Kingcan Holdings Ltd.

06/22/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/22/2022 08:09

Announcement of the company's board of directors’ resolution to issue the second domestic unsecured conversion corporate bonds

Today's Information

SEQ_NO 4 Date of announcement 2022/06/22 Time of announcement 22:01:52
 Announcement of the company's board of directors'
resolution to issue the second domestic unsecured
conversion corporate bonds
Date of events 2022/06/22 To which item it meets paragraph 11
1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2022/06/22
2.Name [issue no.__ of (secured, unsecured) corporate bonds of
___________ (company)]: Kingcan Holdings Limited's issuance of the second
domestic unsecured conversion of corporate bonds
3.Whether to adopt shelf registration (Yes/No):NO
4.Total amount issued:up to NT$400,000,000.
5.Face value per bond:One hundred thousand New Taiwan Dollars only
6.Issue price:100% of face value, the actual total issued amount will
 be dependent on the auction results.
7.Issuance period: 3 years
8.Coupon rate:0%
9.Types, names, monetary values and stipulations of collaterals:NA
10.Use of the funds raised by the offering and utilization plan:
 To strengthen working capital and repay loans.
11.Underwriting method:Use bidding auction for public sale
12.Trustees of the corporate bonds:
 Bank Sinopac Company Limited Trust Department
13.Underwriter or agent: SinoPac Securities Limited
14.Guarantor(s) for the issuance:NA
15.Agent for payment of the principal and interest:
 Shares Agency Department of SinoPac Securities Limited
16.Certifying institution:NA
17.Where convertible into shares, the rules for conversion:
 The conversion method will be handled in accordance with the relevant laws
 and regulations, and will be reported to the authorities for approval
 before announcement
18.Sell-back conditions:The conversion method will be handled in  accordance
 with relevant laws and regulations, and will be reported to the authorities
 for approval before announcement.
19.Buyback conditions:The conversion method will be handled in  accordance
 with relevant laws and regulations, and will be reported to the authorities
 for approval before announcement.
20.Reference date for any additional share exchange, stock swap, or
subscription:The conversion method will be handled in accordance with the
 relevant laws and regulations, and will be reported to the authorities for
 approval before announcement.
21.Possible dilution of equity in case of any additional share exchange,
stock swap, or subscription: The conversion method will be handled in
 accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and will be reported to
 the authorities for approval before announcement.
22.Any other matters that need to be specified:
(1) After the competent authority declares the effective issuance of the
 convertible corporate bonds, the chairman is authorized to make any
 amendment to the issuance schedule,, and will apply to the Republic of
 China Securities OTC Trading Center for over-the-counter trading.
(2) The chairman is authorized to sign all documents relevant to the
 issuance of the domestic unsecured conversion corporate bonds and handle
 related issues.
(3) In order to cooperate with the issuance of the domestic unsecured
 convertible corporate bond financing plan previously disclosed, it is
 proposed to authorize the chairman of the company to approve and represent
 the company to sign all contract documents related to the issuance of
 domestic unsecured convertible corporate bonds, and to handle the relevant
 issuance on behalf of the company.