Federated Hermes Adviser Series

01/26/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/26/2022 13:37

Summary Prospectus by Investment Company (Form 497K)

Summary Prospectus
January 31, 2022
Disclosure contained herein relates to all classes of the Fund, as listed below, unless otherwise noted.
Share Class | Ticker
Institutional | FHSIX
Federated Hermes Global Small Cap FundA Portfolio of Federated Hermes Adviser Series
Before you invest, you may want to review the Fund's Prospectus, which contains more information about the Fund and its risks. You can find the Fund's Prospectus and other information about the Fund, including the Statement of Additional Information and most recent reports to shareholders, online at FederatedInvestors.com/FundInformation. You can also get this information at no cost by calling 1-800-341-7400, by sending an email request via Contact Us on FederatedInvestors.com, or from a financial intermediary through which Shares of the Fund may be bought or sold. The Fund's Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information, both dated January 31, 2022, are incorporated by reference into this Summary Prospectus.
A mutual fund seeking to provide long-term capital appreciation.
As with all mutual funds, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has not approved or disapproved these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this Prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
Not FDIC Insured ▪ May Lose Value ▪ No Bank Guarantee
Fund Summary Information 
Federated Hermes Global Small Cap Fund (the "Fund")
The Fund's investment objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation. The objective may be changed by the Fund's Board of Trustees (the "Trustees") without shareholder approval.
This table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell Institutional Shares (IS) and Class R6 Shares (R6) of the Fund. You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.
Shareholder Fees (fees paid directly from your investment)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on Purchases (as a percentage of offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load) (as a percentage of original purchase price or
redemption proceeds, as applicable)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on Reinvested Dividends (and other Distributions)
(as a percentage of offering price)
Redemption Fee (as a percentage of amount redeemed, if applicable)
Exchange Fee
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)
Management Fee
Distribution (12b-1) Fee
Other Expenses
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses
Fee Waivers and/or Expense Reimbursements2
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waivers and/or
Expense Reimbursements
The Fund may incur and pay certain service fees (shareholder services/account administration fees) on its IS class of up to a maximum of 0.25%. No such fees are currently incurred and paid by the IS class of the Fund. The IS class of the Fund will not incur and pay such fees until such time as approved by the Trustees.
The Adviser and certain of its affiliates on their own initiative have agreed to waive certain amounts of their respective fees and/or reimburse expenses. Total annual fund operating expenses (excluding acquired fund fees and expenses, tax reclaim recovery expenses, interest expense, extraordinary expenses and proxy-related expenses paid by the Fund, if any) paid by the Fund's IS class and R6 class (after the voluntary waivers and/or reimbursements) will not exceed 0.94% and 0.93% (the "Fee Limit"), respectively, up to but not including the later of (the "Termination Date"): (a) February 1, 2023; or (b) the date of the Fund's next effective Prospectus. While the Adviser and its affiliates currently do not anticipate terminating or increasing these arrangements prior to the Termination Date, these arrangements may only be terminated or the Fee Limit increased prior to the Termination Date with the agreement of the Trustees.
This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.
The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your Shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that operating expenses (excluding any sales loads on reinvested dividends, fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements) are as shown in the table above and remain the same. The expenses used to calculate the Fund's examples do not include fee waivers or expense reimbursements. Although your actual costs and returns may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
Share Class
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
Portfolio Turnover
The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when Fund Shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in Annual Fund Operating Expenses or in the Example, affect the Fund's performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the Fund's portfolio turnover rate was 16% of the average value of its portfolio.
What are the Fund's Main Investment Strategies?
The Fund pursues its investment objective by investing primarily in equity or equity-related securities (such as depositary receipts) of, or relating to, small-cap companies domiciled in, or that derive a large proportion of their income from, global developed markets. The Fund will also invest in component securities of the MSCI World Small Cap Index or in securities of companies listed in the countries referenced in this Index. The Fund will generally allocate a substantial amount of its total assets (approximately 40% or more-unless market conditions are not deemed favorable by the Adviser, in
which case the Fund would invest at least 30%) to non-U.S. investments. As of November 30, 2021, the capitalization of companies included in the MSCI World Small Cap Index ranged from approximately $87.5 million to $28.8 billion.
The Fund's investment adviser or sub-adviser (as applicable, the "Adviser") will seek to identify companies that, in its view, provide the potential for long-term capital appreciation through a fundamental analysis of relevant companies, seeking to identify companies that are undervalued. This is done in order to ascertain whether the companies may provide the potential for long-term capital appreciation notwithstanding that equities of such companies may, at the time of purchase be undervalued. The Adviser will not, save in relation to the capitalization of companies that may be invested in, be subject to any limitation on the types of companies in which it may invest (either in terms of industry or focus).
As part of the strategy's assessment of quality and its approach to risk management, risks associated with a company's approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are actively assessed. The Adviser considers data on Federated Hermes' proprietary ESG Dashboard, which contains a wide range of ESG factors and ranks companies on their behaviors versus peers. In making its investment decisions, the Adviser will seek to consider ESG issues with regards to the holding of either individual securities or various categories or classes of securities. These ESG considerations are intended to provide guidance on achieving best practice standards of corporate governance and equity stewardship in order to make informed investment decisions.
The Fund may invest in other investment companies, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and futures contracts to implement elements of its investment strategy, including for cash flow management, cost effectiveness, and gaining exposure to certain markets and securities in a quicker and/or more efficient manner. There can be no assurance that the Fund's use of futures contracts will work as intended. Futures contract investments made by the Fund are included within the Fund's 80% policy (as described below) and are calculated at market value.
The Fund will invest its assets so that, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) are invested in small capitalization equity companies. The Fund will notify shareholders at least 60 days in advance of any change in its investment policy that would permit the Fund to invest, under normal circumstances, less than 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in investments in small capitalization equity companies.
What are the Main Risks of Investing in the Fund?
All mutual funds take investment risks. Therefore, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund. The primary factors that may reduce the Fund's returns include:
■ Stock Market Risk. The value of equity securities in the Fund's portfolio will fluctuate and, as a result, the Fund's Share price may decline suddenly or over a sustained period of time. Information publicly available about a company, whether from the company's financial statements or other disclosures or from third parties, or information available to some but not all market participants, can affect the price of a company's shares in the market. Among other factors, equity securities may decline in value because of an increase in interest rates or changes in the stock market. Recent and potential future changes in industry and/or economic trends, as well as changes in monetary policy made by central banks and/or their governments, also can affect the level of interest rates and contribute to the development of or increase in volatility, illiquidity, shareholder redemptions and other adverse effects (such as a decline in a company's stock price), which could negatively impact the Fund's performance.
■ Small-Cap Company Risk. The Fund may invest in small capitalization (or "small-cap") companies. Small-cap companies may have less liquid stock, a more volatile share price, unproven track records, a limited product or service base, and limited access to capital. The above factors could make small-cap companies more likely to fail than larger companies, and increase the volatility of the Fund's portfolio, performance and Share price.
■ Mid-Cap Company Risk. The Fund may invest in mid-capitalization (or "mid-cap") companies. Mid-cap companies often have narrower markets, limited managerial and financial resources, more volatile performance and greater risk of failure, compared to larger, more established companies. These factors could increase the volatility of the Fund's portfolio, performance and Share price.
■ Environmental, Social and Governance Risk. The Adviser considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues as part of its security selection process. ESG factors are not the only factors considered by the Adviser and there is no guarantee the companies in which the Fund invests will be considered ESG companies or have high ESG ratings. Such considerations may fail to produce the intended result.
■ Real Estate Investment Trust Risk. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) carry risks associated with owning real estate, including the potential for a decline in value due to economic or market conditions.
■ Risk of Foreign Investing. The foreign markets in which the Fund invests may be subject to economic or political conditions which are less favorable than those of the United States and may lack financial reporting standards or regulatory requirements comparable to those applicable to U.S. companies.
■ Risk of Investing in Depositary Receipts and Domestically Traded Securities of Foreign Issuers. Because the Fund may invest in American Depositary Receipts and other domestically traded securities of foreign companies, whether in the United States or in foreign local markets, the Fund's Share price may be more affected by foreign economic and political conditions, taxation policies and accounting and auditing standards than would otherwise be the case.
■ Currency Risk. Exchange rates for currencies fluctuate daily. Accordingly, the Fund may experience increased volatility with respect to the value of its Shares and its returns as a result of its exposure to foreign currencies through direct holdings of such currencies or holdings of non-U.S. dollar denominated securities.
■ European Union and Eurozone Related Risk. A number of countries in the European Union (EU), including certain countries within the EU that have adopted the euro (Eurozone), have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. Additional countries within the EU may also fall subject to such difficulties. These events could negatively affect the value and liquidity of the Fund's investments in euro-denominated securities and derivatives contracts, securities of issuers located in the EU or with significant exposure to EU issuers or countries.
■ Investment Style Risk. The Fund may employ a style that impacts its risk characteristics, such as growth and value investing. Due to the Fund's style of investing, the Fund's Share price may lag that of other funds using a different investment style if prevailing market conditions favor other investment styles.
■ Liquidity Risk. Trading opportunities are more limited for equity securities that are not widely held. This may make it more difficult to sell or buy a security at a favorable price or time. Liquidity risk also refers to the possibility that the Fund may not be able to sell a security or close out a derivative contract when it wants to.
■ Custodial Services and Related Investment Costs. Custodial services and other costs relating to investment in international securities markets generally are more expensive due to differing settlement and clearance procedures than those of the United States. The inability of the Fund to make intended securities purchases due to settlement problems could cause the Fund to miss attractive investment opportunities.
■ Risk of Investing in Derivative Contracts. Derivative contracts involve risks different from, or possibly greater than, risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments. Specific risk issues related to the use of such contracts include valuation and tax issues, increased potential for losses and/or costs to the Fund, and a potential reduction in gains to the Fund. Each of these issues is described in greater detail in this Prospectus. Derivative contracts may also involve other risks described in this Prospectus such as stock market, credit, currency and liquidity risks.
■ Counterparty Credit Risk. Credit risk includes the possibility that a party to a transaction involving the Fund will fail to meet its obligations. This could cause the Fund to lose the benefit of the transaction or prevent the Fund from selling or buying other securities to implement its investment strategy.
■ Risk Related to the Economy. The value of the Fund's portfolio may decline in tandem with a drop in the overall value of the markets in which the Fund invests and/or other markets. Economic, political and financial conditions, industry or economic trends and developments or public health risks, such as epidemics or pandemics, may, from time to time, and for varying periods of time, cause the Fund to experience volatility, illiquidity, shareholder redemptions, or other potentially adverse effects.
■ Technology Risk. The Adviser uses various technologies in managing the Fund, consistent with its investment objective(s) and strategy described in this Prospectus. For example, proprietary and third-party data and systems are utilized to support decision making for the Fund. Data imprecision, software or other technology malfunctions, programming inaccuracies and similar circumstances may impair the performance of these systems, which may negatively affect Fund performance.
The Shares offered by this Prospectus are not deposits or obligations of any bank, are not endorsed or guaranteed by any bank and are not insured or guaranteed by the U.S. government, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board or any other government agency.
Performance: Bar Chart and Table 
Risk/Return Bar Chart
The bar chart and performance table below reflect historical performance data for the Fund and are intended to help you analyze the Fund's investment risks in light of its historical returns. The bar chart shows the variability of the Fund's IS class total returns on a calendar year-by-year basis. The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns for each class averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance information. The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of future results. Updated performance information for
the Fund is available under the "Products" section at FederatedInvestors.com or by calling 1-800-341-7400.
Within the periods shown in the bar chart, the Fund's IS class highest quarterly return was 23.31% (quarter ended December 31, 2020). Its lowest quarterly return was (28.30)% (quarter ended March 31, 2020).
Average Annual Total Return Table
The Fund's R6 class commenced operations on June 11, 2021. For the periods prior to the commencement of operations of the Fund's R6 class, the performance information shown below is for the Fund's IS class. The performance of the IS class has not been adjusted to reflect the expenses applicable to the R6 class since the R6 class has a lower expense ratio than the expense ratio of the IS class. The total returns for the R6 class would be substantially similar to the annual returns for the IS class over the same period because the classes are invested in the same portfolio of securities and would differ only to the extent the classes do not have the same expenses.
In addition to Return Before Taxes, Return After Taxes is shown for the Fund's IS class to illustrate the effect of federal taxes on Fund returns. After-tax returns are shown only for the IS class and after-tax returns for the R6 class will differ from those shown for the IS class. Actual after-tax returns depend on each investor's personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from those shown.After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions. The stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains tax rates.These after-tax returns do not reflect the effect of any applicable state and localtaxes. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors holding Shares through a 401(k) plan, an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or other tax-advantaged investment plans.
(For the Period Ended December 31, 2021)
Share Class
1 Year
Since Inception
Inception Date:
Share Class
1 Year
Since Inception
Return Before Taxes
Return After Taxes on Distributions
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares
Inception Date:
Return Before Taxes
MSCI World Small Cap Index1
(reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
Morningstar World Small/Mid Stock Funds Average2
(reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes)
The MSCI World Small Cap Index captures small-cap representation across 23 developed markets countries. The index covers approximately 14% of the free-float adjusted market capitalization.
Morningstar figures represent the average of the total returns reported by all the funds designated by Morningstar as falling into the respective category indicated. They do not reflect sales charges..
Fund Management
The Fund's Investment Adviser is Federated Global Investment Management Corp. and the Fund's Sub-Adviser, an affiliate of the Investment Adviser, is Hermes Investment Management Limited.
Hamish Galpin, Portfolio Manager, has been the Fund's portfolio manager since inception in March 2019.
purchase and sale of fund shares
You may purchase, redeem or exchange Shares of the Fund on any day the New York Stock Exchange is open. Shares may be purchased through a financial intermediary firm that has entered into a Fund selling and/or servicing agreement with the Distributor or an affiliate ("Financial Intermediary") or directly from the Fund, by wire or by check. Please note that certain purchase restrictions may apply. Redeem or exchange Shares through a financial intermediary or directly from the Fund by telephone at 1-800-341-7400 or by mail.
IS Class
The minimum initial investment amount for the Fund's IS class is generally $1,000,000 and there is no minimum subsequent investment amount. Certain types of accounts are eligible for lower minimum investments. The minimum investment amount for Systematic Investment Programs is $50.
R6 Class
There are no minimum initial or subsequent investment amounts required. The minimum investment amount for Systematic Investment Programs is $50.
Tax Information
IS Class
The Fund's distributions are taxable as ordinary income or capital gains except when your investment is through a 401(k) plan, an Individual Retirement Account or other tax-advantaged investment plan.
R6 Class
The Fund's distributions are taxable as ordinary income or capital gains except when your investment is through a tax-advantaged investment plan.
Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries
IS Class
If you purchase the Fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Fund and/or its related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of Fund Shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the Fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary's website for more information.
R6 Class
Class R6 Shares do not make any payments to financial intermediaries, either from Fund assets or from the investment adviser and its affiliates.
Federated Hermes Global Small Cap Fund
Federated Hermes Funds
4000 Ericsson Drive
Warrendale, PA 15086-7561
Contact us at FederatedInvestors.com
or call 1-800-341-7400.
Federated Securities Corp., Distributor
Investment Company Act File No. 811-23259
CUSIP 31423A861
CUSIP 31423A853
Q454656 (1/22)
© 2022 Federated Hermes, Inc.