, we have all witnessed the devastating harm wrought by a rogue administration that is asserting near dictatorial powers in a relentless effort to keep our borders open. The American people are appalled by what is going on and want to see it ended.

"When the 118th Congress opens with a new House majority, it will be in large part because Americans rejected the Biden administration's purposeful dismantling of our nation's borders, as well as Speaker Pelosi's amnesty-first legislative agenda. House Republicans will have a mandate to immediately act decisively to restore control of our borders and this framework from the American Security Task Force is a great first step.

"FAIR has been proud to stand with the strongest-ever assembled coalition of public interest groups and former immigration officials in calling for legislation right out the gate to end a border crisis deliberately instigated by the Biden administration. We thank Republican leaders for listening to our expertise and insight, and stand ready to work with them on turning this into legislative text."

John Hostettler, Vice President for Federal Affairs, Texas Public Policy Foundation

"A legislative framework announced by the U.S. House Republicans' American Security Task Force for solving the steadily worsening crisis of illegal migration at the southern border is a major positive step that needs to be fleshed out in a bill that can be approved by Congress. The members of the American Security Task Force have correctly identified what needs to be done to stop the current border crisis in its tracks. That includes restoring the Migrant Protection Protocols, ending catch and release and shutting down the rampant fraud and mismanagement currently taking place in the administration of the asylum system. "The border crisis is going to be on the ballot in these mid-term elections. This November the American people will choose between the current Biden administration policy that is fomenting the crisis and one that will end it."

Dr. Shea Bradley-Farrell, President, Counterpoint Institute for Policy, Research and Education

"Counterpoint Institute President Dr. Shea Bradley-Farrell is a proud member of a strong border security coalition committed to advising and assisting GOP leaders on a legislative plan to end the lawless and dangerous Biden Border Crisis. The framework released by the American Security Taskforce incorporates many of our coalition recommendations. A unified, flagship border security bill is the only responsible way forward to protect America. The Biden administration lied repeatedly to the American public about our border and endangers the lives of U.S. citizens as well as the immigrants crossing our borders illegally. Now Congress must act strongly and urgently to secure the border once and for all. Americans deserve legislation containing aggressive oversight and strict funding mechanisms, so that Biden executive action does not circumvent the will of the people once the bill becomes law. Dr. Shea Bradley-Farrell and the Counterpoint Institute for Policy, Research and Education will continue to provide expert advice, assistance and leadership to make this American Security Taskforce plan become a reality."

Don Rosenberg, Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime

"The Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC) is honored to work with the public interest groups and immigration officials to develop a legislative plan to end Biden's border crisis and over thirty years of illegal immigration. We see and work with those impacted the most by illegal immigration; the families of children, brothers and sisters, and parents and grandparents killed by illegal aliens. Our Board members have all lost a child or sibling at the hands of an illegal alien. It is long past the time to secure the borders and rid the nation of those who have no right to be here. We're proud to work with our partners in this endeavor and appreciate all of those working to secure our borders."

Learn more about the ASTF border security framework here and in Spanish here.
