Office of the President of the Republic of Slovenia

08/23/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/23/2021 07:16

Predsednik Pahor na vrhu Krimske platforme poudaril ozemeljsko celovitost Ukrajine in pozval k iskrenemu dialogu med Ukrajino in Rusko federacijo ter med Evropsko unijo in[...]

Kijev, Ukrajina, 23. 8. 2021 | sporočila za javnost, govori

Predsednik Republike Slovenije Borut Pahor se na povabilo predsednika Ukrajine Volodimirja Zelenskega v Kijevu udeležuje otvoritvenega vrha Krimske platforme. Na srečanju je bila sprejeta skupna deklaracija, usklajena med Evropsko unijo in Ukrajino.

Predsednik je podprl ozemeljsko celovitost in neodvisnost Ukrajine in hkrati pozval k bolj zavzetemu in iskrenemu dialogu med Ukrajino in Rusko federacijo ter Evropsko unijo in Rusko federacijo.

Predsednik je izrazil podporo mednarodnim naporom za trajni mir na vzhodu Ukrajine na osnovi sporazuma iz Minska in t. i. Steinmeierjeve formule.

Predsednik Zelenski je ob današnjem dogodku predsedniku republike Borutu Pahorju izročil državno odlikovanje red Princa Jaroslava.

Današnjega vrha se udeležujejo visoki politični predstavniki več kot 40 držav, med njimi predsednik Evropskega sveta Charles Michel ter predsedniki Finske, Poljske, Madžarske, Slovaške, Litve, Latvije, Estonije, Moldavije in Severne Makedonije ter predsedniki vlad ali ministri za zunanje zadeve držav članic Evropske unije.

Foto: UPRS

V nadaljevanju vje besedilo govora predsednika republike na otvoritvenem vrhu Krimske platforme. Velja govorjena beseda!

Dear President Zelenski,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
Let me state at the very beginning that Slovenia reaffirms its unwavering support for sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders.

Today's summit comes at the times of growing instability in the region and beyond. I see it as a prominent step in support of joint efforts to keep the illegal annexation of Crimea high on the international agenda.

We have gathered here to demonstrate collective responsibility and tell the world that we care, that the events of 2014 are not forgotten.

Slovenia shares concern over deterioration of human rights situation in the peninsula and reminds Russian Federation to uphold its obligations, under international humanitarian, human rights and maritime law.

We welcome and endorse the Joint Declaration of the International Crimea Platform Participants, as agreed between the European Union and Ukraine.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Nevertheless, I came her to call for a sincere dialogue between Ukraine and Russian Federation, and between European Union and Russian federation.

As a staunch advocate of good neighbourly relations, I sincerely wish Ukraine and Russia will someday settle their bilateral relations.

This will be an extremely difficult and challenging task, which will require a lot of political courage and wisdom.

I firmly believe that sustainable peace, security, development and well-being, can be achieved only through sincere neighbourly relations.

Even in the most difficult of times, it is important to search for dialogue, and to keep channels of communications open.

We welcome and support the efforts of political leadership of Ukraine, as well as of Germany, France, OSCE, and the Russian Federation for the resolution to the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine - based on Minsk Agreements and the so-called Steinmeier formula.

Dear Presidents, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I commend Ukraine for its commitment and progress achieved on that path and encourage authorities to accelerate the reform pace, in particular in the field of rule of law, fight against corruption and independent judiciary.

Let me conclude by saying that Slovenia is committed to a strong partnership with Ukraine on its reform path. We are proud to contribute valuable experience and expertise in the decentralization reform, and will continue to do so.

President Zelenski, I wish you and your country all the best.

Foto: UPRS