Colorado State University

05/19/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/19/2022 10:26

Faculty Council approves new wording for AUCC 1C curriculum category

Members of the Faculty Council Ad Hoc Task Force on AUCC category 1C presented new wording for the category description, content criteria, and student learning outcomes at the May Faculty Council meeting.

The task force had been activated in November 2021 to help define the curriculum and pedagogical expectations for this curriculum category.

Members of the task force presented this item for discussion at a separate special session of Faculty Council on Friday, April 22. Members walked attendees through the changes and faculty were provided an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback prior to the formal vote on Tuesday, May 3.

Questions posed by faculty at that special session centered around the reasons for these changes, clarifications on language, and what content guidelines will look like in the future as educational needs evolve. Members of the task force clarified the student needs that led to this curricular change and explained what types of resources would be available to faculty creating these courses.

This item drew further discussion at the May Faculty Council meeting. The task force provided further clarification on the changes, and a minor change in some of the language was adopted by Faculty Council as an approved amendment.

Questions from Faculty Council members included what the grading for these courses would look like, whether courses in different languages would be considered, and explanations around state-mandated language. Members of the task force explained the general transfer agreement and how that language appears in the AUCC categories.

Faculty Council approved the changes to the AUCC 1C category as presented.

Members hear an update on the Academic Master Plan

Linda Dalton and Linda Nagel, who have co-led the Academic Master Plan (AMP) process joined the Faculty Council meeting to provide an update. Nagel provided a brief history of what has been done so far and indicated to members where they can find reports of the progress during the first two phases.

More information can be found on the Academic Master Plan website. Nagel reported that they are now in Phase Three, which involves developing the plan and refining aspirations and strategies.

Dalton walked Faculty Council members through the five aspirations that came out of the process. She said that a plan report will be drafted that will include a discussion of the process, background information, as well as the details around the aspirations and strategies. Dalton stated that the Advisory Committee will be working to develop priorities out of the aspirations and strategies, which will lead to the creation of the implementation framework. Faculty were encouraged to go to the website to submit any feedback. One member stated that the submission form did not allow for anonymity, and that has been changed and the deadline extended to Wednesday, May 18.

Provost Pedersen provides campus updates

Provost Mary Pedersen provided Faculty Council members with updates from around campus. She started her report with the announcement of the new University Distinguished Professors and University Distinguished Teaching Scholars:

  • Debbie Crans, University Distinguished Professor.
  • Temple Grandin, University Distinguished Professor.
  • Kathleen Galvin, University Distinguished Professor.
  • Wes Kenney, University Distinguished Professor.
  • Susan van den Heever, University Distinguished Professor.
  • Meena Balgopal, University Distinguished Teaching Scholar.

Other announcements from Provost Pedersen included:

  • We have three Fulbright Scholars that have received grants from the U.S. Department of State and the William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board: Jenna Biedscheid, Keelan Kenny, and Natalie Montecino.
  • Provost Pedersen announced that the state legislature approved $38 million for the transformation and expansion of the Clark Building.
  • Candidates for the Dean positions for the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and the Warner College of Natural Resources have been visiting campus and should be finishing in the next week or two.

Other Faculty Council highlights

  • Brad Goetz was announced as this year's winner of the Harry Rosenberg Award. Goetz is a professor of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, and currently serves as the chair of the University Curriculum Committee.
  • Faculty Council members voted to remain virtual for their meetings for the 2022-23 academic year. Some members requested the possibility for in-person as well as virtual meetings. More information will come regarding that next year.
  • Faculty Council approved a motion for the removal of the 64-credit transfer limit that was brought forward by Shawn Archibeque, chair of the Committee on Teaching and Learning.
  • Faculty Council approved a motion from the Committee on Scholastic Standards to automatically change any "F" grades during the pandemic semesters (Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021) to become "U" grades, with the option for students to change those grades back to "F" upon request. The chair of the committee, Alan Kennan, presented the motion and explained that this would only occur in semesters where the S/U grading was already approved and that it would change the method of implementation of this.

For the schedule of Faculty Council meetings, approved minutes and agendas, lists of members of the Council and its committees and other information, visit the Faculty Council website.