Government of Prince Edward Island

06/16/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/16/2021 09:17

Atlantic Provinces Sign New Memorandum of Understanding for Aquaculture

The ministers responsible for aquaculture in the Atlantic Provinces have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the ongoing development and management of their industries, based on common principles. This extends the previous MOU signed in 2008.

Aquaculture is an important economic driver for rural, coastal and Indigenous communities, and Atlantic Canada is well positioned to increase aquaculture production, with a growing global demand for sustainably-sourced seafood.

Cooperation between the provinces and the aquaculture industry has led to improvements in pest management, environmentally-sustainable aquaculture methods, aquatic animal health, and policies to support the shared use of marine and freshwater resources. The enhanced cooperation also seeks to align regulation and policy between the provinces to make the regulatory requirements easier to understand by industry and the public. Each province also has a comprehensive and robust legislative and regulatory framework to ensure environmental sustainability, economic prosperity, investor confidence and public accountability.

'Sustainable aquaculture development has created economic opportunities that have revitalized rural communities within Newfoundland and Labrador. I am pleased to cooperate with my Atlantic counterparts on a Memorandum of Understanding that will increase harmonization between our provinces and strengthen aquaculture management.'
Honourable Derrick Bragg
Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture

'In a time when food security is especially important, it is good to see our aquaculture industry has grown steadily and is poised for continued growth in 2021, based on environmentally-responsible, science-based policies and practices. Our Atlantic partnership continues to help the industry grow sustainably.'

Honourable Keith Colwell
Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Nova Scotia

'New Brunswick is proud to continue its collaborative relationship with our Atlantic counterparts as we grow the aquaculture sectors in our provinces. This partnership solidifies the Atlantic Provinces' commitment to align regulations, policies and standards between our provinces, as well as enhancing the legislative landscape. This work will provide industry with a clear, predictable and consistent framework in which to operate. It also provides an enabling environment for growth with strong environmental, aquatic animal health and habitat protections in place.'

Honourable Margaret Johnson
Minister of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries

'Our Aquaculture industry on Prince Edward Island is very valuable to our economy, and we are excited to see the continued growth that can be achieved through this Memorandum of Understanding. We are grateful for the successful collaboration that we have had with our Atlantic counterparts over the years, and look forward to renewing our partnership for the benefit of our aquaculturists.'

Honourable Jamie Fox
Minister of Fisheries and Communities, Prince Edward Island

Learn more
Aquaculture on Prince Edward Island:

  • The Aquaculture industry is an important economic driver on PEI, providing approximately 2000 jobs and over $90M to the Island economy
  • The main species cultured on PEI are mussels and oysters, which lead to more than 1,200 shellfish leases spanning over 19,000 acres
  • Additionally, our aquaculture industry is comprised of a landbased finfish sector where salmon, rainbow trout, and halibut are cultured

Media contacts

Ron Ryder
Prince Edward Island
[email protected]

Kathy Dicks-Peyton
Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture
709-729-3733, 699-1982
[email protected]
Bruce Nunn
Nova Scotia
[email protected]

Nick Brown
New Brunswick
[email protected]