ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party

04/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/23/2024 07:43

Bonino, Watson lead United States of Europe list

On 20 April, ALDE Party members Più Europa, libdem europei and Radicali Italiani in Italy presented their joint list "Stati Uniti d'Europa" (United States of Europe) for the European elections.

At an event in Rome with other parties on the list, partners unveiled the list's official logo and selection of lead candidates for each of the five Italian constituencies.

Oggi abbiamo depositato il simbolo al Viminale!

Stati Uniti d'Europa è il nostro simbolo ma è anche il nostro programma politico: la destra di Meloni e Salvini vuole un'Europa di piccole patrie in conflitto fra loro. Noi vogliamo riformare l'Europa affinché riesca a dare le…

- Più Europa (@Piu_Europa) April 21, 2024

Più Europa leader Emma Bonino will lead the list in the North West constituency, while former ALDE Party President and ALDE group leader Graham Watson will be the lead candidate in the North East.

Other lead candidates include Giandomenico Caiazza (Central Italy), Enzo Maraio (Southern Italy) and Rita Bernardini (Islands).

Gli Stati Uniti d'Europa sembravano una geniale fuga in avanti di Einaudi, Spinelli, Pannella e di pochi altri. Oggi sono una necessità.

Lo ha detto un grande statista europeo di oggi, Mario Draghi: in Europa serve un cambiamento radicale.

E, proprio con questa consapevolezza,…

- Emma Bonino (@emmabonino) April 20, 2024

"Today, the United States of Europe are a necessity for all Europeans. To guarantee Italian and European citizens a fresh perspective on freedom and democracy, we need a European Union that has a united voice on foreign and defence policy and can compete on research and industry," said Bonino.

Watson added: "Our most recent progress comes from European construction. I campaign to defend this progress, to defend the democracy that has enabled it and to extend the freedoms of our fellow citizens.

Sir Graham Watson, già capogruppo dell'ALDE al Parlamento Europeo e esponente dei Liberal Democrats inglesi, oggi candidato per Libdem in Italia!
"I nostri più recenti progressi vengono dalla costruzione europea. Io faccio campagna per difendere questi progressi, per difendere la…

- libdem europei (@libdemeuropei) April 20, 2024

"We also campaign for a common defence policy, for a real European policy against health threats and a common legal immigration policy to combat human trafficking. All these things are possible in the next European legislature. We are the political force capable of doing all this."

The European elections in Italy are scheduled to take place on 8-9 June, as citizens will head to the polls to elect 76 MEPs.

Photo: Più Europa