Mike Gallagher

06/10/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/10/2021 10:44

Gallagher Statement on Surface Transportation Markup

'Republicans and Democrats agree that we need to come together to modernize America's infrastructure. But instead of looking for unifying solutions, today my colleagues pushed a partisan bill through committee that misses the mark and recycles the same failed policies of the past.

'Instead of throwing another half-trillion dollars into a broken system, members of both parties should first look to reform the way infrastructure money is spent and by which infrastructure projects are approved. That starts with returning to a user-fee system, pursuing innovative funding mechanisms, and aggressively reforming our regulatory process. This is a framework that garner bipartisan support, and I hope my colleagues abandon their 'my way or the highway' approach and look at serious solutions like these that can fix our country's infrastructure problems.'

ICYMI:Rep. Gallagher outlined his thoughts on the right way to modernize America's infrastructure in a RealClearPolitics op-edthis morning.