Royal Schiphol Group NV

06/01/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/01/2022 05:46

Schiphol, FNV and CNV reach joint agreement


Schiphol, FNV and CNV reach joint agreement

Schiphol, FNV and CNV reached a unique and ambitious joint agreement today regarding better terms and conditions of employment. This agreement will ensure that Schiphol is an attractive place to work in a tight labour market. It also marks the implementation of an important line of action from the Summer 2022 Action Plan. The trade unions are presenting the agreement to their members with a positive opinion.

Terms of employment
Employees working in security, cleaning, PRM (providing assistance to passengers with reduced mobility), ground handling (check-in, baggage and apron) and private bus transport will get a summer supplement of € 5.25 gross per hour worked as of today, 1 June 2022. This supplement applies until Monday 5 September 2022 and applies retroactively to the two-week May holiday.

Furthermore, security, cleaning, PRM and private bus transport staff will receive a so-called 'Schiphol Labour Market Supplement' of € 1.40 gross per hour worked as of 1 September 2022. This supplement will continue until 1 September 2023. In addition to improved terms of employment, Schiphol has also said that employees covered by the agreement should not incur costs working at the airport and that commuting should be fully reimbursed (public transport).

Working conditions
On 1 October 2022, the first phase of equipment pooling will begin. From that moment on, handling agents at Schiphol can make use of standard handling equipment, such as baggage trolleys. This will make their work easier and even safer.

Social standard
For the longer term, agreements have been made about how Schiphol will deal with the outsourcing of work and tenders. A social standard will be drawn up before 1 January 2023. When it comes to tenders in this labour-intensive sector where the work remains the same, the basic principle is that all employment conditions and individual commitments are adopted by the new employer. Schiphol will involve the unions in the making of this standard. A 'Social Dialogue Table' will be set up before the end of the year, so that social labour issues at the airport can be discussed broadly.

The agreement between Schiphol and the trade unions applies from 1 June 2022 to 1 September 2023.

Quality and pace


This is a very important agreement which will ensure that working at our airport remains attractive, now and in the future. I am very pleased that we were able to reach this agreement with the unions. With it, an important line of action from our Summer 2022 Action Plan is being implemented. This agreement is in line with Schiphol's strategy in which quality is paramount. The agreements made mean we are increasing the pace of the course we had already set. This will help Schiphol this summer. Employees in the terminal are working extremely hard to help travellers every day. It hasn't been easy for them recently and it's only right that we give them an extra reward for all their hard work.

Dick Benschop, President & CEO Royal Schiphol Group

Schiphol an attractive place to work

The negotiated result is being presented by the trade unions to their members with a positive opinion.


This is a good agreement. The people at Schiphol are getting a substantial bonus for the high workload over the past weeks and over the coming summer. And labour conditions are improving too. Working at Schiphol has become considerably more attractive. Schiphol Group now has to work hard to implement the agreements in practice.

Joost van Doesburg, campaign manager FNV Schiphol

Historical agreement


There's an extensive package for large groups of employees at Schiphol. It's a historical agreement in that respect. Employees are getting a Schiphol Labour Market Supplement and a summer supplement for the busiest periods. At peak times, the security staff will also be able to count on the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee to help everything run smoothly. The crowds are not solved overnight, but this gives us some breathing space and perspective. Working at Schiphol needs to become more enjoyable again. Together, we are taking a step in the right direction with this agreement.

Erik Honkoop, mediator CNV Vakmensen