Vale SA

06/14/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/14/2021 15:08

World Day to Combat Child Labour: learn more about the progress made by society and the measures adopted by Vale to contribute to the eradication of the problem


World Day to Combat Child Labour: learn more about the progress made by society and the measures adopted by Vale to contribute to the eradication of the problem

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June 12th is the World Day to Combat Child Labour, instituted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2002, with the objective of calling on society, workers, employers and governments around the world to mobilize against work childish.

Child labour is all that performed by minors, which impairs the child or adolescent's access to school or life with family, friends and society in general, or that deprives the youth of adequate rest and sleep. Child labour is also characterized by activities that expose them to the risk of physical, mental, moral or social harm. Simple support activities for parents or guardians that help young people in their learning and development are not prohibited.

The date is an opportunity to raise awareness, inform, debate and highlight this serious violation of the rights of children and adolescents, a practice considered illegal, which has been presented as a challenge for society. For Vale, this type of violation is intolerable and, in order to help eradicate child labour, we assume a commitment and concrete measures to ensure that it does not occur among our direct employees, third parties and suppliers.


  • The company requires, through contractual clauses, that its suppliers prohibit child labour and encourages them to support initiatives and campaigns related to the prevention of this practice. Failure to comply with these clauses implies an immediate breach of contract. In addition, we promote awareness-raising actions on the eradication of child labour and promotion of the rights of children and adolescents.

  • Since the end of 2019, Vale is part of two institutions that have activities related to the theme: InPACTO - Instituto Pacto Nacional pela Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo (National Pact Institute for the Eradication of Slave Labour) works with companies to promote decent work in their national and international production chains. Childhood Brasil, a Brazilian organization that integrates the World Childhood Foundation, leads programs for the protection of children and adolescents against sexual violence. According to the ILO, the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents is one of the worst forms of child labour.

  • The company hires children under 18 years old exclusively for the Young Apprentice program, as provided for in Brazilian law, and only for administrative functions, in non-operational areas and with reduced hours and compatible with the law.

  • These and other actions are a reflection of the company's values, widely disclosed in its Global Policy, in its Human Rights Guide and in its Suppliers. Vale also encourages anyone who identifies or suspects a possible child labour situation at the company or in its supply chain to report it through its Ombudsman, on 0800 821 5000 or this link.

2021: International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour

The COVID-19 crisis brought with it a situation of greater poverty for people who were already in a vulnerable situation, which could reverse years of progress in the fight against child labour. The closing of schools has aggravated the situation and millions of children work to contribute to the family income. Given this situation, the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour was conceived.

The International Labour Organization (ILO), in collaboration with the global partnership Alliance 8.7, launched the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour in 2021, with the aim of promoting legislative and practical actions to eradicate child labour worldwide.

The International Year was unanimously approved in a UN General Assembly resolution in 2019. The main purpose of the Year is to urge governments to do whatever is necessary to achieve Target 8.7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
