Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic

09/20/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/21/2021 08:33

Slovakia sends Material Humanitarian Aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina to deal with the Consequences of the Migration Crisis and the New Coronavirus Pandemic

20.9.2021 | Aktivity štátnych tajomníkov | Oficiálna rozvojová pomoc | Ľudské práva | Humanitárna pomoc |

Material humanitarian aid for Bosnia and Herzegovina designed to manage the effects of the migration crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic was sent today (September 20, 2021) from the Logistics Base for Crisis Situations of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. "Bosnia and Herzegovina is an important partner of Slovakia, which is currently facing, not only a political, but also a migration crisis, which has also been aggravated by the ongoing pandemic exacerbated by the new coronavirus. This is not the first time that Slovakia has helped the most vulnerable groups of the population - refugees and migrants in this country," said Ingrid Brocková, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, during the official dispatch of the material humanitarian aid.

The implementation of material humanitarian aid for Bosnia and Herzegovina is the tangible result of the prompt coordination of the Slovak Foreign Affairs, Interior and Defence Ministries, as well as of Tesco Stores SR a.s.. The dispatched assistance, allocated from the reserves of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, worth more than 35,000 euros, includes mainly sleeping bags, mats, blankets, thermoses, school supplies for children and civil protection materials. The consignment also includes 300 pieces of hygiene packages from the Centre of Ecumenical Pastoral Service in the Armed Forces and Army/Military Corps of the Slovak Republic, as well as toys and clothing for women and children donated by Tesco Stores SR a.s.

"We are helping Bosnia and Herzegovina for the second time this year. In February 2021, we provided humanitarian material amounting to more than 35,000 euros for the socially weakest groups of the population from the towns of Foča and Mostar, as well as migrants and refugees from the Blažuj migration centre. With the provision of the aforementioned humanitarian aid, Slovakia ranks among the countries that operatively respond to the urgent challenges of their partner countries and thus show them support and solidarity," emphasized State Secretary Brocková.

Humanitarian aid is provided as part of the official development cooperation of the Slovak Republic under the SlovakAid brand and will be delivered on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, to the temporary migration centre of Lipa, near the town of Bihać. Slovakia will thus contribute to the improvement of living conditions for women and children, who are temporarily being housed in this facility. The transport costs of material humanitarian aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina will be covered by the European Union up to 75%.

Príhovor I. Brockovej