NOC - National Oil Corporation

07/25/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/25/2021 04:37

Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. ... Tender No. PRQ-920-OFF-21

Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. (MOG) is inviting Local & Foreign specialized companies that have established themselves in the ability & competence to carry out the required work explained below. This should be via presenting the following files:




 Technical File includes (Technical profile, experience, CV…. etc.) (ENGLISH AND ARABIC)

 No other language other than the mentioned above to be accepted.

The above listed documents to be used for the purpose of evaluation and Pre-Qualification in order to select suitable and eligible companies to participate in the following Tender:

Tender No. PRQ-920-OFF-21



Mellitah Oil & Gas Company (Oil & Gas Division) intends to invite interested, experienced and reputable Companies specialized in providing Rotary-Wing Air Transportation Services from Metiga / Malta airport to MOG Offshore fields (Oil and Gas Division) and vice versa.

The scope of work is to perform all required services for the provision of Rotary-Wing Transportation Services to MOG Offshore Fields and Mellitah Complex, the required work shall include but not limited to the following: -

1. Provision of (2) newly-manufactured-helicopter services for commercial transportation of passengers and non-dangerous goods to/from MOG Offshore Platforms (DP-4, DP-3, Ghaza & Solog Floating Tank, Sobratah Platform, Mellitah Complex (on the coast), Operating Drilling Rigs in Al Buri and Bahr Al Salam Fields).

2. The capacity of these (2) Helicopters is (19) Seats (maximum) per every single Helicopter.

3. These (2) Helicopters to be Stationed at Metiga Airport (Tripoli) as Main Operating Base, an in case of force majeure the secondary airport shall be applied (Malta Airport Base).

4. Emergency & Medical Services between the mentioned above locations.

5. Normal flight operations shall be planned in Company working hours, on a 5 days per week basis. Flights may be requested on a 24 Hours-Seven-Day per Week-Basis for Medical and/or Emergency cases.

6. Bidder shall adhere to all National and International Standards, Specifications, Roles, Technical Requirements and HSEQ Requirements including these dictated by the relevant Libyan Authorities and MOG.


Interested companies for the above tender must satisfy ALL the below stipulated requirements and submit all required information and documents. (Taking into consideration that failure to submit the below requested Full & COMPLETE list of Documents will render automatic disqualification):

1. Letter on your Company's Letterhead addressed to the (UNEFIED TENDER COMMETTEE CHAIRMAN of MOG) including (Contact Name, Business E-mail Address, Phone Number, Mobile Phone Number) stating expression of interest on the respective tender and the full legal name of the participating Company (or Companies-in case of Solidarity).

2. The Participating bidders must be having the necessary licenses, all legal documents and registered in Libya to be valid for not less than six (6) months from the date of the announcement (Commerce Registration, Chamber of Commerce, Business License, Tax Certificate, Permission of Work).

3. C. V. of all Professionals assigned for this service / project to be sent to MOG. They should have a good experience in this field.

4. Company Profile with full details and certificates of previous experience in Libya or Worldwide in the field of work to be implemented and any additional information that will enhance the potential of the applicant.

5. The bidder should have a minimum three years of experience related to the Scope of Work of this Tender and shall submit a list of all clients and projects details.

6. Health, Safety, Environment & Quality (HSEQ): The bidders shall provide all the following:

a) The Company's approved HSEQ Manual.

b) The company's approved HSEQ policy.

c) The Company's HSEQ Procedures list.

d) The Relevant International Certificates.

7. Submission of Company's Financial Status documents turnover for the last (3 Years) accredited and approved by external financial auditor. These financial documents must include Balance Sheet Report, Income Statement Report, Cash Flows Report. These three reports must be submitted to MOG either in LYD or USD. No other Currencies to be accepted.

8. Mellitah Oil & Gas (MOG) has the right to exclude any participant who does not satisfy in full the above stipulated requirements.

9. In case of Joint Venture Companies / agreements; bidders must clearly define the expected role of each entity in this Project, especially in the Single-Point-of-Contact, Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning Services. This must be accurately explained and detailed in the Letter of Interest addressed to MOG and mentioned in point number-1 above.

The required Legal documents from participating companies are as follows:

Local Companies: -

1. Scanned Copy of valid commerce registration and official registration certificate with Chamber of Commerce.

2. Scanned Copy of Valid Business License.

3. Scanned Copy of Valid Tax Certificate.

4. Scanned Company Establishment Contract.

5. The participating Bidder registered activity (in his legal documents) must match the Scope of Work to be implemented.

Joint Venture Companies and agreements: -

A) J.V Companies

Submission of documents indicating the establishment of a joint venture company in accordance with the legislation and regulations in Libya, whether between two parties (local and foreign) or two local parties, in addition to other legal requirements that mentioned above.

B) The Agreement (Solidarity)

6. All Solidarity parties should be registered in Libya.

7. The agreement shall be attested by the Libyan Authorities.

8. The agreement shall include the commitment of the solidarity parties together or individually to carry out all the required works and services.

9. The agreement should clarify the legal representative for the parties.

10. Cannot be submit separate offer by one of the participants, or in solidarity with another contender to participate in the tender. Breaching of this condition will mean direct disqualify from this Tender.

Important Notes:

The required documents (explained and listed above) to be submitted in Full as follows:

• Soft Copy of all above listed documents to be both emailed to the below E-mail address and shared via MS OneDrive.

The Subject of the E-mail to be sent to the below recipients from MOG and the Name of the Folder(s) to be shared via MS OneDrive should be like this:


Where XXXX must be replaced by the name(s) of the participating Company/Companies.

The Soft copy of all above mentioned documents must be submitted to the following email addresses as an E-mail attachment (if possible) and shared with them via MS OneDrive: -

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The last day for the submission of these prequalification documents for this Tender is not later than 29-Jul-2021 at 14:00

Important Notes:

1. The prequalification's request is not an invitation to tender. MOG is neither committed nor obligated to undertake the work described above or to issue any call for tender or to include any respondent to this invitation or other company on any Bidders List or to award any form of contract.

2. The Invitation to Tender (ITT) and full ITT Package will only be issued to the qualified companies that have been pre-qualified.

3. MOG will not be responsible for what's ever costs incurred for preparation and submission presented in response to this notice.

4. MOG Company shall deal only with authorized officers of the bidding companies and not through individuals or agents.

5. No documents to be accepted without the electronic copies sent by e-mail or shared MS OneDrive.

6. Any participants in this Invitation is responsible for proving all the above requested documents (without any missing document). This must be before the deadline. Otherwise this participant will not be qualified.

Mellitah Oil & Gas B. V. Libyan Branch)

Dahra Al-kobra, Yellow Tower - 5th Floor - P.O. Box 91651, Tripoli, LIBYA

Phone: + 218 21 3350 746-8