Government of Chile

11/07/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/08/2022 07:16

COP27 begins in Egypt and our country is there for the second time with the Chile Pavilion

NOV. 7, 2022

COP27 begins in Egypt and our country is there for the second time with the Chile Pavilion

This national space will allow us to share our country's experience in the fight against climate change in what is considered the largest environmental conference in the world.

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Chile has begun its participation in the twenty-seventh Conference of the Parties United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), COP27 (November 6 to 18), in the city of Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. It is one of the most important environmental conferences of the year, and the largest United Nations conference. Around 25,000 delegates will attend the event, representing governments, the private sector, multilateral banks, civil society and youth organizations.

Alongside the Chilean authorities who will be present, our country will also be represented through the Chile Pavilion. It is the second time that we will have our own space at a COP event, and will be located in the Blue Zone.

The Chile Pavilion will be a space to share our country's experience in the fight against climate change in an international context. It will also follow the cross-cutting agenda of topics and thematic days scheduled by the COP27 presidency, such as decarbonization, finance, energy, science, youth and action for climate empowerment.

The conference is expected to generate proposals from the public sector, as well as foundations, associations, companies, universities and civil society organizations. It thus aims to bring authorities, climate policy makers, scientists, students, activists, businesspeople, representatives of non-governmental institutions and others together in a space of interaction and engagement.

Furthermore, the Chile Pavilion will form a link between the Chilean delegation and the other parties and observers to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

This space is also designed for the signing of potential agreements and initiative launches regarding climate action.

Ecological Government

Chile has stood out for its commitment to sustainability and global decarbonization, aligning its actions in order to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

In this sense, Chile is promoting a "turquoise agenda", which has arisen as our country's response to the so-called "triple crisis": the climate crisis, loss of biodiversity and global pollution. Faced with these three dimensions, we have proposed an integrated vision that seeks a coherent response, based on actions that strengthen the connections and synergies between different areas.

Even though we contribute only 0.25% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we were the first developing country to declare our commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050. This has positioned us a global benchmark for the development of a sustainable and low-carbon future.

Chile is a country strongly affected by climate change. For this reason, the government has the motivation and interest to contribute in an important way to any negotiations that take place on the subject, in order to achieve the full and ambitious implementation of the Paris Agreement.

That is why Chile has a Climate Change Framework Law, which establishes the goal for the country to transition towards a low-emission model of development and be climate resilient no later than 2050. This date could even be brought forward if circumstances allow, as it will be reviewed every five years.

We stand out as a country rich in renewable energies, with the potential to produce up to 70 times more energy than we consume. Our country has excellent conditions for energy production, from the Atacama Desert in the north, with an outstanding global solar energy production capacity, to the Magellanic winds in the south.

Given that the fight against climate change has been defined as a priority in the program of the current government, the following topics will be highlighted in the Chile Pavilion:

  • Turquoise foreign policy
  • Feminist foreign policy
  • Fair socio-ecological transition
  • Green hydrogen
  • Climate finance
  • Climate Change Framework Law
  • Long-term Climate Strategy
  • Territorial reduction in actions to mitigate and adapt
  • Strengthening NDC to integrate a reduction of methane emissions
  • Presentation of the Adaptation Communication
  • Ocean and climate change
  • Sustainability, security and food sovereignty
  • Nature-Based Solutions
  • Gender and climate change
  • Escazú Agreement and link with climate action
  • Presidential, ministerial, company, university and foundation announcements

Chile Pavilion Agenda

The events to be held in the Chile Pavilion at COP27 will address multiple issues relevant to climate change, and will have an intersectoral nature. They will focus on green hydrogen, adaptation, financing, oceans, energy transition, forests, gender, environmental education and marine protected areas.

The pavilion will offer 50 events over the two weeks of COP27, which will feature key stakeholders from civil society, the private sector, indigenous peoples and youth groups, as well as representatives from ministries and public services. The following authorities will be taking part: Environment Minister Maisa Rojas; Energy Minister Diego Pardow; Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Minister Silvia Díaz; and Transport and Telecommunications Minister Juan Carlos Muñoz.

You can find details of the Chile Pavilion program at the following link.