Ohio Agribusiness Association

08/15/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 08/15/2022 06:53

Sustaining Sponsor Spotlight: The Farmers Elevator Grain & Supply Association

The Ohio AgriBusiness Association is pleased to feature our Sustaining Sponsors in the 2022 Spotlight Series. This week, the focus is on Bronze Sponsor: The Farmers Elevator Grain & Supply Association.

Location (Main Headquarters): Pleasant Bend, OH

Year started: 1912

Number of employees: 30

Number of facilities: 3

Type of services offered: Grain, fertilizer chemicals, VRT sampling, custom application dry & liquid, and grain hauling

Company history: Farmers Elevator Grain & Supply Association was first started in New Bavaria, Ohio, in 1912. In 1935, we purchased an elevator in Pleasant Bend, and in 1945 purchased the North Creek Elevator. In 1951, the New Bavaria elevator was destroyed by fire and did not rebuild but decided to make Pleasant Bend their main office. New equipment and concrete silos were built from 1963 to 1996. In 1999, we purchased from Defiance Landmark the Standley facility. In the same year, we built a railcar site with weigh scales, and in 2000, built two 150,000-bushel grain bins along with a 10,000 bushel hour grain dump.

How has your company changed over the years? Pleasant Bend has expanded since 2004, putting a new office and scales in in 2007. 1028 added 1.2 million storage and a new grain dump as well as a liquid storage and chemical loadout building. North Creek had 160,000 bushel grain capacity, and in 2005 added 180,000 bushel storage. In 2013 and 2014 we put up two more bins 220,000 bushels each. In 2021, we built a new office and scales in North Creek. In 2022, North Creek we are putting up 320,000 bushel storage and a new grain dryer.

We have been doing about 80% VRT soil sampling versus standard soil testing, which has been well supported by our farmers. We are excited our small feed business to make room for grain expansion.

How do you see your company growing in the future? We need to stay focused on the things we are currently doing today and to look at opportunities when they come if it would make sense to become part of them. Our patrons are very loyal and have stayed with us as we continue to grow. The employees of the elevator have been very good along with a good Board of Directors relationship.

How has OABA helped your business or the agribusiness industry? OABA does a great job supporting college students. They do a great job getting the training we need and programs to help better individuals.

Interested in becoming a Sustaining Sponsor in 2023?

Click here to learn more about the program or contact Lauren Prettyman at [email protected]. Sustaining sponsors will automatically be promoted as such at all 2023 OABA events and will not be approached for sponsorship opportunities throughout the year.

Note that because the OABA Educational Trust is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, sponsorships related to this trust are separate from OABA.