Town of Tiburon, CA

07/05/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/05/2022 15:31

General Plan: Housing Element Update

The Town of Tiburon is completing its required General Plan update. The Housing Element is one of the required elements of the General Plan and provides a road map to address and plan for housing in our community. All jurisdictions in the Bay Area must update their Housing Element for the 2023-2031 planning period.

Over the past year, the community and stakeholders have participated in an extensive outreach and engagement effort for completion of the Housing Element Update. The Town of Tiburon is excited to announce the release of the draft Housing Element for review and comment.

The release of the draft housing element begins a 30-day public comment period in preparation for transmittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for their required review. HCD will review the document for at least 90 days and will submit comments to the Town for any necessary amendments. The adoption of the Housing Element is expected to be completed as part of the General Plan Update in January 2023.

The draft Housing element is available for review here. A paper copy is also available for review at Tiburon Town Hall (1505 Tiburon Boulevard) and at the Belvedere-Tiburon Library. We invite you to review the draft Housing Element and provide feedback before the end of the public review period on Friday, August 5, 2022.

Questions and comments should be directed to Director of Community Development Dina Tasini at [email protected].

Next Steps

On August 3, 2022, Community Development staff and the General Plan update consultants will update the Town Council on the draft Housing Element. As part of the discussion with the Town Council, the Council may consider revisions to the draft Housing Element prior to submitting the document to HCD for their initial review. The August 3 Town Council meeting is open to the public.

After HCD reviews the draft Housing Element, and provides any comments, a revised draft will be available for the community. The Housing Element will then be scheduled for public hearings with the Planning Commission and Town Council for review and adoption.