Banco Santander SA

11/29/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/30/2021 02:29

3Q21 Report

Indice EN

September 2021
Pillar 3 Disclosure Grupo Santander
1 Main capital figures and capital adequacy ratios Go to Table1
KM1 Key metrics template (KM1) Go to Table2
NIIF-9FL IFRS 9-FL Template: Comparison of institutions' own funds and capital and leverage ratios with and without the application of transitional arrangements for IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs Go to Table3
4 Transitional own funds disclosure template Go to Table4
OV1 Overview of RWAs (OV1) Go to Table5
CR8 RWA flow statement of credit risk exposures under IRB Go to Table6
CCR7 APR flow statement of counterparty risk exposures under the IMM method Go to Table7
MR2_B RWA flow statements of market risk exposures under IMA Go to Table8
LIQ1 Quantitative information of LCR Go to Table9
LIQB Qualitative information on LCR, which complements template EU LIQ1 Go to Table10
A. TLAC information is published independently in Santander's website, section 'TLAC information', available between 'Pillar III disclosures Report' and the link 'Filings with other regulatory bodies'
B. In case of any discrepancies, Spanish version will prevail.


Main capital figures and capital adequacy ratios
CRR Fully loaded CRR Phased-in
Million euros Sep'21 Jun'21 Mar'21 Dec'20 Sep'21 Jun'21 Mar'21 Dec'20
Common Equity (CET1) 70,787 70,864 69,627 69,399 70,787 70,864 69,627 69,399
Tier 1 80,585 79,661 78,417 78,126 80,897 79,973 78,731 78,501
Total capital 93,240 92,270 91,466 90,933 93,537 92,539 91,550 91,015
Risk weighted assets 577,209 584,999 567,797 562,580 577,209 584,999 567,797 562,580
CET1 Ratio 12.26% 12.11% 12.26% 12.34% 12.26% 12.11% 12.26% 12.34%
Tier 1 Ratio 13.96% 13.62% 13.81% 13.89% 14.02% 13.67% 13.87% 13.95%
Total capital ratio 16.15% 15.77% 16.11% 16.16% 16.20% 15.82% 16.12% 16.18%
Leverage Ratio 5.20% 5.16% 5.06% 5.31% 5.22% 5.18% 5.08% 5.33%
2020 and 2021 figures are calculated applying the transitional arrangements of IFRS 9 unless specified otherwise.
As indicated by the consolidating supervisor, a pay-out of 50%, the maximum within the target range (40%-50%) was applied for the calculation of the capital ratios in March 2021. Previously, a 40% pay-out was considered


Key metrics template (KM1)
Million euros Sep. 2021 Jun. 2021 Mar. 2021 Dec. 2020 Sep. 2020
Available own funds (amounts)
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET 1) capital 70,787 70,864 69,627 69,399 66,528
Tier 1 capital 80,897 79,973 78,731 78,501 75,492
Total capital 93,537 92,539 91,550 91,015 86,479
Risk-weighted exposure amounts
Total risk-weighted exposure amount 577,209 584,999 567,797 562,580 555,122
Capital ratios (as a percentage of risk-weighted exposure amount)
Common Equity Tier 1 ratio (%) 12.26% 12.11% 12.26% 12.34% 11.98%
Tier 1 ratio (%) 14.02% 13.67% 13.87% 13.95% 13.60%
Total capital ratio (%) 16.20% 15.82% 16.12% 16.18% 15.58%
Additional own funds requirements to address risks other than the risk of excessive leverage (as a percentage of risk-weighted exposure amount)
Additional own funds requirements to address risks other than the risk of excessive leverage (%) 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 1.50%
of which: to be made up of CET1 capital (percentage points) 0.84% 0.84% 0.84% 0.84% 0.84%
of which: to be made up of Tier 1 capital (percentage points) 1.13% 1.13% 1.13% 1.13% 1.13%
Total SREP own funds requirements (%) 9.50% 9.50% 9.50% 9.50% 9.50%
Combined buffer requirement (as a percentage of risk-weighted exposure amount)
Capital conservation buffer (%) 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Conservation buffer due to macro-prudential or systemic risk identified at the level of a Member State (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Institution specific countercyclical capital buffer (%) 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01%
Systemic risk buffer (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Global Systemically Important Institution buffer (%) 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
Other Systemically Important Institution buffer 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
Combined buffer requirement (%) 3.51% 3.51% 3.51% 3.51% 3.51%
Overall capital requirements (%) 13.01% 13.01% 13.01% 13.01% 13.01%
CET1 available after meeting the total SREP own funds requirements (%) 36,715 35,975 37,609
Leverage ratio
Total exposure measure* 1,549,988 1,543,833 1,549,821 1,471,480 1,459,771
Leverage ratio (%)* 5.05% 5.01% 4.91% 5.13% 5.00%
Additional own funds requirements to address risks of excessive leverage (as a percentage of leverage ratio total exposure amount)
Additional own funds requirements to address the risk of excessive leverage (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
of which: to be made up of CET1 capital (percentage points) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Total SREP leverage ratio requirements (%)**** 3.06% 3.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Leverage ratio buffer and overall leverage ratio requirement (as a percentage of total exposure measure)
Leverage ratio buffer requirement (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Overall leverage ratio requirements (%)**** 3.06% 3.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Liquidity Coverage Ratio
Total high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) (Weighted value - average) 272,334 269,735 264,802 250,857 239,572
Cash outflows - Total weighted value 218,089 211,076 206,796 204,842 202,016
Cash inflows - Total weighted value 52,161 50,190 49,371 49,980 50,949
Total net cash outflows (adjusted value) 165,928 160,886 157,426 154,862 151,068
Liquidity coverage ratio (%)** 164% 168% 168% 162% 158%
Net Stable Funding Ratio
Total available stable funding*** 1,085,522 1,083,953 1,061,729 1,029,104 1,009,861
Total required stable funding*** 868,570 874,940 874,195 854,193 847,093
NSFR ratio (%)*** 125% 124% 121% 120% 119%
CRR Phased in-Phased in IFRS9
* Leverage ratio version is fully CRR, fully IFRS9 ** Liquidity coverage ratio is the average of 12 months including June'21 *** NSFR on periods T-1 to T-4 calculated according to BIS principles
**** Modified according to FAQs on ECB supervisory measures in reaction to the coronavirus of 23 July 2021 regarding to the recalibration of the 3% leverage ratio requirement


Comparison of institutions' own funds and capital and leverage ratios with and without the application of transitional arrangements for IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs (IFRS 9-FL)
Million euros September 2021 June 2021 March 2021
Available capital (amounts)
1 Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital 70,787 70,864 69,627
2 Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital as if IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs transitional arrangements had not been applied 68,467 68,510 67,255
3 Tier 1 capital 80,897 79,973 78,731
4 Tier 1 capital as if IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs transitional arrangements had not been applied 78,577 77,618 76,358
5 Total capital 93,537 92,539 91,550
6 Total capital as if IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs transitional arrangements had not been applied 91,721 90,529 89,177
Risk-weighted assets (amounts)
7 Total risk-weighted assets 577,209 584,999 567,797
8 Total risk-weighted assets as if IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs transitional arrangements had not been applied 577,790 585,379 567,342
Capital ratios
9 Common Equity Tier 1 (as a percentage of risk exposure amount) 12.26% 12.11% 12.26%
10 Common Equity Tier 1 (as a percentage of risk exposure amount) as if IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs transitional arrangements had not been applied 11.85% 11.70% 11.85%
11 Tier 1 (as a percentage of risk exposure amount) 14.02% 13.67% 13.87%
12 Tier 1 (as a percentage of risk exposure amount) as if IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs transitional arrangements had not been applied 13.60% 13.26% 13.46%
13 Total capital (as a percentage of risk exposure amount) 16.20% 15.82% 16.12%
14 Total capital (as a percentage of risk exposure amount) as if IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs transitional arrangements had not been applied 15.87% 15.47% 15.79%
Leverage ratio
15 Leverage ratio total exposure measure 1,551,130 1,545,183 1,548,789
16 Leverage ratio 5.22% 5.18% 5.08%
17 Leverage ratio as if IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs transitional arrangements had not been applied* 5.07% 5.03% 4.93%
CRR phased-in Grupo Santander applies the transitional provisions of IFRS 9 defined in art.473 a of Regulation 2013/575 (introduced in art.1 of Regulation 2395/2017 and amended in 2020 in response to COVID-19 pandemic), mitigating the impact of the adoption of IFRS9 when applying a static and dynamic phased-in on his capital ratios. In this way, Grupo Santander adds to its CET 1 the amounts calculated in accordance with sections 1 and following (included section 4, 473bis article) Grupo Santander has not applied article 468 of the CRR on the temporary treatment of unrealised gains and losses measured at fair value through other comprehensive income in view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
* Correction of the ratio as of Jun'21 to phased-in CRR, fully IFRS9


Transitional own funds disclosure template
Million euros CRR Phased-in amount CRR Fully Loaded amount
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1): capital before regulatory adjustments 88,871 88,871
Total regulatory adjustments to Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) -18,084 -18,084
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital 70,787 70,787
Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital before regulatory adjustments 10,140 9,827
Total regulatory adjustments to Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital -30 -30
Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital 10,110 9,797
Tier 1 capital (T1 = CET1 + AT1) 80,897 80,585
Tier 2 (T2) capital before regulatory adjustments 13,360 13,375
Total regulatory adjustments to Tier 2 (T2) capital -720 -720
Tier 2 (T2) capital 12,639 12,655
Total capital (TC = T1 + T2) 93,537 93,240
Total risk weighted assets 577,209 577,209
Capital Ratios and buffers
Common Equity Tier 1 (as a percentage of total risk exposure amount) 12.26% 12.26%
Tier 1 (as a percentage of total risk exposure amount) 14.02% 13.96%
Total capital (as a percentage of total risk exposure amount) 16.20% 16.15%
Phased-in IFRS9


Overview of RWAs (OV1)
RWA Minimum Capital Requirements
Million euros Sep'21 Jun'21 Sep'21
Credit risk (excluding CCR) 479,618 485,259 38,369
Of which, standardised approach (SA) 267,589 269,625 21,407
Of which, the foundation IRB (FIRB) approach 7,799 8,298 624
Of which: slotting approach* 14,621 14,263 1,170
Of which: equities under the simple riskweighted approach 2,282 1,905 183
Of which, the advanced IRB (AIRB) approach 170,622 174,191 13,650
Counterparty credit risk - CCR 14,798 14,927 1,184
Of which the standardised approach** 12,867 12,853 1,029
Of which internal model method (IMM) - 0 - 0 - 0
Of which exposures to a CCP 270 256 22
Of which credit valuation adjustment - CVA 1,662 1,818 133
Of which other CCR - 0 - 0 - 0
Empty set in the EU
Empty set in the EU
Empty set in the EU
Empty set in the EU
Empty set in the EU
Settlement risk 1 1 0
Securitisation exposures in the banking book (after the cap) 9,182 8,537 735
Of which, SEC-IRBA approach 4,180 3,794 334
Of which, SEC-ERBA approach 1,283 1,407 103
Of which, SEC-SA approach*** 2,344 2,257 188
Of which 1250%/ deduction 1,374 1,079 110
Position, foreign exchange and commodities risks (Market risk) 19,088 20,893 1,527
Of which, standardised approach 6,388 6,667 511
Of which, IMA 12,700 14,226 1,016
Large exposures - 0 - 0 - 0
Operational risk 55,896 56,461 4,472
Of which basic indicator approach - 0 - 0 - 0
Of which, standardised approach 55,896 56,461 4,472
Of which advanced measurement approach - 0 - 0 - 0
Amounts below the thresholds for deduction (subject to 250% risk weight) 24,295 24,802 1,944
Empty set in the EU
Empty set in the EU
Empty set in the EU
Empty set in the EU
Total**** 577,209 584,999 46,177
It includes equities under the PD/LGD approach
Fully CRR, phased-in IFRS9
* Correction from the mapping to {C 08.01, r0020, c0260, s0010} + {C 08.01, r0030, c0260, s0010}
**Correction from the mapping to {C 34.02, r0030, c0200, s0002} - RWEA pertaining to exposures to CCPs that are not QCCPs
***Correction from the mapping to the one apperaing in tables SEC3+SEC4
**** Correction from the mapping, 1250% deductions are not included in the total


RWA flow statements of credit risk exposures under the IRB approach (CR8)
30th Sep. 2021
Million euros RWA
RWA as June 2021 205,828 Comment Regarding RWA variations from IRB Credit Risk (-3.615 MM RWA) mainly in Europe, North America and Brazil
Asset size -3,147
Asset quality
Model updates
Methodology and policy
Acquisitions and disposals -479
Foreign exchange movements 12
RWA as Sep. 2021 202,213
It includes capital requirements of equity.
CRR Fully phased-in IFRS9


RWEA flow statements of CCR exposures under the IMM (CCR7)
30 thSep. 2020
Million euros RWEA
RWEA as at the end of the previous reporting period 0
Asset size 0 Comment Banco Santander does not have advanced approach to calculate counterparty EAD.
Credit quality of counterparties 0
Model updates (IMM only) 0
Methodology and policy (IMM only) 0
Acquisitions and disposals 0
Foreign exchange movements 0
Other 0
RWEA as at the end of the current reporting period 0


RWA flow statements of market risk exposures under the IMA (MR2-B)
30th Sep. 2021
Million euros VaR SVaR IRC Comprehensive risk measure Other* Total RWAs Total capital requirements
RWA Jun. 2021 2,361 5,973 4,513 1,379 14,226 1,138 Comment The changes in the capital are mainly in the IRC and in Spain, due to the general reduction of the portfolio, because of the acquisition of hedges positions. Total exposure was also reduced in 960M during September compared to August. In addition, the Others raw, which contains the RNIV, increase due to methodological changes in Spain's models, exceeding the materiality thresholds. On the other side, VaR increase mainly in Mexico, because of the movements in the bonds and Swaps position and MXN/USD exchange rate position. No significant changes in SVAR.
Regulatory adjustment 877 3,780 2,613 0 7,270 582
RWAs at the previous quarter-end (end of the day) 1,485 2,193 1,900 1,379 6,956 556
Movement in risk levels 405 -301 -1,897 266 -1,526 -122
Model updates/changes
Methodology and policy
Acquisitions and disposals
Foreign exchange movements
RWAs at the end of the reporting period (end of the day) 771 1,667 377 1,645 4,460 357
Regulatory adjustment 1,996 4,005 2,239 0 8,240 659
RWA Sep. 2021 2,767 5,672 2,616 1,645 12,700 1,016
* Other includes Risks not in Model not included in Var or Svar


Quantitative information of LCR (LIQ1)
Million euros
Scope of consolidation (consolidated) Total unweighted value (average) Total weighted value (average)
Currency and units (Million euros)
Quarter ending on (DD Month YYY) 30 September 2021 31 June 2021 31 March 2020 30 December 2020 30 September 2021 31 June 2021 31 March 2020 30 December 2020
Number of data points used in the calculation of averages 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Total high-quality liquid assets (HQLA), after application of haircuts in line with Article 9 of regulation (EU) 2015/61 272,334 269,735 264,802 250,857
Retail deposits and deposits from small business customers, of which: 547,332 538,698 529,254 522,981 39,231 38,307 37,590 37,082
Stable deposits 328,635 322,790 315,291 305,053 16,432 16,139 15,765 15,253
Less stable deposits 195,880 190,507 187,760 187,942 22,733 22,099 21,755 21,754
Unsecured wholesale funding 237,321 229,467 224,989 219,570 112,891 107,332 103,919 102,346
Operational deposits (all counterparties) and deposits in networks of cooperative banks 47,055 52,681 56,238 56,626 10,903 12,359 13,242 13,323
Non-operational deposits (all counterparties) 182,736 169,590 162,060 155,391 94,457 87,778 83,986 81,470
Unsecured debt 7,531 7,196 6,691 7,553 7,531 7,196 6,691 7,553
Secured wholesale funding 4,970 4,839 4,784 4,588
Additional requirements 200,935 198,989 198,666 196,226 41,998 42,473 43,477 43,597
Outflows related to derivative exposures and other collateral requirements 20,647 21,370 22,212 22,725 20,315 21,259 22,157 22,650
Outflows related to loss of funding on debt products 1,769 1,690 1,975 1,776 1,769 1,690 1,975 1,776
Credit and liquidity facilities 178,518 175,930 174,480 171,725 19,914 19,525 19,345 19,171
Other contractual funding obligations 11,711 11,164 10,314 10,534 11,192 10,651 9,825 10,062
Other contingent funding obligations 122,381 117,851 114,190 110,841 7,806 7,473 7,203 7,168
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOWS 218,089 211,076 206,796 204,842
Secured lending (e.g. reverse repos) 42,582 40,990 44,203 43,796 1,985 1,755 1,607 1,578
Inflows from fully performing exposures 53,654 51,985 51,907 52,911 37,381 36,032 35,522 35,502
Other cash inflows 15,230 14,550 14,114 14,902 12,795 12,403 12,242 12,900
(Difference between total weighted inflows and total weighted outflows arising from transactions in third countries where there are transfer restrictions or which are denominated in non-convertible currencies) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Excess inflows from a related specialised credit institution) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL CASH INFLOWS 111,466 107,525 110,224 111,609 52,161 50,190 49,371 49,980
Fully exempt inflows 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Inflows subject to 90% cap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Inflows subject to 75% cap 108,359 104,366 107,003 108,593 52,161 50,190 49,371 49,980
LIQUIDITY BUFFER 272,334 269,735 264,802 250,857
TOTAL NET CASH OUTFLOWS 165,928 160,886 157,426 154,862
LIQUIDITY COVERAGE RATIO 164% 168% 168% 162%


Qualitative information on LCR, complementing LIQ1 (LIQB)
in accordance with Article 451a(2) CRR
30th sep. 2021
Qualitative information - Free format
Explanations on the main drivers of LCR results and the evolution of the contribution of inputs to the LCR's calculation over time The Group LCR in September 2021 was 165,62%, comfortably exceeding the internal and regulatory requirements. Key to this levels was the size of the HQLA buffers upheld by all subsidiaries. Group´s strong stable retail deposits base and low dependence on short-term funding make the movements in the commercial gap and the issuances maturities as key drivers of the LCR.
Explanations on the changes in the LCR over time The evolution of the Group's LCR showed an upward trend in first half of 2020 and remained quite stable since then with a moderate reduction driven by optimization initiatives carried out mainly in the Parent Company. This improvement has been generalized in almost all geographies. Compared with 2020 year-end, levels for both ratios have not substantially changed so far this year 2021.
Explanations on the actual concentration of funding sources Achieving a diversified funding base is a key element of Santander's liquidity risk management. The principle of prudence states that the Board expects subsidiaries to provide effective diversification in the sources, products and funding tenors while limiting the recourse to short-term wholesale funds. The Group has a set of additional metrics in order to identify and monitor those counterparties that are of such significance that withdrawal of the funding they are providing to the entity could trigger liquidity problems. At the end of 2020 and the remainder of 2021, the Group levels of concentration risk were within management limits, ensuring diversity of wholesale funding at subsidiary level.
High-level description of the composition of the institution`s liquidity buffer. The Group buffer is mainly composed by Level 1 assets: cash and sovereign debt, well diversified between different issuers. Additionally to the regulatory buffer, the Group has an internal buffer with a set of unencumbered liquid resources that are available for immediate use as collateral to obtain additional funding.
Derivative exposures and potential collateral calls Other contingent exposures are limited as (i) the derivatives position is covered by collateral, and (ii) credit and liquidity lines are monitored daily with a limited impact.
Currency mismatch in the LCR Regarding the composition by currency, the units present a consistent position between buffer composition and net outflows. Occasionally some units in Latino America present higher positions on USD buffers in order to optimize the position while ensuring strong currency convertibility.
Other items in the LCR calculation that are not captured in the LCR disclosure template but that the institution considers relevant for its liquidity profile There are no other relevant items in the LCR calculation not captured in the LCR disclosure template