President of Ukraine

09/28/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2022 17:35

Russia's recognition of sham referenda and another attempt to annex the territory of Ukraine will mean that there is nothing to talk about with this President of the Russian[...]

Russia's recognition of sham referenda and another attempt to annex the territory of Ukraine will mean that there is nothing to talk about with this President of the Russian Federation - President at the meeting of the UN Security Council

28 September 2022 - 01:06


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy took part in the meeting of the UN Security Council, convened at the initiative of Ukraine, in a videoconference format and called on the international community to respond decisively to Russia's violation of international law and order.

During the speech, the Head of State drew the attention of the meeting participants to the fact that Russia already violates the rules of the world, despises the UN Charter, and it is only a matter of time before it destroys this last international institution that can still act.

"I urge you to act now. Anyone in the world can now name hundreds of examples of how Russia violates the international legal order and destroys the body of international law. It constantly provokes escalation and constantly responds to any proposals for talks with new brutality on the battlefield, even greater crises and threats to Ukraine and the world. And these are obvious things," said the President.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that among the violations committed by Russia are ignoring the IAEA's call for the immediate de-occupation of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, nuclear blackmail, the announcement of mobilization, which first of all affects the indigenous peoples, the holding of a so-called referendum in the occupied territory of Ukraine, as well as the attempt of annexation of seized Ukrainian territories.

According to the President, there is only one way to stop all this. First of all, a complete isolation of Russia in response to what it is doing is needed.

"A state that is implementing a policy of genocide right now, keeping the world one step away from a radiation disaster, and at the same time threatening nuclear strikes cannot remain a permanent member of the UN Security Council with veto power. Russia must be excluded from all international organizations. If such exclusion is complicated by the procedure, its participation must be suspended," Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted.

In addition, he believes new tough global sanctions against the Russian Federation are needed. It is also important to continue supporting Ukraine in the war with Russia.

"It is in Ukraine and in this war that not only our independence is being defended, not only the right to life for our people, but also international law as such. Ukraine must receive all the necessary defense and financial aid so that the aggressor loses," the Head of State emphasized.

The President stressed that Ukraine must receive clear and legally binding guarantees of collective security - it is the independence of our country that is of such fundamental importance for many elements of global security, so the world needs a corresponding security architecture.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized: "Russia's recognition of these sham referenda as allegedly normal, implementation of the so-called "Crimean scenario" and another attempt to annex the territory of Ukraine will mean that there is nothing to talk about with this President of Russia. Annexation is the kind of move that pits him alone against the whole of humanity. Such a clear signal is now needed from every country in the world."

He urged the members of the UN Security Council not to delay the proposed actions, as a clear signal is now needed from every country in the world.