SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

10/04/2021 | News release | Archived content

Uzbekistani SCO Chairmanship will make an important contribution to peace and prosperity in the SCO space

2021 / 10 / 04

Uzbekistani SCO Chairmanship will make an important contribution to peace and prosperity in the SCO space

The Chinese newspaper Renmin Ribao, the Uzbek news agency Novosti Uzbekistana and the information and analysis website, the Pakistani news agencies Islamabad Post, DNA News and Centreline, as well as the Russian Chinese multimedia platform Rossiya-Kitai: Glavnoye have published an article by SCO Secretary-General Vladimir Norov on the SCO Chairmanship of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The article says that Uzbekistan, as one of the founding states of the SCO, attaches special importance to strengthening multilateral cooperation within the Organisation, regarding it as part of its system of foreign policy priorities. Uzbekistan also views the SCO as a crucial venue for an open and constructive dialogue and an important tool of cooperation in ensuring regional security and promoting mutually beneficial economic ties and partnership in the social, cultural and humanitarian areas.

Mr Norov dwells on the initiatives that President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev advanced at the SCO summits in 2017-2021 and explains their significance and relevance with reference to expert opinion and conclusions.

The Secretary-General also points to the priorities of the current Uzbek Chairmanship and preparations for its upcoming main events. Specifically, he notes that the Republic of Uzbekistan has approved the Uzbek Chairmanship's Plan for 2021-2022, designed to implement the presidential initiatives. The plan includes over 80 events that will culminate in the next meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State, scheduled to be held on 15-16 September 2022 in Uzbekistan.

The article says in conclusion that all the presidential initiatives are strictly constructive and pragmatic, and are aimed at promoting joint development in the SCO area.

They also include concrete mechanisms for their implementation. Thus, the Republic of Uzbekistan in its current capacity as the SCO Chairman is full of determination to make an important contribution to the SCO's development, consolidation of its legal infrastructure, and enhancement of its prestige in the world.

Secretary-General Norov emphasises that the 2022 SCO summit will not only become the central political event of the year but will also open a new page in the SCO history.

References: Renmin Ribao
Novosti Uzbekistana
Islamabad Post
DNA News
Rossiya-Kitai: Glavnoye