OJSC Oil Company Rosneft

10/16/2021 | News release | Archived content

New Rosneft Boiler Houses in Sverdlovsk Region to Halve CO2 Emissions

Rosneft has put a new gas boiler house of 20.8 MW thermal capacity into commercial operation in Krasnoufimsk, Sverdlovsk Region. This is the first of 10 gas boiler houses, which the Company will launch by the end of 2021. Moving away from coal and using highly efficient boilers running on natural gas will halve CO2 emissions and will reduce the overall rate of greenhouse gas generation in the region. Thus, emissions from boiler houses will decrease by more than 90% with the start of the new heating season.

The new boiler houses feature modern gas equipment with smooth automated control of the power and temperature of the heating medium depending on weather conditions. That increases the economic efficiency of the boiler houses, excludes excess consumption and reduces operating costs.

The new boiler house will provide 18,500 residents of Krasnoufimsk with hot water. Boiler units have a service life of at least 20 years and meet the latest standards of quality, energy efficiency and environmental requirements.

The boiler houses construction was carried out in partnership with the Government of Sverdlovsk Region and the municipal authorities of Krasnoufimsk. Earlier, Rosneft had built and commissioned eight highly efficient boiler houses in Sverdlovsk Region.

Note for Editors:

Rosneft is Russia's largest independent gas producer, providing gas supplies to consumers in Sverdlovsk Region, among others. Those include public enterprises, utilities and the region's citizens.

JSC Regiongaz-invest, a Rosneft subsidiary, works towards gasification of Sverdlovsk Region (construction of gas pipelines) and provides heating and hot water services, including those for socially significant consumers in 15 municipal entities in Sverdlovsk Region.

Information Division
October 16, 2021