Garret Graves

09/16/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2021 13:33

ICYMI: Graves Made Ida Recovery Top Priority in House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

WASHINGTON, DC- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee met to debate the at least $3,500,000,000,000 ($3.5 trillion) spending package currently being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives that would expand social welfare programs while there are record unfilled jobs.

The record deficit-creating bill includes funding for a $200 million luxury golf course and country club for Speaker Pelosi, butterfly conservation, and desert fish conversation - but zero for Hurricane Ida recovery.

The bill provided no funds for families, communities, or businesses impacted by recent storms like Hurricanes Laura, Delta, Zeta and Ida.

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves worked to redirect the $3.5 trillion wish list of socialist welfare priorities toward disaster-impacted communities to put them on a road to recovery.

Amendments that Graves introduced :

  • Amendment #68 - Adds $10 billion to Disaster Relief Fund (DRF)
  • Amendment #147 - Provides $3 billion for recovery for victims of Hurricane Ida and other recent natural disasters
  • Amendments #151 - Provides $2,500,000,000 for Duplication of Benefits victims nationwide dating back to Hurricane Sandy
  • Amendment #69 - Provides emergency relief funds for ports and waterways
  • Amendment #146 - Provides $200 million to cover remaining Duplication of Benefits victims from 2016 Flood
  • Amendment #148 - Provides $2 billion to assist victims of Hurricane Ida
  • Amendment #153 - Provides $100 million to reimburse sheriffs, police departments or other first responders for urgent disaster housing needs
  • Amendment #149 - Provides $500 million to improve the resilience of critical facilities such as hospitals and other emergency response functions
  • Amendment #150 - Sets aside $50 million to harden emergency operations centers to withstand hurricanes
  • Amendment #152 - Provides $9 million for FEMA to provide generators to rural/disadvantaged communities that have experienced power outages due to a disaster
    • Introduced and withdrawn due to FEMA following through on a Graves' related change
  • Amendment #154 - Amends the ANS to include communities impacted by major declared disasters as priority communities.
  • Amendment #155 - Allows the Administrator to prioritize revolving loan funds for areas that have been impacted by a major declared disaster in the last 3 years.
