GCS Holdings Inc.

05/20/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/20/2022 02:11

GCS 2022 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting has Approved to release the newly elected directors from non-competition restrictions

Today's Information

Provided by: GCS Holdings, Inc.
SEQ_NO 3 Date of announcement 2022/05/20 Time of announcement 16:09:13
 GCS 2022 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting
has Approved to release the newly elected directors from
non-competition restrictions
Date of events 2022/05/20 To which item it meets paragraph 21
1.Date of the shareholders' meeting resolution:2022/05/20
2.Name and title of the managerial officer with permission
 to engage in competitive conduct:Director/Lee, Biing-Jye
3.Items of competitive conduct in which the officer is
permitted to engage:
 Chairman of Epistar JV Holding (BVI) Co., Ltd.
 Chairman of GV Semiconductor Inc.
 Director of Unikorn Semiconductor Corporation
 Chairman of GaN Force Corporation
 Chairman of Harvestar Investment Corp.
 Chairman of Calystar Investment Corp.
 Chairman of Tyntek Corporation
 Director of KAISTAR Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.
 Director of Formolight Technologies, Inc.
4.Period of permission to engage in the competitive conduct:
 Same as the period of the term of Board of Directors
5.Circumstances of the resolution (please describe the
results of voting in accordance with Article 209 of the
Company Act):
 The percentage of shares held by present shareholders to total
 outstanding shares is 65.89%. 72,608,891 shares voted for the
 proposal, representing 99.38% of the total present shares at
 the time of voting.The proposal is approved and adopted.
6.If the permitted competitive conduct belongs to the
operator of a mainland China enterprise, the name and
title of the directors (if it is not the operator of
a mainland China enterprise, please enter "N/A" below):
 Director/Lee, Biing-Jye
7.Company name of the mainland China enterprise and the
officer's position in the enterprise:
 KAISTAR Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.
8.Address of the mainland China enterprise:
 No.101 Xiang Xing Rd., Xiang An Branch, Torch Hi-Tech Industrial
 Development Zone, Xiamen, China.
9.Operations of the mainland China enterprise:
 Production and sales of LED epitaxy chips, dies, packages, and modules.
10.Impact on the company's finance and business:None.
11.If the directors have invested in the mainland China
enterprise, the monetary amount of the investment and
their shareholding ratio:None.
12.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.