City of Oceanside, CA

06/24/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/24/2022 10:51

Write on Oceanside! Writing Contest and Workshops

Write on Oceanside! Writing Contest and Workshops

Write On, Oceanside! is an annual literary festival to celebrate and inspire local authors hosted by Oceanside Public Library and Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation. This year's celebration will be once again live and in person on Saturday, August 13. Join us in gearing up for Write On, Oceanside! by participating in a writing contest. In 500 words of prose or poetry share your story of "Getting Through to the Other Side…in Oceanside!" Get creative, or personal, whimsical or solemn and share with the community how you get through.

Write On, Oceanside! is offering two writing workshops in preparation for the writing contest Getting Through to the Other Side…in Oceanside. Dates for the workshops will be Saturday, July 9 and July 16, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. in the Foundation Room of the Civic Center Library at 330 N. Coast Highway. The first workshop will help participants compile their ideas and organize details for the poetry, fiction, or nonfiction they'd like to write as contest entries. The second workshop will involve sharing drafts of writing with the group and receiving helpful suggestions about what works well and what might need improvement.

Leslie Clark, a published author, retired college creative writing instructor, and leader of a Library writers' group, will be conducting the two workshops. She is the author of two collections of poetry and many individual poems, short stories and short nonfiction pieces that have been published in numerous literary journals and anthologies for more than thirty years. Please join us! The workshops are designed to be productive and enjoyable. To register, please call (760) 435-5600.

Submissions for the writing contest will be accepted through August 1, 2022. Please email your submissions to [email protected] with the subject line "Getting Through" submission. Winners will be announced, and prizes will be awarded during Write On, Oceanside!


  • Open to Adults [18+] & Teens [13-17]
  • 500 words maximum of prose or poetry
  • One entry per person
  • Submit by the deadline of August 1, 2022
  • Please include your name, email, and age as part of your submission

Please visit for more information on Library programs and events.