Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan

05/10/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/09/2022 22:17

President visits the Three Generations Park

The Head of the state visited the Three Generations Park, created in Yashnabad district of Tashkent city.

The great life experience of the older generation is important in improving the spiritual situation in mahallas, encouraging young people to do good deeds. For this purpose, meetings of representatives of three generations - older, middle-aged and younger generations, are held in mahallas and education institutions. The new park also serves these purposes. Before this place was abandoned. Now Alimkent street has been repaired and landscaped. Trees and flowers have been planted, greenhouses have been built, and vine galleries have been created. Benches, pedestrian and bicycle paths create favorable conditions for recreation of the population.

A meeting was held with elders and mahalla activists. They noted the honor and attention rendered in the country to war and labor veterans, and special care for the elderly.

Today, over 3 million elderly people live in Uzbekistan. They are provided with comprehensive support. Constant attention is paid to their health. About 28,000 elderly have been treated in sanatoriums, 450,000 elderly have undergone an in-depth medical examination. Councils of elders have been established in all regions, and the post of advisor for the elderly has been introduced in mahallas. The Order "Fakhriy Murabbiy" ("Honorary Mentor") was established. More than 3.5 thousand of our compatriots have been awarded the badge "Labor Veteran".

"There comes a time when mahalla becomes a real force. Our people feel that the problems are being resolved. We assigned representatives of the elderly, women and youth everywhere. Now a mahalla chairman has three pillars", Shavkat Mirziyoyev says.

Under the decree of the President, on the eve of the holiday, each participant and disabled person of the Second World War was awarded a one-time monetary reward of 15 million UZS and gifts. Hokims of districts and cities personally visited and presented gifts to 10,000 veterans who worked in the rear. At the meeting, it was noted that it is necessary to value and preserve peace and harmony in the country, and representatives of the older generation can help this cause by personal example and word.

The Head of the state also got acquainted with the activities of the Yuksalish managed service company. It serves 106 apartment buildings in seven mahallas. It has implemented a billing system. Household services are organized in the company building and the basements of multi-storey buildings.

Source: UzA