Government of Chile

09/24/2021 | Press release | Archived content

President Piñera holds bilateral talks with Colombian President Iván Duque: “We’ve decided to join forces and tighten our collaboration”

SEPT. 24, 2021

President Piñera holds bilateral talks with Colombian President Iván Duque: "We've decided to join forces and tighten our collaboration"

During the meeting, the leaders discussed efforts to strengthen the Pacific Alliance and the Forum for the Progress and Development of South America (PROSUR), the protection of the health of both countries' populations and collaboration in the fight against COVID-19. They also signed an extradition agreement between both countries.

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Chilean President Sebastián Piñera met with Colombian President Iván Duque on Friday as part of an official visit to the South American country. The leaders strengthened ties between the two nations and signed an extradition agreement.

"We've decided to join forces and tighten our collaboration in areas such as Antarctica, fighting forest fires and achieving greater collaboration in education, culture and science," President Piñera remarked after the meeting, held at the Casa de Huéspedes Ilustres in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

The leaders emphasized their shared vision for confronting the climate crisis.

"We have a shared vision and want to make an important contribution to the major issues and challenges related to the climate crisis. It is no longer a question of climate change; it is definitely a crisis. The last Panel of Experts Report says three things: that the damage is much more serious; that it has happened much quicker than experts had anticipated; and that part of the damage is irreversible," President Piñera stated. He was accompanied by First Lady Cecilia Morel, Foreign Relations Minister Andrés Allamand and Health Minister Enrique Paris, as well as a delegation of senators and representatives.

The Presidents highlighted that the agreement was signed based on the need to replace the previous Bilateral Extradition Agreement of 1914, in order to make cooperation between the two countries more effective, thus ensuring effective prosecution and control of transnational crime.

"We are closely following and are very impressed by the way that the Peace with Legality Process is developing. Colombia is a country that has fought many wars throughout its history and it is making an enormous effort to build a solid and true peace. President Duque is promoting a major peace with legality project," President Piñera emphasized.

Chile and Colombia have an effective strategic relationship at the bilateral and regional levels. Both countries led the creation of PROSUR and have held active presidencies of the Pacific Alliance. They also engage in active diplomacy aimed at promoting democracy in the region.

During the meeting, the two leaders also discussed the challenges related to the fight against climate change, particularly in view of the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), which will be held in Glasgow. They paid special attention to the issue of biodiversity conservation.