Ma'aden - Saudi Arabian Mining Company SJSC

11/01/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/01/2021 10:28

تعلن شركة التعدين العربية السعودية (معادن) عن تنظيمها لقاءً هاتفياً؛ لمناقشة نتائج الربع الثالث للعام المالي 2021م مع المحللين الماليين والمستثمرين

Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden) Conducted its third Quarter 2021 financial result earnings conference call with the financial analysts and investors

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Announcement Detail Aligned with the Company's Disclosure and Transparency policy, Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden) hosted an earnings call with financial analysts and representatives of investment entities to discuss to discuss its third quarter 2021 financial result today, Monday 01 November 2021.

The call was attended by local and international investors and financial analysts.

Where Ma'aden Executive Management discussed the Company results and its operation performance during the third quarter 2021.

(Q3 Earnings Call presentation attached to this announcement)

The Earnings Call presentation will be available on Ma'aden's website.

Attached Documents [Link]

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