AmBev SA

10/21/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/21/2021 04:02

Extract of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Ambev S.A. held on October 13 and 14, 2021 drawn up in summary form - Form 6-K

Extract of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Ambev S.A. held on October 13 and 14, 2021 drawn up in summary form

1. Date, Time and Venue. Starting on October 13, 2021, at 1:00 p.m., by videoconference, as authorized by article 19, paragraph 1st, of the Company's bylaws.
2. Call and Attendance. Call notice duly given pursuant to the Company's bylaws. Meeting with attendance of Messrs. Victorio Carlos De Marchi and Michel Dimitrios Doukeris, co-chairmen, and Messrs. Milton Seligman, Roberto Moses Thompson Motta, Nelson José Jamel, Fernando Mommensohn Tennenbaum, Fabio Colletti Barbosa, Antonio Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Bonchristiano, Marcos de Barros Lisboa e Claudia Quintella Woods. Justified absence of Mrs. Lia Machado de Matos.
3. Board. Chairman: Victorio Carlos De Marchi; Secretary: Lucas Machado Lira.
4. Resolutions: The Directors present at the meeting unanimously and unrestrictedly resolved:

4.1.Manual on Disclosure and Use of Information and Securities Trading Policy. To approve the changes to the "Manual on Disclosure and Use of Information and Securities Trading Policy of Ambev S.A.", according to the draft which was initialized by the board and filed at the Company's headquarters.

4.2.Policy on Transactions with Related Parties. To approve the changes to the Policy on Transactions with Related Parties of the Company, according to the draft which was initialized by the board and filed at the Company's headquarters.

5. Close. With no further matters to be discussed, the present Minutes were drawn up and duly executed.

São Paulo, October 14, 2021

/s/ Victorio Carlos De Marchi

/s/ Michel Dimitrios Doukeris

/s/ Milton Seligman /s/ Roberto Moses Thompson Motta

/s/ Nelson José Jamel

/s/ Fernando Mommensohn Tennenbaum

/s/ Fabio Colletti Barbosa

/s/ Antonio Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Bonchristiano

/s/ Marcos de Barros Lisboa

/s/ Claudia Quintella Woods

/s/ Lucas Machado Lira
