AT&T Inc.

07/22/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/22/2021 04:26

AT&T Inc. selected financial statements and operating data (Form 8-K)

AT&T Inc.
Financial Data
Consolidated Statements of Income
Dollars in millions except per share amounts
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Operating Revenues
Service $ 38,956 $ 37,051 5.1 % $ 77,460 $ 75,934 2.0 %
Equipment 5,089 3,899 30.5 % 10,524 7,795 35.0 %
Total Operating Revenues 44,045 40,950 7.6 % 87,984 83,729 5.1 %
Operating Expenses
Cost of revenues
Equipment 5,341 3,978 34.3 % 10,897 8,070 35.0 %
Broadcast, programming and operations 7,603 5,889 29.1 % 15,141 12,643 19.8 %
Other cost of revenues (exclusive of
depreciation and amortization shown
separately below)
8,155 8,116 0.5 % 16,148 16,458 (1.9) %
Selling, general and administrative 9,361 9,831 (4.8) % 18,743 18,591 0.8 %
Asset impairments and abandonments 4,555 2,319 96.4 % 4,555 2,442 86.5 %
Depreciation and amortization 5,761 7,285 (20.9) % 11,570 14,507 (20.2) %
Total Operating Expenses 40,776 37,418 9.0 % 77,054 72,711 6.0 %
Operating Income 3,269 3,532 (7.4) % 10,930 11,018 (0.8) %
Interest Expense 1,684 2,041 (17.5) % 3,554 4,059 (12.4) %
Equity in Net Income (Loss) of Affiliates 41 (10) - % 93 (16) - %
Other Income (Expense) - Net 999 1,017 (1.8) % 5,220 1,820 - %
Income Before Income Taxes 2,625 2,498 5.1 % 12,689 8,763 44.8 %
Income Tax Expense 751 935 (19.7) % 2,873 2,237 28.4 %
Net Income 1,874 1,563 19.9 % 9,816 6,526 50.4 %
Less: Net Income Attributable to
Noncontrolling Interest
(304) (282) (7.8) % (696) (635) (9.6) %
Net Income Attributable to AT&T $ 1,570 $ 1,281 22.6 % $ 9,120 $ 5,891 54.8 %
Less: Preferred Stock Dividends (56) (52) (7.7) % (106) (84) (26.2) %
Net Income Attributable
to Common Stock
$ 1,514 $ 1,229 23.2 % $ 9,014 $ 5,807 55.2 %
Basic Earnings Per Share Attributable
to Common Stock
$ 0.21 $ 0.17 23.5 % $ 1.25 $ 0.81 54.3 %
Weighted Average Common
Shares Outstanding (000,000)
7,168 7,145 0.3 % 7,165 7,166 - %
Diluted Earnings Per Share Attributable
to Common Stock
$ 0.21 $ 0.17 23.5 % $ 1.25 $ 0.81 54.3 %
Weighted Average Common
Shares Outstanding with Dilution (000,000)
7,200 7,170 0.4 % 7,194 7,192 - %

AT&T Inc.
Financial Data
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Jun. 30, Dec. 31,
2021 2020
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents $ 11,869 $ 9,740
Accounts receivable - net of related allowances for credit loss of $843 and $1,221 15,771 20,215
Inventories 2,810 3,695
Prepaid and other current assets 32,419 18,358
Total current assets 62,869 52,008
Noncurrent Inventories and Theatrical Film and Television Production Costs 16,271 14,752
Property, Plant and Equipment - Net 123,591 127,315
Goodwill 134,626 135,259
Licenses - Net 87,962 93,840
Trademarks and Trade Names - Net 22,276 23,297
Distribution Networks - Net 12,875 13,793
Other Intangible Assets - Net 12,736 15,386
Investments in and Advances to Equity Affiliates 1,853 1,780
Operating Lease Right-Of-Use Assets 24,390 24,714
Deposits on Wireless Licenses 23,663 -
Other Assets 21,598 23,617
Total Assets $ 544,710 $ 525,761
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current Liabilities
Debt maturing within one year $ 24,016 $ 3,470
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 49,429 50,051
Advanced billings and customer deposits 4,932 6,176
Dividends payable 3,749 3,741
Total current liabilities 82,126 63,438
Long-Term Debt 155,767 153,775
Deferred Credits and Other Noncurrent Liabilities
Deferred income taxes 61,732 60,472
Postemployment benefit obligation 14,876 18,276
Operating lease liabilities 21,637 22,202
Other noncurrent liabilities 28,726 28,358
Total deferred credits and other noncurrent liabilities 126,971 129,308
Stockholders' Equity
Preferred stock - -
Common stock 7,621 7,621
Additional paid-in capital 129,941 130,175
Retained earnings 38,947 37,457
Treasury stock (17,332) (17,910)
Accumulated other comprehensive income 3,119 4,330
Noncontrolling interest 17,550 17,567
Total stockholders' equity 179,846 179,240
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $ 544,710 $ 525,761

AT&T Inc.
Financial Data
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Six-Month Period
2021 2020
Operating Activities
Net income $ 9,816 $ 6,526
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization 11,570 14,507
Amortization of film and television costs 6,256 3,985
Undistributed earnings from investments in equity affiliates 15 64
Provision for uncollectible accounts 596 1,199
Deferred income tax expense 1,772 653
Net (gain) loss on investments, net of impairments (237) (705)
Pension and postretirement benefit expense (credit) (1,899) (1,495)
Actuarial (gain) loss on pension and postretirement benefits (2,647) -
Asset impairments and abandonments 4,555 2,442
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Receivables 1,415 2,522
Other current assets, inventories and theatrical film and television production costs (6,985) (5,592)
Accounts payable and other accrued liabilities (4,298) (3,847)
Equipment installment receivables and related sales 811 226
Deferred customer contract acquisition and fulfillment costs 410 322
Postretirement claims and contributions (207) (228)
Other - net (106) 346
Total adjustments 11,021 14,399
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 20,837 20,925
Investing Activities
Capital expenditures (7,992) (9,432)
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (23,169) (1,174)
Dispositions 635 347
Other - net (105) (19)
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities (30,631) (10,278)
Financing Activities
Net change in short-term borrowings with original maturities of three months or less 76 498
Issuance of other short-term borrowings 16,440 8,440
Repayment of other short-term borrowings (857) (5,975)
Issuance of long-term debt 9,097 21,060
Repayment of long-term debt (1,155) (17,284)
Payment of vendor financing (2,994) (1,354)
Issuance of preferred stock - 3,869
Purchase of treasury stock (185) (5,480)
Issuance of treasury stock 85 84
Dividends paid (7,571) (7,474)
Other - net (1,036) (2,295)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities 11,900 (5,911)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash 2,106 4,736
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash beginning of year 9,870 12,295
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash End of Period $ 11,976 $ 17,031


AT&T Inc.
Consolidated Supplementary Data
Supplementary Financial Data
Dollars in millions except per share amounts
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Capital expenditures
Purchase of property and equipment $ 3,926 $ 4,434 (11.5) % $ 7,898 $ 9,372 (15.7) %
Interest during construction - capital expenditures 33 32 3.1 % 94 60 56.7 %
Total Capital Expenditures $ 3,959 $ 4,466 (11.4) % $ 7,992 $ 9,432 (15.3) %
Acquisition, net of cash acquired
Business acquisitions $ 18 $ 125 (85.6) % $ 26 $ 128 (79.7) %
Spectrum acquisitions 10 949 (98.9) % 22,886 1,046 - %
Interest during construction - spectrum 257 - - % 257 - - %
Total Acquisitions $ 285 $ 1,074 (73.5) % $ 23,169 $ 1,174 - %
Cash Paid for Programming and Produced Film/TV
$ 5,261 $ 2,897 81.6 % $ 9,769 $ 7,219 35.3 %
Dividends Declared per Common Share $ 0.52 $ 0.52 - % $ 1.04 $ 1.04 - %
End of Period Common Shares Outstanding
7,140 7,125 0.2 %
Debt Ratio 50.0 % 46.6 % 340 BP
Total Employees 226,840 243,350 (6.8) %


The Communications segment provides wireless and wireline telecom and broadband services to consumers located in the U.S. and businesses globally. The Communications segment contains three reporting units: Mobility, Business Wireline, and Consumer Wireline.

Results have been recast to remove the Video business, instead reporting those results in Corporate and Other.
Segment Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Segment Operating Revenues
Mobility $ 18,936 $ 17,149 10.4 % $ 37,970 $ 34,551 9.9 %
Business Wireline 6,052 6,305 (4.0) % 12,098 12,571 (3.8) %
Consumer Wireline 3,140 3,051 2.9 % 6,238 6,162 1.2 %
Total Segment Operating Revenues 28,128 26,505 6.1 % 56,306 53,284 5.7 %
Segment Operating Contribution
Mobility 6,002 5,805 3.4 % 12,004 11,593 3.5 %
Business Wireline 1,050 1,290 (18.6) % 2,108 2,383 (11.5) %
Consumer Wireline 288 393 (26.7) % 593 913 (35.0) %
Total Segment Operating Contribution $ 7,340 $ 7,488 (2.0) % $ 14,705 $ 14,889 (1.2) %

Supplementary Operating Data
Subscribers and connections in thousands
Unaudited June 30, Percent
2021 2020 Change
Broadband Connections
IP 14,988 14,548 3.0 %
DSL 493 653 (24.5) %
Total Broadband Connections 15,481 15,201 1.8 %
Voice Connections
Network Access Lines 6,691 7,878 (15.1) %
U-verse VoIP Connections 3,559 4,058 (12.3) %
Total Retail Voice Connections 10,250 11,936 (14.1) %
Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Broadband Net Additions
IP 80 (79) - % 170 (111) - %
DSL (34) (35) 2.9 % (73) (77) 5.2 %
Total Broadband Net Additions 46 (114) - % 97 (188) - %


Mobility provides nationwide wireless service and equipment.
Mobility Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Operating Revenues
Service $ 14,346 $ 13,669 5.0 % $ 28,394 $ 27,637 2.7 %
Equipment 4,590 3,480 31.9 % 9,576 6,914 38.5 %
Total Operating Revenues 18,936 17,149 10.4 % 37,970 34,551 9.9 %
Operating Expenses
Operations and support 10,911 9,332 16.9 % 21,929 18,901 16.0 %
Depreciation and amortization 2,023 2,012 0.5 % 4,037 4,057 (0.5) %
Total Operating Expenses 12,934 11,344 14.0 % 25,966 22,958 13.1 %
Operating Income 6,002 5,805 3.4 % 12,004 11,593 3.5 %
Equity in Net Income (Loss) of Affiliates - - - % - - - %
Operating Contribution $ 6,002 $ 5,805 3.4 % $ 12,004 $ 11,593 3.5 %
Operating Income Margin 31.7 % 33.9 % (220) BP 31.6 % 33.6 % (200) BP
Supplementary Operating Data
Subscribers and connections in thousands
Unaudited June 30, Percent
2021 2020 Change
Mobility Subscribers
Postpaid 79,059 74,919 5.5 %
Postpaid phone 65,503 62,882 4.2 %
Prepaid 18,681 18,008 3.7 %
Reseller 6,406 6,718 (4.6) %
Connected Devices 87,500 71,762 21.9 %
Total Mobility Subscribers 191,646 171,407 11.8 %
Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Mobility Net Additions
Postpaid Phone Net Additions 789 (151) - % 1,384 12 - %
Total Phone Net Additions 963 (16) - % 1,765 104 - %
Postpaid 1,156 (154) - % 1,979 (127) - %
Prepaid 297 165 80.0 % 576 120 - %
Reseller (125) (58) - % (193) (248) 22.2 %
Connected Devices 4,209 2,255 86.7 % 6,726 5,773 16.5 %
Total Mobility Net Additions 5,537 2,208 - % 9,088 5,518 64.7 %
Postpaid Churn 0.87 % 1.05 % (18) BP 0.90 % 1.06 % (16) BP
Postpaid Phone-Only Churn 0.69 % 0.84 % (15) BP 0.73 % 0.85 % (12) BP


Business Wireline

Business Wireline provides advanced IP-based services, as well as traditional data services to business customers.

Results have been recast to characterize revenues as either service or equipment, consistent with the way we are managing the business unit.
Business Wireline Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Operating Revenues
Service $ 5,860 $ 6,101 (4.0) % $ 11,732 $ 12,192 (3.8) %
Equipment 192 204 (5.9) % 366 379 (3.4) %
Total Operating Revenues 6,052 6,305 (4.0) % 12,098 12,571 (3.8) %
Operating Expenses
Operations and support 3,709 3,714 (0.1) % 7,419 7,601 (2.4) %
Depreciation and amortization 1,293 1,301 (0.6) % 2,571 2,587 (0.6) %
Total Operating Expenses 5,002 5,015 (0.3) % 9,990 10,188 (1.9) %
Operating Income 1,050 1,290 (18.6) % 2,108 2,383 (11.5) %
Equity in Net Income (Loss) of Affiliates - - - % - - - %
Operating Contribution $ 1,050 $ 1,290 (18.6) % $ 2,108 $ 2,383 (11.5) %
Operating Income Margin 17.3 % 20.5 % (320) BP 17.4 % 19.0 % (160) BP


Consumer Wireline

Consumer Wireline provides broadband, including fiber, and voice communication services primarily to residential customers.

Results have been recast to refine the allocation of shared infrastructure and deferred customer acquisition costs between Consumer Wireline and Video.
Consumer Wireline Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Operating Revenues
Broadband $ 2,266 $ 2,092 8.3 % $ 4,471 $ 4,201 6.4 %
Legacy voice and data services 504 560 (10.0) % 1,023 1,141 (10.3) %
Other service and equipment 370 399 (7.3) % 744 820 (9.3) %
Total Operating Revenues 3,140 3,051 2.9 % 6,238 6,162 1.2 %
Operating Expenses
Operations and support 2,083 1,928 8.0 % 4,114 3,807 8.1 %
Depreciation and amortization 769 730 5.3 % 1,531 1,442 6.2 %
Total Operating Expenses 2,852 2,658 7.3 % 5,645 5,249 7.5 %
Operating Income 288 393 (26.7) % 593 913 (35.0) %
Equity in Net Income (Loss) of Affiliates - - - % - - - %
Operating Contribution $ 288 $ 393 (26.7) % $ 593 $ 913 (35.0) %
Operating Income Margin 9.2 % 12.9 % (370) BP 9.5 % 14.8 % (530) BP
Supplementary Operating Data
Subscribers and connections in thousands
Unaudited June 30, Percent
2021 2020 Change
Broadband Connections
Total Broadband and DSL Connections 14,174 13,944 1.6 %
Fiber Broadband Connections 5,432 4,321 25.7 %
Voice Connections
Retail Consumer Switched Access Lines 2,631 3,096 (15.0) %
U-verse Consumer VoIP Connections 2,965 3,480 (14.8) %
Total Retail Consumer Voice Connections 5,596 6,576 (14.9) %
Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Broadband Net Additions
Total Broadband and DSL Net Additions 28 (102) - % 74 (175) - %
Fiber Broadband Net Additions 246 225 9.3 % 481 434 10.8 %

Business Solutions

As a supplemental presentation to our Communications segment operating results, we are providing a view of our AT&T Business Solutions results which includes both wireless and fixed operations. This combined view presents a complete profile of the entire business customer relationship and underscores the importance of mobile solutions to serving our business customers.

Results have been recast to conform to the current period's classification of revenues.
Business Solutions Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Operating Revenues
Wireless service $ 2,025 $ 1,885 7.4 % $ 3,994 $ 3,834 4.2 %
Wireline service 5,860 6,101 (4.0) % 11,732 12,192 (3.8) %
Wireless equipment 781 585 33.5 % 1,571 1,295 21.3 %
Wireline equipment 192 204 (5.9) % 366 379 (3.4) %
Total Operating Revenues 8,858 8,775 0.9 % 17,663 17,700 (0.2) %
Operating Expenses
Operations and support 5,663 5,360 5.7 % 11,212 11,006 1.9 %
Depreciation and amortization 1,638 1,621 1.0 % 3,252 3,230 0.7 %
Total Operating Expenses 7,301 6,981 4.6 % 14,464 14,236 1.6 %
Operating Income 1,557 1,794 (13.2) % 3,199 3,464 (7.7) %
Equity in Net Income (Loss) of Affiliates - - - % - - - %
Operating Contribution $ 1,557 $ 1,794 (13.2) % $ 3,199 $ 3,464 (7.7) %
Operating Income Margin 17.6 % 20.4 % (280) BP 18.1 % 19.6 % (150) BP



The WarnerMedia segment develops, produces and distributes feature films, television, gaming and other content in various physical and digital formats globally. WarnerMedia content is distributed through basic networks, Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) or theatrical, TV content and games licensing. Segment results also include Xandr advertising and Otter Media Holdings. Additional information is provided as part of the earnings material on the company's Investor Relations website.
Segment Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Segment Operating Revenues
Subscription $ 3,961 $ 3,265 21.3 % $ 7,791 $ 6,665 16.9 %
Content and other 3,091 2,292 34.9 % 6,050 5,192 16.5 %
Advertising 1,739 1,171 48.5 % 3,476 2,636 31.9 %
Total Segment Operating Revenues 8,791 6,728 30.7 % 17,317 14,493 19.5 %
Direct Costs
Programming 4,154 2,375 74.9 % 7,928 5,457 45.3 %
Marketing 983 545 80.4 % 1,833 1,095 67.4 %
Other 854 820 4.1 % 1,667 1,595 4.5 %
General and administrative 943 916 2.9 % 1,909 2,114 (9.7) %
Depreciation and amortization 165 164 0.6 % 328 325 0.9 %
Total Operating Expenses 7,099 4,820 47.3 % 13,665 10,586 29.1 %
Operating Income 1,692 1,908 (11.3) % 3,652 3,907 (6.5) %
Equity in Net Income (Loss) of Affiliates 47 4 - % 117 19 - %
Total Segment Operating Contribution $ 1,739 $ 1,912 (9.0) % $ 3,769 $ 3,926 (4.0) %



The Latin America segment provides entertainment and wireless service outside of the U.S. Our international subsidiaries conduct business in their local currency and operating results are converted to U.S. dollars using official exchange rates. The Latin America segment contains two business units: Vrio and Mexico.
Segment Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Segment Operating Revenues
Vrio $ 749 $ 752 (0.4) % $ 1,492 $ 1,639 (9.0) %
Mexico 688 480 43.3 % 1,319 1,183 11.5 %
Total Segment Operating Revenues 1,437 1,232 16.6 % 2,811 2,822 (0.4) %
Segment Operating Contribution
Vrio (23) (28) 17.9 % (62) (67) 7.5 %
Mexico (129) (173) 25.4 % (263) (318) 17.3 %
Total Segment Operating Contribution $ (152) $ (201) 24.4 % $ (325) $ (385) 15.6 %


Vrio provides entertainment services to customers utilizing satellite technology in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Vrio Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Operating Revenues $ 749 $ 752 (0.4) % $ 1,492 $ 1,639 (9.0) %
Operating Expenses
Operations and support 660 661 (0.2) % 1,321 1,444 (8.5) %
Depreciation and amortization 114 127 (10.2) % 231 274 (15.7) %
Total Operating Expenses 774 788 (1.8) % 1,552 1,718 (9.7) %
Operating Income (Loss) (25) (36) 30.6 % (60) (79) 24.1 %
Equity in Net Income (Loss) of Affiliates 2 8 (75.0) % (2) 12 - %
Operating Contribution $ (23) $ (28) 17.9 % $ (62) $ (67) 7.5 %
Operating Income Margin (3.3) % (4.8) % 150 BP (4.0) % (4.8) % 80 BP
Supplementary Operating Data
Subscribers and connections in thousands
Unaudited June 30, Percent
2021 2020 Change
Vrio Video Subscribers 10,320 10,664 (3.2) %
Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Vrio Video Net Additions (239) (312) 23.4 % (622) (426) (46.0) %



Mexico provides wireless services and equipment to customers in Mexico.
Mexico Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Operating Revenues
Wireless service $ 447 $ 345 29.6 % $ 886 $ 812 9.1 %
Wireless equipment 241 135 78.5 % 433 371 16.7 %
Total Operating Revenues 688 480 43.3 % 1,319 1,183 11.5 %
Operating Expenses
Operations and support 667 538 24.0 % 1,287 1,252 2.8 %
Depreciation and amortization 150 115 30.4 % 295 249 18.5 %
Total Operating Expenses 817 653 25.1 % 1,582 1,501 5.4 %
Operating Income (Loss) (129) (173) 25.4 % (263) (318) 17.3 %
Equity in Net Income (Loss) of Affiliates - - - % - - - %
Operating Contribution $ (129) $ (173) 25.4 % $ (263) $ (318) 17.3 %
Operating Income Margin (18.8) % (36.0) % 1,720 BP (19.9) % (26.9) % 700 BP
Supplementary Operating Data
Subscribers and connections in thousands
Unaudited June 30, Percent
2021 2020 Change
Mexico Wireless Subscribers
Postpaid 4,745 4,771 (0.5) %
Prepaid 13,810 12,777 8.1 %
Reseller 491 425 15.5 %
Total Mexico Wireless Subscribers 19,046 17,973 6.0 %
Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Mexico Wireless Net Additions
Postpaid 20 (191) - % 49 (332) - %
Prepaid 54 (915) - % 52 (807) - %
Reseller (9) 21 - % 2 53 (96.2) %
Total Mexico Wireless Net Additions 65 (1,085) - % 103 (1,086) - %



As a supplemental presentation, we are providing a view of our Video business that is included in Corporate and Other. Video provides video, including over-the-top (OTT) services and also sells advertising on video distribution platforms.

Results have been recast to refine the allocation of shared infrastructure and deferred customer acquisition costs between Video and Consumer Wireline.
Video Results
Dollars in millions
Unaudited Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Operating Revenues
Service $ 6,607 $ 6,979 (5.3) % $ 13,291 $ 14,376 (7.5) %
Equipment 32 42 (23.8) % 73 52 40.4 %
Total Operating Revenues 6,639 7,021 (5.4) % 13,364 14,428 (7.4) %
Operating Expenses
Operations and support 5,275 5,809 (9.2) % 10,935 11,829 (7.6) %
Depreciation and amortization1
148 593 (75.0) % 312 1,184 (73.6) %
Total Operating Expenses 5,423 6,402 (15.3) % 11,247 13,013 (13.6) %
Operating Income 1,216 619 96.4 % 2,117 1,415 49.6 %
Equity in Net Income (Loss) of Affiliates - - - % - - - %
Operating Contribution $ 1,216 $ 619 96.4 % $ 2,117 $ 1,415 49.6 %
Operating Income Margin 18.3 % 8.8 % 950 BP 15.8 % 9.8 % 600 BP
1Includes depreciation on assets that support AT&T U-verse products that provide both video and broadband services to customers over a shared network infrastructure.
Supplementary Operating Data
Subscribers and connections in thousands
Unaudited June 30, Percent
2021 2020 Change
Premium TV Connections 15,412 17,712 (13.0) %
Second Quarter Percent Six-Month Period Percent
2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Premium TV Net Additions (473) (887) 46.7 % (1,093) (1,784) 38.7 %

Three Months Ended
Dollars in millions
June 30, 2021
Revenues Operations
and Support
EBITDA Depreciation
Income (Loss)
Equity in Net
Income (Loss) of
Mobility $ 18,936 $ 10,911 $ 8,025 $ 2,023 $ 6,002 $ - $ 6,002
Business Wireline 6,052 3,709 2,343 1,293 1,050 - 1,050
Consumer Wireline 3,140 2,083 1,057 769 288 - 288
Total Communications 28,128 16,703 11,425 4,085 7,340 - 7,340
WarnerMedia 8,791 6,934 1,857 165 1,692 47 1,739
Latin America
Vrio 749 660 89 114 (25) 2 (23)
Mexico 688 667 21 150 (129) - (129)
Total Latin America 1,437 1,327 110 264 (154) 2 (152)
Segment Total 38,356 24,964 13,392 4,514 8,878 $ 49 $ 8,927
Corporate and Other
Corporate 361 1,160 (799) 30 (829)
Video 6,639 5,275 1,364 148 1,216
Acquisition-related items - - - 1,069 (1,069)
Certain significant items - 4,555 (4,555) - (4,555)
Eliminations and consolidations (1,311) (939) (372) - (372)
AT&T Inc. $ 44,045 $ 35,015 $ 9,030 $ 5,761 $ 3,269

Three Months Ended
Dollars in millions
June 30, 2020
Revenues Operations and Support Expenses EBITDA Depreciation and Amortization Operating Income (Loss) Equity in Net
Income (Loss) of
Segment Contribution
Mobility $ 17,149 $ 9,332 $ 7,817 $ 2,012 $ 5,805 $ - $ 5,805
Business Wireline 6,305 3,714 2,591 1,301 1,290 - 1,290
Consumer Wireline 3,051 1,928 1,123 730 393 - 393
Total Communications 26,505 14,974 11,531 4,043 7,488 - 7,488
WarnerMedia 6,728 4,656 2,072 164 1,908 4 1,912
Latin America
Vrio 752 661 91 127 (36) 8 (28)
Mexico 480 538 (58) 115 (173) - (173)
Total Latin America 1,232 1,199 33 242 (209) 8 (201)
Segment Total 34,465 20,829 13,636 4,449 9,187 $ 12 $ 9,199
Corporate and Other
Corporate 589 1,069 (480) 99 (579)
Video 7,021 5,809 1,212 593 619
Acquisition-related items - 211 (211) 2,145 (2,356)
Certain significant items - 3,084 (3,084) - (3,084)
Eliminations and consolidations (1,125) (869) (256) (1) (255)
AT&T Inc. $ 40,950 $ 30,133 $ 10,817 $ 7,285 $ 3,532


Six Months Ended
Dollars in millions
June 30, 2021
Revenues Operations
and Support
EBITDA Depreciation
Income (Loss)
Equity in Net
Income (Loss) of
Mobility $ 37,970 $ 21,929 $ 16,041 $ 4,037 $ 12,004 $ - $ 12,004
Business Wireline 12,098 7,419 4,679 2,571 2,108 - 2,108
Consumer Wireline 6,238 4,114 2,124 1,531 593 - 593
Total Communications 56,306 33,462 22,844 8,139 14,705 - 14,705
WarnerMedia 17,317 13,337 3,980 328 3,652 117 3,769
Latin America
Vrio 1,492 1,321 171 231 (60) (2) (62)
Mexico 1,319 1,287 32 295 (263) - (263)
Total Latin America 2,811 2,608 203 526 (323) (2) (325)
Segment Total 76,434 49,407 27,027 8,993 18,034 $ 115 $ 18,149
Corporate and Other
Corporate 787 2,373 (1,586) 65 (1,651)
Video 13,364 10,935 2,429 312 2,117
Acquisition-related items - 37 (37) 2,200 (2,237)
Certain significant items - 4,612 (4,612) - (4,612)
Eliminations and consolidations (2,601) (1,880) (721) - (721)
AT&T Inc. $ 87,984 $ 65,484 $ 22,500 $ 11,570 $ 10,930

Six Months Ended
Dollars in millions
June 30, 2020
Revenues Operations and Support Expenses EBITDA Depreciation and Amortization Operating Income (Loss) Equity in Net
Income (Loss) of
Segment Contribution
Mobility $ 34,551 $ 18,901 $ 15,650 $ 4,057 $ 11,593 $ - $ 11,593
Business Wireline 12,571 7,601 4,970 2,587 2,383 - 2,383
Consumer Wireline 6,162 3,807 2,355 1,442 913 - 913
Total Communications 53,284 30,309 22,975 8,086 14,889 - 14,889
WarnerMedia 14,493 10,261 4,232 325 3,907 19 3,926
Latin America
Vrio 1,639 1,444 195 274 (79) 12 (67)
Mexico 1,183 1,252 (69) 249 (318) - (318)
Total Latin America 2,822 2,696 126 523 (397) 12 (385)
Segment Total 70,599 43,266 27,333 8,934 18,399 $ 31 $ 18,430
Corporate and Other
Corporate 1,123 2,081 (958) 189 (1,147)
Video 14,428 11,829 2,599 1,184 1,415
Acquisition-related items - 393 (393) 4,201 (4,594)
Certain significant items - 2,426 (2,426) - (2,426)
Eliminations and consolidations (2,421) (1,791) (630) (1) (629)
AT&T Inc. $ 83,729 $ 58,204 $ 25,525 $ 14,507 $ 11,018