AIP - Associação Industrial Portuguesa

08/09/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/09/2022 04:24

Casal Vouga mima devotos do grão-de-bico

Founded in 2018, Egocultum, a new member of AIP based in Santarém, produces Casal Vouga chickpeas, a traditional variety with unique characteristics and shorter cooking time that has already won two national awards.

Managed by José Azóia and leading a wide network of agricultural partners, the Ribatejo company also offers training and technical support necessary for the cultivation of this legume, adapted to the Portuguese climate.

The company prepares the product for the market, from sizing and cleaning, to packaging, thus controlling quality as well as production processes.

The Azóia family has been cultivating several Portuguese varieties of chickpeas since 1982. After decades of cultivation, they selected the most generous and resistant seeds to create a unique variety, called Casal Vouga.

In 2019, Egocultum won the National Intermarché Producteur award with Casal Vouga, which, a year later, was registered in the national variety register.


Municipality: Santarém

Sector: Agriculture

CAE: Agricultural services activity, namely, production of cereals, pulses and vegetables and their wholesale and retail trade.

Manager: José Azoia

Products/services: Casal Vouga chickpeas caliber 10+ for cooking and restaurants; 8-9 gauge, for the food industry; 7 gauge for growing or processing food. Seeds treated for production: large bags, 600kg; medium bags (50kg); small bags (30kg).