Gerry Weber International AG

08/20/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/20/2021 03:56

Annual General Meeting of GERRY WEBER In­ter­na­tion­al AG: Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus of­fi­cially takes up office as CEO

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Annual General Meeting of GERRY WEBER In­ter­na­tion­al AG: Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus of­fi­cially takes up office as CEO

August 20, 2021

  • Managing Board now composed of Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus and Florian Frank; Alexander Gedat back to Supervisory Board as planned
  • Four new Supervisory Board members elected
  • AGM attended by 97,7 percent of the shareholders
  • All resolution proposals adopted by more than almost 100 percent

Halle/Westphalia, 20 August 2021 - As yesterdayʼs Annual General Meeting of GERRY WEBER International AG was concluded, Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus (58) took up office as CEO. At its meeting on 25 March 2021, the Supervisory Board of GERRY WEBER International AG had already appointed the former Chief Operating Officer (COO) as Chairwoman of the Managing Board with effect from the end of the companyʼs 2021 Annual General Meeting. Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus succeeds Alexander Gedat (57), who took over this role on an interim basis in February 2020. Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus has been a member of the Managing Board of GERRY WEBER International AG since August 2020 and now forms a dual leadership together with Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Florian Frank (48). In her role as COO, she was already responsible for Design, Production, Procurement and Marketing/Communications; she has now additionally taken over responsibility for Sales from Alexander Gedat. In his capacity as CFO, Florian Frank is responsible for Finance & Controlling, Human Resources, IT, Corporate Sourcing, Distribution Centre & Outbound Logistics and Capital Markets & Investor Relations.

The Supervisory Board has appointed Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus, who is the first woman to serve as CEO at GERRY WEBER International AG and has been working in the fashion industry for almost 40 years, for a period of three years. 'Having been appointed as a member of the Managing Board of GERRY WEBER International AG in August 2020, I am now very much looking forward to taking over as Chairwoman of the Board. Alexander Gedat was a great predecessor and has steered GERRY WEBER safely through the COVID-19 pandemic. With the renewed restructuring exercise in June 2020, Alexander Gedat and Florian Frank were able to lay a solid foundation on which to build our new strategy for our three brands, GERRY WEBER, TAIFUN and SAMOON. All throughout this process, we have benefited from Alexander Gedatʼs wealth of experience and his very humane manner. With an adjusted cost structure, optimised processes and a strategy covering the period until 2023, Florian Frank and I now have a starting situation from which we can further develop #wearegerry together with our teams.'

After 18 months in office as interim CEO, Alexander Gedat was re-elected to the Supervisory Board by the Annual General Meeting and aims to be elected Chairman at the upcoming constituent Supervisory Board meeting. Dr. Tobias Moser (38) had temporarily taken over the chairmanship of the Supervisory Board. He did not stand for re-election and stepped down from the Supervisory Board with effect from yesterdayʼs Annual General Meeting. 'I would like to congratulate Alexander Gedat on his election to the Supervisory Board. Thanks to the renewed restructuring exercise implemented together with Florian Frank, he was able to secure GERRY WEBERʼs continued existence right at the beginning of the pandemic within a very short space of time. As a trio with Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus, they then managed to develop a forward-looking strategy that is already bearing fruit,' said Dr. Tobias Moser. 'For this, I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone. Since I would like to devote more time to the expansion of my new law firm DMR Legal, I am stepping down from the Supervisory Board, which I joined in December 2019. I will nevertheless remain a close friend of GERRY WEBER.'

Alexander Gedat sums up his time as CEO saying that the 18 months of his tenure as CEO, which were marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, were an exciting and challenging time in which GERRY WEBER was able to secure its continued existence. 'Together with our executives and our employees, we have laid a foundation on which a successful future can be built. I would like to expressly thank Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus and Florian Frank as well as the entire Supervisory Board for the fruitful cooperation, the trust and the joint work.' He also thanked the employees, who, according to Alexander Gedat, represent the GERRY WEBER Group and are demonstrating their commitment to the success of the company every day. 'I very much believe in a successful future for the GERRY WEBER Group,' Alexander Gedat said.

As the Managing Board initiated status proceedings according to section 97 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) on 16 March 2021, all offices of the previous members of the Supervisory Board expired at the end of the Annual General Meeting on 19 August 2021. At the Annual General Meeting, Alexander Gedat and Sanjay Sharma (Director / Chief Operating Officer at Intergenic Limited, London) were elected as members. Also elected were Christina Käßhöfer (marketing expert) and Norbert Steinke (retail expert), whose appointment will become effective only upon registration of the amendment to the Statutes regarding the composition of the Supervisory Board of six members. The election of the staff representatives will be initiated in due course. For the period until the conclusion of the election procedure for the staff representatives, the Managing Board will apply for the court appointment of Klaus Lippert (Team Leader Domestic Sales) and, after the aforementioned amendment to the Statutes has become effective, of Antje Finke (Quality Testing Fabrics) as staff representatives, who have already represented the employees on the Supervisory up to now.

Besides Dr. Tobias Moser (Lawyer), Dagmar Heuer (management consultant), Milan Lazovic (Senior Analyst, Whitebox Advisors London LLP) and Benjamin Noisser (Portfolio Manager, Robus Capital Management Ltd.) as well as Manfred Menningen (IG Metall trade union), Barbara Jentgens (IG Metall trade union), Gökay Bostanci (Director Shared Services & PMO) and Kirstin Meese (full-time member of the Works Council) also left the Supervisory Board.

About 97,7 percent of the companyʼs share capital was represented at the first virtual Annual General Meeting. The agenda items for resolution were all approved by almost 100 percent of the shareholders.

Detailed information on the results of the Annual General Meeting is available on the companyʼs website:

About the GERRY WEBER Group
Headquartered in Halle/Westphalia, GERRY WEBER International AG is one of the largest fashion and lifestyle companies in Europe. The company sells trend-oriented modern classic mainstream fashion in 59 countries. In addition to the GERRY WEBER brand, the GERRY WEBER Group also owns the younger TAIFUN brand and the plus-size brand SAMOON. For more information, visit

Press contact
Kristina Schütze
Head of Corporate Communications / Press Officer
Phone: +49 5201 185 320
Mobile: +49 172 577 5436
Mail: [email protected]

Investor relations contact
Dr. Andrea Rolvering
Investor Relations
Mobile: +49 157 57103411
Mail: [email protected]

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