Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

01/20/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/20/2022 01:33

NBCP specialists in Armenia have begun preparations for the Safe Environment competition

20.01.2022 (07:00)

NBC protection units of the military base of the Southern Military District (SMD) in Armenia have begun preparations for the Safe Environment competition of International Army Games 2022.

Competitions are held at the Alagyaz training ground in three stages: in single order, between squads and as part of a platoon.

In the zone of conditional use of chemical weapons and radiation contamination of the area, military personnel take samples of soil, vegetation and water to detect sources of radioactive radiation and types of poisonous substances.

Under the guidance of experienced instructors, military chemists work out the standards for special tactical, fire training and driving with obstacles on modern reconnaissance chemical vehicles.

Also, reconnaissance chemists equip military personnel inside military equipment with collective and individual protection equipment, evacuate them from burning military equipment and provide first aid in case of suffocation with toxic substances, burns and injuries.

More than 100 military personnel of the Southern Military District were involved in the preparations for the Safe Environment competition, about 30 units of military special equipment were involved.
