Greteman Group

08/16/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 08/16/2022 10:19

Take Five With Jennifer

Take Five With Jennifer

08.16.22 ยท Jen Cole

At any given time there are countless ever-changing tasks and projects in motion when you take a peek behind the scenes at Greteman Group. No matter how many moving parts there might be, the glue that binds them together at our agency is none other than project management extraordinaire Jennifer Herring. Amid the task lists and countless check-ins with team members, Jennifer was gracious enough to sit down with me to share what makes her tick. She took the time to answer these five questions:

What initially drew you to a career in marketing and advertising?

I originally started out with an interest in design. My college courses took me through everything from websites and photography to print design. I loved having a creative outlet but when I was hired by a printing company and quickly ushered into project management, I found my true calling. While I can be creative, I prefer to keep that for my personal hobbies and focus on helping creatives stay organized in my professional life. Where better than in marketing and advertising?

Who has inspired you along your professional journey?

I'm lucky to have worked with many people that have inspired me. Many in ways that were not dictated by their role. When I first started working, I had an amazing boss who showed me that kindness and encouragement can motivate a team. My time networking within the Wichita community has inspired the entrepreneurial spirit within me. Something that I have learned can be implemented both on your own and within a company. I have also been inspired by co-workers. I've seen them take chances, lead the way, ask for help, support each other (even beyond their time working together), show empathy, and stand in their power. Those are the things that inspire me.

What is your favorite thing about your role at Greteman Group, so far?

I thrive in developing and implementing processes, something I've been able to do here at Greteman Group. Plus the team is always open to new ideas. I love collaborating with everyone and developing ways for us to grow.

What has been the most surprising thing that you've learned in your career?

In the time that I've been working, there has been a shift in culture. When I started you took whatever job you could find that was even remotely in your area of interest then fit yourself to that role. You studied the perfect answers to interview questions instead of answering them honestly and you definitely didn't tell your boss what you really thought. My surprise was that once I started answering both them and myself honestly the jobs got easier and the culture was a better fit. You may have to turn down a job offer, walk away from a current job, or take the risky option but if you don't match both your skillset and your personality to the role and company culture you will never be happy.

For those considering a career in project management, what piece of wisdom would you like to share?

Document the projects you work on, what your wins and challenges are, dates, and the metrics related to the project. This can come in handy if you choose to get your PMP certification or in interviews. People want to hear measurable results and that can be hard to show from a project management role when others are usually the ones actually implementing the project.

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