CSN - Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional

07/26/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/26/2022 04:02



Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional ("CSN") and CSN Mineração S.A. ("CMIN") inform their shareholders and the market in general that have jointly concluded, on July 25, 2022, the Private Instrument of Assignment of Rights and Obligations ("Instrument for Assignment "), through which CSN ceded and transferred to CMIN, controlled by CSN, its' rights and obligations arising from the Share Purchase and Sale Agreement that was settled on July 1 st, 2022 between CSN and CSN Energia S.A. ("CSN Energia"), with Astra Infraestrutura I Fundo de Investimento em Participação Multiestratégia, managed by Reag Administradora de Recursos Ltda., a limited liability company registered in CNPJ/ME under no. 23.863.529/0001-34 ("FIP Astra") and BMPI Infra S.A., a corporation registered in CNPJ/ME under no. 24.416.909/0001-93 ("BMPI") ("Purchase and Sale Agreement"), through which CSN Energia and CSN, now succeeded by CMIN, committed to acquire 100% (one hundred percent) of the shares issued by Companhia Energética Chapecó - CEC, which is the concession holder for the operation of the Quebra-Queixo Hydroelectric Power Plant ("Chapecó"), owned by FIP Astra and BMPI ("Operation"), considering the possibility of assignment and transfer of CSN's rights and obligations to any of its affiliates under the Purchase and Sale Agreement. As a result of the assignment and transfer subject to the Assignment Instrument, and in accordance with the terms provided for in the Purchase and Sale Agreement, CMIN assumes CSN's contractual position in the Purchase and Sale Agreement, including all rights, duties and obligations arising from said Purchase and Sale Agreement.

The above-mentioned assignment and transfer had the corporate approvals required for this purpose.

CMIN's acquisition of the Quebra-Queixo Hydroelectric Power Plant, with an installed capacity of 120MW, aims to support and strengthen its business expansion strategy, through investments in self-production and renewable energy, for greater competitiveness.

The closing of the Operation, already considering CMIN as a buyer, remains subject, among other suspensive conditions, to approval by the governmental and regulatory authorities.

CMIN will keep its shareholders and the market in general duly informed about the developments of the Operation, in accordance with applicable law.

São Paulo, July 25, 2022.

Marcelo Cunha Ribeiro

Executive Officer of Finance and Investor Relations Officer

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional

Pedro Barros Mercadante Oliva

Investor Relations Officer

CSN Mineração S.A.