DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

09/22/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/22/2021 13:02

Ann Wagner’s Reckless Vote To Default on America’s Bills Would Tank U.S. Economy, Put Millions of Workers and Seniors At Risk

Tuesday night, Ann Wagner (MO-02) put millions of American workers, seniors, and small businesses owners in harm's way by recklessly voting "NO" on raising the U.S. debt limit, a move that would plunge the economy into a downward spiral.

According to a Moody's Analytics study, Ann Wagner's dangerous and reckless "NO" vote on raising the debt limit could have immediate and urgent consequences. Failing to raise the debt limit would cost the country 6 million jobs, send unemployment surging to 9 percent, and threaten the economic progress President Biden and House Democrats have made in pandemic recovery. The report warns that seniors on Social Security could lose as much as $20 billion and more than $15 trillion in household wealth could be wiped out if Republicans' extremist politics lead America to default on its bills.

"Ann Wagner's dangerous and reckless 'NO' vote bucks her responsibility to ensure America never defaults on its bills and puts millions of American workers and seniors in harm's way," said DCCC spokesperson Monica Robinson. "It should come as a surprise to no one that Ann Wagner has, once again, voted against America's economy rather than protect working families and seniors across Missouri."