
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

07/17/2021 | Press release | Archived content

In St. Petersburg, the police blocked the channel of organization of illegal migration

'Officers of the Criminal Investigation Department of the MIA of Russia GA for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region as a result of operational-search measures detained members of a group specializing in organizing illegal migration.

As established by the police, the offenders received a monetary reward for the paperwork necessary for the registration of foreign citizens on migration registration. In addition, fictitious employment contracts were signed, allegedly concluded between foreigners and commercial firms. According to preliminary information, more than 1.5 thousand migrants was legalized in the territory of the Russian Federation that way.

An investigator of the GA for Investigation of the MIA of Russia GA for Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region instituted a criminal case on the features of an offense stipulated by part 2 of Article 322.1 of the RF Criminal Code.

During the searches of the places of residence of the defendants, certificates of knowledge of the Russian language, mobile phones, office equipment, USB drives and other items of evidentiary value for the criminal case were seized.

The selected preventive measure against the two defendants was a recognizance of non-exit. Their accomplice has been remanded in custody. The preliminary investigation continues,' said the Spokesperson for the Russian MIA Irina Volk.