Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China

07/26/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/27/2021 00:07

Wang Yi Meets with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman

On the afternoon of July26, 2021, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yimet with U.S. DeputySecretaryof State WendySherman in Tianjin.

Noting severe difficulties and challenges in China-U.S. relations, Wang Yisaid, it requires serious consideration for the U.S. side to make correct choices as to whether the bilateral ties will head to confrontation or improvement. Your visit to China is a part of mutual contact and dialogue between China and the United States, and the two sides should enhance mutual understanding, erase misunderstanding, avoid misjudgment and better manage differences via constant dialogues.

Wang Yisaid, as the new U.S. administration has in general continued its predecessor's extreme and erroneous China policy, constantlychallenged China's bottom line, and stepped up containment and suppression on China, China is firmlyopposed to such U.S. practices. The occurrence of the above-mentioned issues comes down to the U.S. side's misperceptions about China. The United States, regarding China as the uppermost rival or even tending to consider China as an opponent, attempts to impede and disrupt China's modernization drive. Such an attempt is doomed to fail for now, and is even more so in the future.

Wang Yiunderscored, I would like to tell the U.S. side clearlyand explicitlythat China's development and revitalization, driven powerfullyfrom within, is an irresistible trend of historical evolution. Socialism with Chinese characteristics totallyfits China's national realities and requirements, has alreadymade and will continue to make an overwhelming success. With a close bond and a shared future with the Chinese people, the Communist Partyof China is always supported bythe 1.4 billion Chinese people. The great rejuvenation of Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process, which cannot be held back byanyforce or country. The modernization drive of all ethnic groups of China is also a great process along the progress of human civilization, which should not be held back byanyforce or country.

Wang Yipointed out, I would also like to tell the U.S. side clearlyand explicitlythat China sticks to the path of peaceful development and follows an open strategyof win-win cooperation. China will never tread the beaten track of big powers in seeking hegemony, and is willing to realize common development and prosperitywith all countries including the United States. China has been one of the founders and beneficiaries of the international order since World War II, and we will not start all over again, nor do we have anyintention to go our own way. China will firmlysafeguard the international system with the United Nations (UN) at its core, uphold the international order underpinned byinternational law, and defend the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

Wang Yisaid, I would like to tell the U.S. side clearlyand explicitlyas well that China's development is aimed at seeking happiness for all Chinese people. Just as President Xi Jinping indicated, people's aspiration for a better life is the goal of all our efforts. China's development is not to challenge or replace the United States. We take no interest in betting winnings or losses of the U.S. side. China's development is not based on the premise of U.S. decline. We never export our ideologyor development model because we take the basic position that each countryshould independentlyexplore a development path suited to its national conditions.

Wang Yipointed out, to properlymanage the differences between the two sides and prevent China-U.S. relations from further deteriorating or even getting out of control, China puts forth three basic demands on the United States as bottom lines that China firmlyupholds. First, the United States must not challenge, slander or even attempt to subvert the path and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Chosen byhistoryand the Chinese people, China's path and system are matters of 1.4 billion Chinese people's welfare and Chinese nation's future, as well as core interests that China must firmlyuphold.

Second, the United States must not attempt to obstruct or even interrupt China's development process. Chinese people have their rights to live better lives and China has its right to achieve modernization. Modernization is not an exclusive right of the United States, but involves the basic conscience of mankind and international justice. China urges the United States to remove all unilateral sanctions, high tariffs, long-arm jurisdiction and technologyblockade it has imposed on China as soon as possible.

Third, the United States must not infringe upon China's state sovereignty, or even damage China's territorial integrity. The issues regarding Xinjiang, Xizang and Hong Kong have never been about 'human rights' or 'democracy', but about fighting against 'Xinjiang independence', 'Xizang independence' and 'Hong Kong independence'. No countrywill allow its national sovereigntyand securityto be compromised. As for the Taiwan question, it's even more important. Although the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have not yet been reunified, the fact that the Chinese mainland and Taiwan belong to one and the same China and Taiwan is part of China has never changed and will never change. If 'Taiwan independence' forces dare to provoke, China has the right to take anynecessarymeasure to stop it. We urge the U.S. side to honor its commitment on Taiwan question and act prudently.

Wang Yisaid, China is the largest developing countryand the United States is the largest developed country, and neither side can replace or defeat the other. We have a clear view on where China-U.S. relations are headed, that is, to find a wayfor two major countries with different systems, cultures and stages of development to coexist peacefullyon this planet through dialogue. It would be even better if it could be mutuallybeneficial. This is a good thing for both China and the United States, and a great boon for the world. Otherwise, it would be a catastrophe. He hopes that the U.S. side will have an objective and correct understanding of China, abandon arrogance and prejudice, stop acting as a preacher, and return to a rational and pragmatic China policy.

Noting the U.S.-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world, Sherman said, the two sides have contacted each other manytimes since Biden was sworn in, and the United States is willing to continue to have open and candid contacts and dialogues with China. The United States also hopes that the two countries can coexist peacefully. It has no intention of restricting China's development, nor does it want to contain China, but would like to see China's development. The two sides can engage in healthycompetition, cooperate on climate change, drug control and international and regional hotspot issues, strengthen crisis management capacity, and avoid conflicts. As two major countries, the United States and China can communicate and discuss in a responsible wayeven if theyhave differences. She hopes that both sides will take joint actions to improve bilateral relations. Sherman reiterated that the United States adheres to the one-China policyand does not support 'Taiwan independence'.

The two sides also exchanged views on international and regional issues of common concern.