Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

06/10/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/10/2022 02:14

Russian servicemen provide medical assistance to civilians in need in Kharkov Region during the special military operation

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10.06.2022 (05:00)

Russian servicemen provide medical assistance to civilians in need in Kharkov Region during the special military operation

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Russian military medics, who arrived from Russia as part of humanitarian convoys to Kharkov Region's populated areas during the special military operation, have held regular receptions and provided medical assistance to civilians.

The residents also received the necessary medicines during the counselling session. Medecines have also been delivered to hospitals in Kharkov Region, which are in dire need of them.

For their part, the locals thanked the Russian soldiers for their assistance.

Every one of the 50 people who came to the reception received a package of essential medicines. Military medics promise to make visits to cities and towns in Kharkov Region, including visits of specialized specialists, regular in the near future. Locals emphasise that there is an urgent need for such surveys. And above all, people who are elderly and chronically ill.

The main challenge now is to set up a notification of the population through the local authorities. In the long term, regular medical care should be organised, and feldsher stations in villages and hamlets and clinics and hospitals in towns and cities should be re-established.


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