Department of Justice and Equality of Ireland

09/13/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/13/2021 02:31

Minister Humphreys welcomes publication of the Annual Report of the Criminal Assets Bureau for 2020

Minister Humphreys welcomes publication of the Annual Report of the Criminal Assets Bureau for 2020

  • Over €4.2 million returned to the Exchequer during 2020
  • 31 new applications brought before High Court under Proceeds of Crime legislation

13 September 2021

The Minister for Justice, Heather Humphreys TD, has today welcomed the Annual Report of the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) for 2020. The report was submitted to the Minister by CAB and brought to Government by Minister Humphreys.

Welcoming the annual report, Minister Humphreys said:

'Even during the circumstances of the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Criminal Assets Bureau continues to play a crucial rolein deterring illegal activity byfreezing and confiscating assets identified as deriving from the proceeds of crime. The Bureau is an example of international best practice in law enforcement and over the last 25 years has demonstrated how we, as a country, can lead the way in tackling serious crime.

The 2020 Annual Report evidences the hard work and dedication of Chief Bureau Officer Mick Gubbins and all of the staff and agencies involved in CAB and I would like to thank them for their ongoing efforts and determination to deprive criminals of the benefits of their illegal activity. This Government is fully committed to continuing to support the excellent work that the Bureau does.

I welcome the agreement that was reached earlier this year between Minister Helen McEntee and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath to establish a new Community Safety Innovation Fund, to reflect the significant successes of An Garda Síochána and the Criminal Assets Bureau in disrupting criminal activity and seizing proceeds of crime by providing additional funding for investment in community safety projects. The fund will encourage and recognise the efforts of local communities on the ground to improve community safety based on their local experience and unique perspectives. Successful projects can then be shared across the country.'

Some actions by the Criminal Assets Bureau in 2020 include -

  • Proceeds of crime actions, together with actions under the revenue and social protection provisions, yielded in excess of €4.2 million to the Exchequer.
  • Return of more than €1 million to the Exchequer under section 24 of the Criminal Justice Act 1994, which allows for the confiscation of assets of a person who has been convicted of drug trafficking and where the court has determined that the offender has benefitted from drug trafficking.
  • In spite of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bureau brought thirty one new applications before the High Court under Proceeds of Crime legislation in 2020, matching the number of applications made in 2019. The majority of these actions related to drug trafficking cases. Other frequent crime types relate to thefts, burglary, fraud and money laundering.
  • In partnership with the University of Limerick, a Postgraduate Diploma in Proceeds of Crime & Asset Investigation was launched in February 2020.

A copy of the annual report is attached.


Notes for Editors:

CAB is an independent statutory body, established by the Criminal Assets Bureau Act, 1996. Its staff are drawn from An Garda Síochána, the Revenue Commissioners, the Department of Social Protection, and the Department of Justice. The Bureau's statutory remit is to carry out investigations into the suspected proceeds of criminal conduct, to identify assets which derive from criminal activity, and to confiscate those assets and the proceeds of illegal activity. These actions are underpinned by the Proceeds of Crime Acts 1996 to 2016, and Social Welfare and Revenue legislation. CAB's annual report sets out the actions taken by the Bureau throughout the year in targeting the proceeds of crime.