Synthetica AD

01/17/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/17/2022 11:06

Invitation and materials for a GSM

Invitation and materials for a GSM

17.01.2022 15:50:01 (local time)

Company: Synthetica AD-Sofia (0SYA)
Texim Bank AD, in the capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Synthetica AD (0SYA), ISIN BG2100003123, has convened a General Meeting of Bondholders on 02 February 2022 at 10:30 am in the city of Sofia at 43 Christopher Columbus Blvd. under the following agenda:
- Amendments to the bond loan terms and conditions:
1) Extending the bond loan term by five (5) years until 05 April 2027
2) Fixed interest rate to 3.75% p.a. valid for the extended term of the bond as of 05 April 2022
3) Introducing amortisation of the principal by BGN 250,000 on every coupon payment and a final amortisation instalment of BGN 500,000 on the date of maturity according to a schedule enclosed in the GMB materials
4) Extending the term of the insurance policy serving as collateral for the bond in compliance with the decisions adopted by the GMB
- In the absence of a quorum, the GMB will be held on 16 February 2022 at 10:30 am, at the same place and under the same agenda.
The voting right at the General Meeting of Bondholders will be entitled to all holders of bonds, ISIN BG2100003123, registered with the central securities register five (5) days before the GMB date (Record Date).
The GMB invitation is available on the website of the Exchange.
The entire piece of news is published on the financial website X3News.