Government of the Republic of Montenegro

08/03/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/03/2021 15:06

PM Krivokapić hosts a farewell visit by the Austrian Ambassador

Published on: Aug 3, 2021 9:15 AM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić hosted today a farewell visit by the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Montenegro, H. E. Ana Janković.

Prime Minister Krivokapić thanked Ambassador Janković for her exceptional cooperation and congratulated her on the Medal for Merit for her contribution to improving cooperation, strengthening relations and friendship between Montenegro and Austria, which testifies to her commitment and dedication to the her mission in Montenegro.

PM Krivokapić recalled the Western Balkans Summit in Vienna, which showed the exceptional attitude of Austria and its Chancellor towards all Western Balkan countries, especially Montenegro, as well as the joint efforts of both sides in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Prime Minister assessed that excellent and comprehensive cooperation is being achieved between Montenegro and Austria at all levels, which has resulted in the support that Austria continuously provides to Montenegro and other Western Balkan countries.

Montenegro is your sincere friend and partner and everything that you have done and are doing for our country during the accession negotiations, which, in accordance with our internal political changes, have entered a more ambitious and faster phase, I see as your confirmation that you recognised Montenegro's true and unquestionable commitment to Euro-Atlantic values and ideals, said Krivokapić.

The Prime Minister said that in the light of the New Methodology, which states that no new chapter will be closed until the provisional benchmarks in Chapters 23 and 24 are met, reform activities in the field of rule of law and implementation of provisional benchmarks remain an absolute priority in Montenegrin institutions. PM Krivokapić commented on the significant potential that Montenegro has in the field of health tourism that could be used for post-COVID recovery of Austrian citizens, and that it is necessary to jointly mark locations and institutions that could provide this service.

Ambassador Ana Janković thanked for Montenegrin hospitality and intensive cooperation with representatives of the Montenegrin administration.

Thank you for the opportunity to say goodbye to you. My stay in Montenegro was challenging and interesting. The door has always been open for me and ours always remains open for you, too. Staying in Montenegro was a wonderful and rewarding experience. I also thank you for the Medal I received. It means a lot to me, but I am aware that it was not received only for my personal contribution, but as a merit for everything that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria did, said Janković.

Janković also expressed regret that some ambitious plans for bilateral cooperation could not be fully implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but that the Republic of Austria will focus on creating programmes for recovery and deepening cooperation after the COVID crisis.

It is a pleasure to see Montenegro continuing its path towards the EU and that its Euro-Atlantic course is unquestionable. In the end, I can optimistically conclude that the European future of Montenegro is certain and it is indisputable that the Republic of Austria will continue to openly support you on the path of the rule of law and European integration. I wish you all the best, both on a personal and business level, and I support Montenegro becoming a full-fledged member of the EU as soon as possible, Ambassador Ana Janković concluded.