10/15/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/15/2021 10:21

HOCHDORF processing milk since 1895

A long, long time ago. The success stories of companies steeped in tradition often begin with these words. It's no surprise really, because continuity is based on experience, quality and vision - as well as courage. Our story is similar.

Knowledge amassed through years of experience

Over generations, we have acquired considerable specialist knowledge in the field of preserving and drying milk. HOCHDORF laid the cornerstone for this experience as early as 1895, when it decided to produce sterilised canned milk instead of just cheese and butter. A very brave decision at the time, HOCHDORF broke new ground with canned milk.

Tradition brings responsibilities - for preserving, adapting and passing on values. We have maintained our key skill, which is specialising in the milk drying process.

However, our success story would never have been possible without major investments in the development of new products or technologies. It's a path we have continued to follow since 1895.

Even our founders adopted a forward-thinking approach. In 1906, we expanded our production for the first time with new facilities and buildings. Our last major investment was in 2018 with the construction of a state-of-the-art spray tower for infant formula. Other investments will surely follow as we continue on our journey, well equipped for the 21st century.

HOCHDORF has always attached importance to the occupational and social security of its employees and founded a welfare fund in the 1920s. (Sources: HOCHDORF archive)

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Written by Monique Inderbitzin

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