Vedanta Limited

07/29/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/29/2022 04:11

Unaudited Consolidated and Standalone Financial Results of the Company for the First Quarter ended June 30, 2022 (‘Financial Results') - Form 6-K

Vedanta Limited

CIN no. L13209MH1965PLC291394

Regd. Office: Vedanta Limited, 1st Floor, 'C' wing, Unit 103, Corporate Avenue, Atul Projects, Chakala, Andheri (East),

Mumbai-400093, Maharashtra


(in Crore, except as stated)

Quarter ended




(Refer note 2)


Revenue from operations

38,251 39,342 28,105 131,192


Other operating income

371 480 307 1,540


Other income

733 611 739 2,600

Total income

39,355 40,433 29,151 135,332




Cost of materials consumed

10,774 11,235 8,207 37,172


Purchases of stock-in-trade

12 35 88 133


Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade

(813 ) (643 ) (766 ) (2,049 )


Power and fuel charges

8,953 6,333 3,918 21,164


Employee benefits expense

780 720 683 2,811


Finance costs

1,206 1,333 1,182 4,797


Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense

2,464 2,379 2,124 8,895


Other expenses

8,719 8,509 6,315 28,677


Total expenses

32,095 29,901 21,751 101,600


Profit before exceptional items and tax

7,260 10,532 7,400 33,732


Net exceptional loss (Refer note 4)

- (336 ) (230 ) (768 )


Profit before tax

7,260 10,196 7,170 32,964


Tax expense/ (benefit)

On other than exceptional items


Net current tax expense

1,516 1,949 1,430 6,889


Net deferred tax expense, net of tax credits

152 1,014 539 2,544

On exceptional items


Net tax benefit on exceptional items (Refer note 4)

- (28 ) (81 ) (178 )

Net tax expense (a+b+c)

1,668 2,935 1,888 9,255


Profit after tax before share in profit of jointly controlled entities and associates

5,592 7,261 5,282 23,709


Add: Share in profit of jointly controlled entities and associates

1 0 1 1


Profit after share in profit of jointly controlled entities and associates (a)

5,593 7,261 5,283 23,710

(in Crore, except as stated)

Quarter ended




(Refer note 2)


Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss)


(a) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

(38 ) (49 ) 32 (3 )

(b) Tax benefit on items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

1 3 0 1


(a) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss

2,763 841 371 893

(b) Tax (expense)/ benefit on items that will be reclassified to profit or loss

(757 ) (5 ) 15 (28 )

Total Other Comprehensive Income (b)

1,969 790 418 863


Total Comprehensive Income (a + b)

7,562 8,051 5,701 24,573


Profit attributable to:


Owners of Vedanta Limited

4,421 5,799 4,224 18,802


Non-controlling interests

1,172 1,462 1,059 4,908


Other Comprehensive Income attributable to:


Owners of Vedanta Limited

1,754 725 393 823


Non-controlling interests

215 65 25 40


Total Comprehensive Income attributable to:


Owners of Vedanta Limited

6,175 6,524 4,617 19,625


Non-controlling interests

1,387 1,527 1,084 4,948


Net Profit after taxes, non-controlling interests and share in profit of jointly controlled entities and associates but before exceptional items

4,421 6,027 4,342 19,279


Paid-up equity share capital (Face value of ₹ 1 each)

372 372 372 372


Reserves excluding revaluation reserves as per balance sheet



Earnings per share (₹)
(*not annualised)


11.92 * 15.66 * 11.40 * 50.73


11.84 * 15.56 * 11.31 * 50.38

(in Crore)

Quarter ended



Segment information

(Refer note 2)


Segment Revenue


Zinc, Lead and Silver

(i) Zinc & Lead - India

8,066 7,551 5,217 24,418

(ii) Silver - India

1,109 1,036 1,106 4,206


9,175 8,587 6,323 28,624


Zinc - International

1,459 1,242 1,119 4,484


Oil & Gas

4,083 3,940 2,485 12,430



14,644 15,475 10,263 50,881



4,215 4,351 3,499 15,151


Iron Ore

1,367 1,866 1,576 6,350



1,770 1,687 1,225 5,826



1,856 2,556 1,641 7,972


38,569 39,704 28,131 131,718


Inter Segment Revenue

318 362 26 526

Revenue from operations

38,251 39,342 28,105 131,192


Segment Results (EBITDA) i


Zinc, Lead and Silver

5,230 4,988 3,510 16,161


Zinc - International

589 467 401 1,533


Oil & Gas

2,081 2,053 1,063 5,992



2,251 5,218 3,725 17,337



(14 ) 15 (106 ) (115 )


Iron Ore

363 548 762 2,280



81 188 346 1,082



160 291 331 1,049

Total Segment results (EBITDA)

10,741 13,768 10,032 45,319


Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense

2,464 2,379 2,124 8,895


Other income, net of expenses ii

3 * 63 60 245


Finance costs

1,206 1,333 1,182 4,797


Other unallocable income, net of expenses

186 413 614 1,860

Profit before exceptional items and tax

7,260 10,532 7,400 33,732


Net exceptional loss (Refer note 4)

- (336 ) (230 ) (768 )

Profit before tax

7,260 10,196 7,170 32,964


Segment assets


Zinc, Lead and Silver - India

24,452 22,822 21,001 22,822


Zinc - International

6,859 6,984 6,495 6,984


Oil & Gas

26,983 24,149 20,270 24,149



65,340 60,407 56,358 60,407



5,898 5,912 6,323 5,912


Iron Ore

5,182 4,156 3,302 4,156



17,296 17,195 17,526 17,195



9,823 9,197 8,163 9,197



47,826 47,778 47,215 47,778


209,659 198,600 186,653 198,600

i) Earnings before interest, depreciation, tax and exceptional items ('EBITDA') is a non- GAAP measure.

ii) Includes amortisation of duty benefits relating to assets recognised as government grant.

* Includes cost of exploration wells written off of ₹ 62 Crore in Oil & Gas segment.

(in Crore)

Quarter ended



Segment information

(Refer note 2)


Segment liabilities
a) Zinc, Lead and Silver-India 6,537 6,229 4,951 6,229
b) Zinc-International 1,163 1,159 1,034 1,159
c) Oil & Gas 19,140 16,138 12,551 16,138
d) Aluminium 21,983 20,231 18,579 20,231
e) Copper 5,186 5,028 4,103 5,028
f) Iron Ore 3,123 2,601 1,463 2,601
g) Power 2,390 1,976 1,889 1,976
h) Others 2,861 2,694 1,985 2,694
i) Unallocated 68,586 59,840 56,965 59,840
Total 130,969 115,896 103,520 115,896

The main business segments are:

(a) Zinc, Lead and Silver - India, which consists of mining of ore, manufacturing of zinc and lead ingots and silver, both from own mining and purchased concentrate. Additional intra segment information of revenues for the Zinc & Lead and Silver segment have been provided to enhance understanding of segment business;

(b) Zinc - International, which consists of exploration, mining, treatment and production of zinc, lead, copper and associated mineral concentrates for sale;

(c) Oil & Gas, which consists of exploration, development and production of oil and gas;

(d) Aluminium, which consist of mining of bauxite and manufacturing of alumina and various aluminium products;

(e) Copper, which consist of mining of copper concentrate, manufacturing of copper cathode, continuous cast copper rod, anode slime from purchased concentrate and manufacturing of precious metal from anode slime, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid (Refer note 7);

(f) Iron ore, which consists of mining of ore and manufacturing of pig iron and metallurgical coke;

(g) Power, excluding captive power but including power facilities predominantly engaged in generation and sale of commercial power; and

(h) Other business segment comprises port/berth, glass substrate, steel, ferroy alloys and cement. The assets and liabilities that cannot be allocated between the segments are shown as unallocated assets and liabilities, respectively.

1 The above consolidated results of Vedanta Limited ("the Company") and its subsidiaries ("the Group"), jointly controlled entities, and associates for the quarter ended 30 June 2022 have been reviewed by the Audit and Risk Management Committee at its meeting held on 27 July 2022 and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 28 July 2022. The statutory auditors have carried out a limited review on these results and issued an unmodified conclusion.
2 The figures for the quarter ended 31 March 2022 are the balancing figures between audited figures for the full financial year ended 31 March 2022 and unaudited figures for the nine months ended 31 December 2021.

During the quarter ended 30 June 2022, the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on 28 April 2022, approved the first interim dividend of ₹ 31.50 per equity share, i.e., 3,150% on face value of ₹ 1/- per equity share for the year ended 31 March 2023.

Subsequent to the quarter ended 30 June 2022, the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on 19 July 2022, approved the second interim dividend of ₹ 19.50 per equity share, i.e., 1,950% on face value of ₹ 1/- per equity share for the year ended 31 March 2023. With this, the total dividend declared for FY 2022-23 currently stands at ₹ 51 per equity share of ₹ 1/- each.

4 Net exceptional loss comprise the following:

( in Crore)


Quarter ended
(Refer note 2)
Property, plant and equipment, exploration intangible assets under development, capital work-in-progress and other assets (impaired)/ reversal or (written off)/ written back in:

- Oil & Gas

a) Exploration cost written off

- (2,403 ) (96 ) (2,618 )

b) Reversal of previously recorded impairment

- 2,697 - 2,697

- Aluminium

- (125 ) - (125 )

- Others

- - - (52 )

- Unallocated

- - - (24 )
Provision for legal disputes (including change in law), force majeure and similar incidences in:

- Aluminium

- (288 ) - (288 )

- Copper

- (217 ) - (217 )

- Zinc, Lead and Silver - India

- - (134 ) (134 )

- Others

- - - (7 )
Net exceptional loss - (336 ) (230 ) (768 )
Current tax benefit on above - 496 64 580
Net deferred tax (expense)/ benefit on above - (468 ) 17 (402 )
Non-controlling interests on above - 80 31 113
Net exceptional loss, net of tax and non-controlling interests - (228 ) (118 ) (477 )
5 The Company operates an oil and gas production facility in Rajasthan under a Production Sharing Contract ("PSC"). The management is of the opinion that the Company is eligible for extension of the PSC for Rajasthan ("RJ") block on same terms w.e.f. 15 May 2020, a matter which was being adjudicated at the Delhi High Court. The Division Bench of the Delhi High Court in March 2021 set aside the single judge order of May 2018 which allowed extension of PSC on same terms and conditions. The Company has appealed this order in the Supreme Court. In parallel, the Government of India ("GoI"), accorded its approval for extension of the PSC, under the Pre-NELP Extension policy as per notification dated 07 April 2017 ("Pre-NELP Policy"), for RJ block by a period of 10 years, w.e.f. 15 May 2020 vide its letter dated 26 October 2018, subject to fulfilment of certain conditions.

One of the conditions for extension relates to notification of certain audit exceptions raised for FY 2016-17 as per PSC provisions and provides for payment of amounts, if such audit exceptions result into any creation of liability. In connection with the said audit exceptions, a demand of ₹ 2,870 Crore (US$ 364 million) has been raised by Directorate General of Hydrocarbons ("DGH") on 12 May 2020, relating to the share of the Company and one of its subsidiaries. This amount was subsequently revised to ₹ 3,613 Crore (US$ 458 million) till March 2018 vide DGH letter dated 24 December 2020.

On 28 April 2022, DGH has notified audit exceptions for the period upto 14 May 2020 and included an additional amount of ₹ 2,038 Crore (US$ 259 million) for aforementioned matters.

The Company has disputed the aforesaid demand and the other audit exceptions, notified till date, as in the Company's view the audit notings are not in accordance with the PSC and are entirely unsustainable. Further, as per PSC provisions, disputed notings do not prevail and accordingly do not result in creation of any liability. The Company believes it has reasonable grounds to defend itself which are supported by independent legal opinions. In accordance with PSC terms, the Company has also commenced arbitration proceedings. The arbitration tribunal ("the Tribunal") stands constituted and the Company also filed its application for interim relief. The interim relief application was heard by the Tribunal on 15 December 2020 wherein it was directed that GoI should not take any coercive action to recover the disputed amount of audit exceptions which is presently in arbitration and that during the arbitration period, GoI should continue to extend the tenure of the Rajasthan Block PSC on terms of current extension. The GoI has challenged the said order before the Delhi High Court which is scheduled for hearing in due course.

Further, on 23 September 2020, the GoI had filed an application for interim relief before Delhi High Court seeking payment of all disputed dues. This matter is also scheduled for hearing in due course. In view of extenuating circumstances surrounding COVID-19 and pending signing of the PSC addendum for extension after complying with all stipulated conditions, the GoI has been granting permission to the Company to continue Petroleum operations in the RJ block. The latest permission is valid upto 14 August 2022 or signing of the PSC addendum, whichever is earlier. For reasons aforesaid, the Company is not expecting any material liability to devolve on account of these matters or any disruptions in its petroleum operations. The Company is also pursuing with the GoI for executing the RJ PSC addendum at the earliest.


In our oil and gas business, the GoI, vide its notification no. 05/2022 dated 30 June 2022 had levied Special Additional Excise Duty ("SAED") of ₹ 23,250 per tonne (approximately equivalent to US$ 40/ barrel) on crude oil with effect from 01 July 2022, which has been revised to ₹ 17,000 per tonne (approximately equivalent to US$ 30/ barrel) with effect from 20 July 2022. The SAED rate is expected to be revised every fortnight. This is in the nature of cess on windfall gain triggered by increase in crude oil prices in recent months.

The Company is engaging with the GoI on this levy, within the framework of contractual agreements of PSC and Revenue Sharing Contracts ("RSC") executed with the GoI.

The Company has performed sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of the above SAED on the recoverable value of assets in the oil and gas business, which is determined basis the consensus of analyst recommendations of long-term prices, discount rates, production quantity etc. Based on the results of such analysis, Management believes that no adjustment to the carrying value of the asset is required at this stage.


The Company has a copper smelter plant in Tuticorin. The Company's application for renewal of Consent to Operate ("CTO") for the plant was rejected by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board ("TNPCB") in April 2018. Subsequently, the Government of Tamil Nadu issued directions to close and seal the existing copper smelter plant permanently. The Principal Bench of National Green Tribunal ("NGT") ruled in favour of the Company but its order was set aside by the Supreme Court vide its judgment dated 18 February 2019, on the sole basis of maintainability. The Company had filed a writ petition before the Madras High Court challenging various orders passed against the Company. On 18 August 2020, the Madras High Court dismissed the writ petitions filed by the Company, which has been challenged by the Company in the Supreme Court while also seeking interim relief to access the plant for care and maintenance. The hearing on care and maintenance could not be listed at the Supreme Court. Instead, the matter is now being heard on merits.

The Company was also in the process of expanding its capacities at an adjacent site ("Expansion Project"). The High Court of Madras, in a Public Interest Litigation, held that the application for renewal of the Environmental Clearance ("EC") for the Expansion Project shall be processed after a mandatory public hearing and in the interim, ordered the Company to cease construction and all other activities on the site with immediate effect. In the meanwhile, State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ("SIPCOT") cancelled the land allotted for the Expansion Project, which was later stayed by the Madras High Court. Further, TNPCB issued an order directing the withdrawal of the Consent to Establish ("CTE") which was valid till 31 March 2023. The Company has also appealed this action before the TNPCB Appellate Authority and the matter is pending for adjudication and the matter is now being heard on merits. As per the Company's assessment, it is in compliance with the applicable regulations and hence there is no impact on the carrying value of the assets.


Subsequent to the quarter ended 30 June 2022, the Company acquired controlling stake in Athena Chhattisgarh Power Limited ("ACPL") under the liquidation proceedings of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 for a consideration of ₹ 565 Crore. ACPL is building a 1,200 MW (600 MW X 2) coal-based power plant located at Jhanjgir Champa district, Chhattisgarh. The plant is expected to fulfill the power requirements for the Company's aluminium business.


Previous period/ year figures have been re-grouped/ rearranged, wherever necessary.

By Order of the Board
Sunil Duggal
Dated: 28 July 2022
Place: New Delhi
Whole - Time Director and
Group Chief Executive Officer

Vedanta Limited

CIN no. L13209MH1965PLC291394

Regd. Office: Vedanta Limited, 1st Floor, 'C' wing, Unit 103, Corporate Avenue, Atul Projects, Chakala, Andheri (East),

Mumbai-400093, Maharashtra


( in Crore, except as stated)

Quarter ended Year ended

S. No.


(Refer Note 2)


Revenue from operations 17,779 18,841 12,883 62,801


Other operating income 134 168 75 476


Other income (Refer note 9) 174 1,218 1,399 8,347
Total Income 18,087 20,227 14,357 71,624




Cost of materials consumed 6,593 7,378 4,950 23,751


Purchases of stock-in-trade 47 54 162 228


Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress
and stock-in-trade

(480 ) (470 ) (546 ) (1,172 )


Power and fuel charges 5,375 3,621 2,056 11,874


Employee benefits expense 231 233 198 867


Finance costs 858 868 722 3,146


Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense 873 742 704 2,945


Other expenses 3,250 2,953 2,274 10,051
Total expenses 16,747 15,379 10,520 51,690


Profit before exceptional items and tax 1,340 4,848 3,837 19,934


Net exceptional loss (Refer note 4) - (96 ) (96 ) (318 )


Profit before tax 1,340 4,752 3,741 19,616


Tax (benefit)/ expense on other than exceptional items:


Net current tax expense 218 850 678 3,505


Net deferred tax benefit, including tax credits (552 ) (221 ) (239 ) (1,023 )
Net tax benefit on exceptional items:


Net tax benefit on exceptional items (Refer note 4) - (34 ) (34 ) (111 )
Net tax (benefit)/ expense (a+b+c) (334 ) 595 405 2,371


Net profit after tax (A) 1,674 4,157 3,336 17,245


Net profit after tax before exceptional items (net of tax) 1,674 4,219 3,398 17,452


Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss)


(i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (35 ) (34 ) 36 (8 )
(ii) Tax benefit/ (expense) on items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 0 2 (1 ) 8


(i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss 1,547 277 51 407
(ii) Tax (expense)/ benefit on items that will be reclassified to profit or loss (456 ) (58 ) 11 (74 )
Total Other Comprehensive Income (B) 1,056 187 97 333


Total Comprehensive Income (A+B) 2,730 4,344 3,433 17,578


Paid-up equity share capital (Face value of ₹ 1 each) 372 372 372 372


Reserves excluding revaluation reserves as per balance sheet 77,277


Earnings per share (₹)

(*not annualised)

- Basic and diluted 4.50 * 11.17 * 8.97 * 46.36
( in Crore)
Quarter ended Year ended

S. No.

Segment information

(Refer Note 2)


Segment revenue


Oil & Gas 2,122 2,067 1,339 6,622


Aluminium 11,171 11,766 7,617 38,371


Copper 3,040 3,286 2,206 11,096


Iron Ore 1,214 1,714 1,576 6,143


Power 232 226 145 787
Total 17,779 19,059 12,883 63,019


Inter segment revenue - 218 - 218
Revenue from operations 17,779 18,841 12,883 62,801


Segment Results (EBITDA) i


Oil & Gas 1,043 1,042 568 3,137


Aluminium 1,890 3,896 2,759 13,024


Copper (3 ) 30 (86 ) (150 )


Iron Ore 287 514 688 2,187


Power (97 ) (135 ) (9 ) (172 )
Total Segment results (EBITDA) 3,120 5,347 3,920 18,026


Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense 873 742 704 2,945


Other income, net of expenses ii (30 )* 20 19 78


Finance costs 858 868 722 3,146


Other unallocable income, net of expenses (Refer note 9) (19 ) 1,091 1,324 7,921
Profit before exceptional items and tax 1,340 4,848 3,837 19,934


Net exceptional loss (Refer note 4) - (96 ) (96 ) (318 )
Profit before tax 1,340 4,752 3,741 19,616


Segment assets


Oil & Gas 16,870 16,420 14,119 16,420


Aluminium 51,773 47,307 43,784 47,307


Copper 5,310 5,383 5,394 5,383


Iron Ore 4,597 3,590 2,889 3,590


Power 2,973 3,044 3,228 3,044


Unallocated 71,405 73,215 68,029 73,215
Total 152,928 148,959 137,443 148,959


Segment liabilities


Oil & Gas 12,290 10,178 8,194 10,178


Aluminium 17,706 15,848 13,415 15,848


Copper 4,767 4,638 3,698 4,638


Iron Ore 2,908 2,321 2,235 2,321


Power 217 152 165 152


Unallocated 46,296 38,173 29,500 38,173
Total 84,184 71,310 57,207 71,310

The main business segments are:

(a) Oil & Gas, which consists of exploration, development and production of oil and gas;

(b) Aluminium, which consists of manufacturing of alumina and various aluminium products;

(c) Copper, which consists of manufacturing of copper cathode, continuous cast copper rod, anode slime from purchased concentrate and manufacturing of sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid (Refer note 5);

(d) Iron ore, which consists of mining of ore and manufacturing of pig iron and metallurgical coke; and

(e) Power, excluding captive power but including power facilities predominantly engaged in generation and sale of commercial power.

The assets and liabilities that cannot be allocated between the segments are shown as unallocated assets and liabilities, respectively.

i) Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation ("EBITDA") is a non-GAAP measure.

ii) Includes amortisation of duty benefits relating to assets recognised as government grant.

* Includes cost of exploration wells written off of ₹ 50 Crore in Oil & Gas segment.

1 The above results of Vedanta Limited ("the Company"), for the quarter ended 30 June 2022 have been reviewed by the Audit and Risk Management Committee at its meeting held on 27 July 2022 and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 28 July 2022. The statutory auditors have carried out a limited review on these results and issued an unmodified conclusion.
2 The figures for the quarter ended 31 March 2022 are the balancing figures between audited figures for the full financial year ended 31 March 2022 and unaudited figures for the nine months ended 31 December 2021.

During the quarter ended 30 June 2022, the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on 28 April 2022, approved the first interim dividend of ₹ 31.50 per equity share, i.e., 3,150% on face value of ₹ 1/- per equity share for the year ended 31 March 2023.

Subsequent to the quarter ended 30 June 2022, the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on 19 July 2022, approved the second interim dividend of ₹ 19.50 per equity share, i.e., 1,950% on face value of ₹ 1/- per equity share for the year ended 31 March 2023. With this, the total dividend declared for FY 2022-23 currently stands at ₹ 51 per equity share of ₹ 1/- each.

4 Net exceptional loss comprise the following:
( in Crore)


Quarter ended Year ended
(Refer Note 2)
Property, plant and equipment, exploration intangible assets under development, capital work-in-progress and other assets (impaired)/ reversal or (written off)/ written back in:
- Oil & Gas

a) Exploration wells written off

- (1,214 ) (96 ) (1,412 )

b) Reversal of previously recorded impairment

- 1,370 - 1,370
- Aluminium - (125 ) - (125 )
- Unallocated - - - (24 )
Provision for legal disputes (including change in law), force majeure and similar incidences in:
- Aluminium - (73 ) - (73 )
- Copper - (54 ) - (54 )
Net exceptional loss - (96 ) (96 ) (318 )
Current tax benefit on above - 247 17 281
Net deferred tax (expense)/ benefit on above - (213 ) 17 (170 )
Net Exceptional loss (net of tax) - (62 ) (62 ) (207 )
5 The Company has a copper smelter plant in Tuticorin. The Company's application for renewal of Consent to Operate ("CTO") for the plant was rejected by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board ("TNPCB") in April 2018. Subsequently, the Government of Tamil Nadu issued directions to close and seal the existing copper smelter plant permanently. The Principal Bench of National Green Tribunal ("NGT") ruled in favour of the Company but its order was set aside by the Supreme Court vide its judgment dated 18 February 2019, on the sole basis of maintainability. The Company had filed a writ petition before the Madras High Court challenging various orders passed against the Company. On 18 August 2020, the Madras High Court dismissed the writ petitions filed by the Company, which has been challenged by the Company in the Supreme Court while also seeking interim relief to access the plant for care and maintenance. The hearing on care and maintenance could not be listed at the Supreme Court. Instead, the matter is now being heard on merits.
The Company was also in the process of expanding its capacities at an adjacent site ("Expansion Project"). The High Court of Madras, in a Public Interest Litigation, held that the application for renewal of the Environmental Clearance ("EC") for the Expansion Project shall be processed after a mandatory public hearing and in the interim, ordered the Company to cease construction and all other activities on the site with immediate effect. In the meanwhile, State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ("SIPCOT") cancelled the land allotted for the Expansion Project, which was later stayed by the Madras High Court. Further, TNPCB issued an order directing the withdrawal of the Consent to Establish ("CTE") which was valid till 31 March 2023. The Company has also appealed this action before the TNPCB Appellate Authority and the matter is pending for adjudication and the matter is now being heard on merits. As per the Company's assessment, it is in compliance with the applicable regulations and hence there is no impact on the carrying value of the assets.
6 The Company operates an oil and gas production facility in Rajasthan under a Production Sharing Contract ("PSC"). The management is of the opinion that the Company is eligible for extension of the PSC for Rajasthan ("RJ") block on same terms w.e.f. 15 May 2020, a matter which was being adjudicated at the Delhi High Court. The Division Bench of the Delhi High Court in March 2021 set aside the single judge order of May 2018 which allowed extension of PSC on same terms and conditions. The Company has appealed this order in the Supreme Court. In parallel, the Government of India ("GoI"), accorded its approval for extension of the PSC, under the Pre-NELP Extension policy as per notification dated 07 April 2017 ("Pre-NELP Policy"), for RJ block by a period of 10 years, w.e.f. 15 May 2020 vide its letter dated 26 October 2018, subject to fulfilment of certain conditions.
One of the conditions for extension relates to notification of certain audit exceptions raised for FY 2016-17 as per PSC provisions and provides for payment of amounts, if such audit exceptions result into any creation of liability. In connection with the said audit exceptions, a demand of ₹ 2,870 Crore (US$ 364 million) has been raised by Directorate General of Hydrocarbons ("DGH") on 12 May 2020, relating to the share of the Company and one of its subsidiaries. This amount was subsequently revised to ₹ 3,613 Crore (US$ 458 million) till March 2018 vide DGH letter dated 24 December 2020.
On 28 April 2022, DGH has notified audit exceptions for the period upto 14 May 2020 and included an additional amount of ₹ 2,038 Crore (US$ 259 million) for aforementioned matters.
The Company has disputed the aforesaid demand and the other audit exceptions, notified till date, as in the Company's view the audit notings are not in accordance with the PSC and are entirely unsustainable. Further, as per PSC provisions, disputed notings do not prevail and accordingly do not result in creation of any liability. The Company believes it has reasonable grounds to defend itself which are supported by independent legal opinions. In accordance with PSC terms, the Company has also commenced arbitration proceedings. The arbitration tribunal ("the Tribunal") stands constituted and the Company also filed its application for interim relief. The interim relief application was heard by the Tribunal on 15 December 2020 wherein it was directed that GoI should not take any coercive action to recover the disputed amount of audit exceptions which is presently in arbitration and that during the arbitration period, GoI should continue to extend the tenure of the Rajasthan Block PSC on terms of current extension. The GoI has challenged the said order before the Delhi High Court which is scheduled for hearing in due course. Further, on 23 September 2020, the GoI had filed an application for interim relief before Delhi High Court seeking payment of all disputed dues. This matter is also scheduled for hearing in due course.
In view of extenuating circumstances surrounding COVID-19 and pending signing of the PSC addendum for extension after complying with all stipulated conditions, the GoI has been granting permission to the Company to continue Petroleum operations in the RJ block. The latest permission is valid upto 14 August 2022 or signing of the PSC addendum, whichever is earlier. For reasons aforesaid, the Company is not expecting any material liability to devolve on account of these matters or any disruptions in its petroleum operations. The Company is also pursuing with the GoI for executing the RJ PSC addendum at the earliest.

In our oil and gas business, the GoI, vide its notification no. 05/2022 dated 30 June 2022 had levied Special Additional Excise Duty ("SAED") of ₹ 23,250 per tonne (approximately equivalent to US$ 40/ barrel) on crude oil with effect from 01 July 2022, which has been revised to ₹ 17,000 per tonne (approximately equivalent to US$ 30/ barrel) with effect from 20 July 2022. The SAED rate is expected to be revised every fortnight. This is in the nature of cess on windfall gain triggered by increase in crude oil prices in recent months.

The Company is engaging with the GoI on this levy, within the framework of contractual agreements of PSC and Revenue Sharing Contracts ("RSC") executed with the GoI.

The Company has performed sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of the above SAED on the recoverable value of assets in the oil and gas business, which is determined basis the consensus of analyst recommendations of long-term prices, discount rates, production quantity etc. Based on the results of such analysis, Management believes that no adjustment to the carrying value of the asset is required at this stage.

8 Subsequent to the quarter ended 30 June 2022, the Company acquired controlling stake in Athena Chhattisgarh Power Limited ("ACPL") under the liquidation proceedings of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 for a consideration of ₹ 565 Crore. ACPL is building a 1,200 MW (600 MW X 2) coal-based power plant located at Jhanjgir Champa district, Chhattisgarh. The plant is expected to fulfill the power requirements for the Company's aluminium business.
9 Other income includes dividend income from subsidiaries of ₹ Nil Crore, ₹ 1,062 Crore, ₹ 1,316 Crore and ₹ 7,828 Crore for the quarter ended 30 June 2022, 31 March 2022, 30 June 2021 and year ended 31 March 2022 respectively.
10 Additional disclosures as per Regulation 52(4) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirement) Regulations, 2015:
Quarter ended Year ended


(Refer Note 2)


Debt-Equity Ratio (in times)*

0.66 0.47 0.35 0.47


Debt Service Coverage Ratio (in times) (annualised)

2.24 1.96 1.41 1.96


Interest Service Coverage Ratio (in times)*

3.56 7.33 7.16 8.33


Current Ratio (in times)*

0.71 0.80 0.77 0.80


Long term debt to working capital Ratio (in times)*

* * * * * * * *


Bad debts to Account receivable Ratio (in times)*

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


Current liability Ratio (in times)*

0.54 0.52 0.45 0.52


Total debts to total assets Ratio (in times)*

0.30 0.25 0.20 0.25


Debtors Turnover Ratio (in times)*

5.32 5.31 4.35 20.81


Inventory Turnover Ratio (in times)*

1.56 1.71 1.50 6.41


Operating-Profit Margin (%)*

13 % 24 % 25 % 24 %


Net-Profit Margin (%)*

9 % 22 % 26 % 28 %


Capital Redemption Reserve (₹ in Crore)

3,125 3,125 3,125 3,125


Debenture Redemption Reserve (₹ in Crore)

- - 117 -


Net Worth (Total Equity) (₹ in Crore)

68,745 77,649 80,234 77,649

Not annualised, except for the year ended 31 March 2022


Net working capital is negative

Formulae for computation of ratios are as follows:

a) Debt-Equity Ratio Total Debt/ Total Equity
b) Debt Service Coverage Ratio Income available for debt service/ (interest expense + repayments made during the period for long term loans),
where income available for debt service = Profit before exceptional items and tax + Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense + Interest expense
c) Interest Service Coverage Ratio Income available for debt service/ interest expense
d) Current Ratio Current Assets/ Current Liabilities (excluding current maturities of long term borrowing)
e) Long term debt to working capital Ratio Non-current borrowing (including current maturities of long term borrowing)/ Working capital (WC), where WC = Current Assets - Current Liabilities (excluding current maturities of long term borrowing)
f) Bad debts to Account receivable Ratio Bad Debts written off/ Average Trade Receivables
g) Current liability Ratio Current Liabilities (excluding current maturities of long term borrowing)/ Total Liabilities
h) Total debts to total assets Ratio Total Debt/ Total Assets
i) Debtors Turnover Ratio (Revenue from operations + Other operating income)/ Average Trade Receivables
j) Inventory Turnover Ratio (Revenue from operations + Other operating income) less EBITDA/ Average Inventory
k) Operating-Profit Margin (%) (EBITDA - Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense)/ (Revenue from operations + Other operating income)
l) Net-Profit Margin (%) Net profit after tax before exceptional items (net of tax) / (Revenue from operations + Other operating income)
m) Capital Redemption Reserve includes Preference Share Redemption Reserve created on redemption of preference shares.
11 The listed secured Non-Convertible debentures ('NCDs') of the Company aggregating ₹ 7,836 Crore as on 30 June 2022 are secured by way of first Pari Passu mortgage/charge on certain movable fixed assets and freehold land of the Company. The Company has maintained asset cover of more than 125% and 100% for NCDs with face value of ₹ 6,089 Crore and ₹ 1,750 Crore respectively.
12 Previous period/ year figures have been re-grouped/ rearranged, wherever necessary.
By Order of the Board
Place : New Delhi Sunil Duggal
Date : 28 July 2022 Whole - Time Director and Group Chief Executive Officer