Parliament of South Africa

05/18/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/18/2022 15:50

House Chairperson Ntombela says Migration is as Old as Humanity and Nations must Contend with it to Ease Strife Among Nationals and Non-Nationals

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Parliament, Wednesday, 17 May 2022 - National Assembly House Chairperson for International Relations, Mr Madala Ntombela, says the migration of people is as old as humanity itself and continues to grow as technology and means become more accessible for people to move to safer and better living conditions across the world.

Mr Ntombela is attending the first International Migration Review conference convened by the United Nations in New York this week, to assess progress made in executing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2018 to guide the exponentially growing migration. Mr Ntombela says economic, environmental, political and other conflicts are key factors behind people's movement across the world, with South Africa experiencing a higher net inflow of people from across the continent.

He said in many instances migration gets uncontrollable and causes conflicts such as those that flared up in various parts of South Africa, with large-scale population movements within the country and across various countries as people continue to search for a better and safer life, away from poverty, underdevelopment, strife and wards.

The UN spearheaded an international conference of global players including the Executive and legislative arms of member states, multi-lateral and non-governmental organisations, as well as advocacy and academic institutions that work on advancing human rights and development.

The International Migration Review conference meets every four years to assess progress made by countries in domesticating and executing both binding and non-binding articles of the Global Compacts on both migration and refugees. Individual member states of the United Nations present country reports, engage and adopt a declaration for accelerated efforts to better manage migration, and rip the developmental benefits of people movement while mitigating the negative consequences of migration.

Mr Ntombela says Parliament appreciates numerous initiatives and interventions adopted by the South African government to manage the inevitable people migration in an orderly manner. He cited the White Paper on International Migration, new immigration regulations, and partnerships with, among others, the United National High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), and the coordination of these efforts at both the continental and regional levels with the Department of Home Affairs leading the processes. He said efforts should be doubled to orderly manage migration, especially in the context of high-income inequalities, poverty and unemployment.

The conference has a series of round table and policy debates, all leading up to a declaration that is extensively being consulted with various country delegations before adoption at the end of the conference.
The SA Parliamentary delegation is part of the country delegation comprising of both the Executive and Parliament.

Enquiries: Moloto Mothapo - 082 370 6930