Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland

08/12/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 08/10/2022 18:05

2022 Maine Sacred Music Conference in Portland

On Friday, August 12, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, located on 307 Congress Street in Portland, will host the third annual Maine Sacred Music Conference. Join Catholic musicians, religious, and lay people dedicated to the revival of the centuries-old commitment to beauty and reverence in Catholic liturgy as they explore the liturgical forms and practices that have long formed the foundation of Catholic worship. The conference will begin at 9:15 a.m. and feature a variety of sessions and topics: "Towards Realizing the Heavenly Vision: The Unfinished Task of Sanctifying," "The Sacred Shape of Music: Discerning the Transcendent in Song," a cantor masterclass led by Leon Griesbach, and a discussion on the chants between the readings led by Monsignor Marc Caron. The keynote speaker will be the Fr. Justin Ward, S.T.L., the vicar for sacred liturgy and episcopal Master of Ceremonies for the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. The conference will end with the celebration of Mass in the Cathedral at 4 p.m. The cost of the conference is $25. To register or if you have any questions, please contact Bridgette Wargovich, director of sacred music at the Cathedral, at [email protected].