IDGC of Centre JSC

10/22/2021 | Press release | Archived content

Maxim Egorov and Igor Makovskiy discussed prospects for development of the power grid complex of the Tambov region

22 October 2021

Today in Tambov a working meeting was held between Acting Head of the Tambov Region Administration Maxim Egorov and General Director of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga region Igor Makovskiy. The issues of preparation for the autumn-winter period and the provision of energy infrastructure for promising investment projects being implemented in the region were discussed.

The head of the energy company introduced the head of the region to measures taken by Rosseti Centre to improve the reliability of the electric grid complex.

As part of the investment program of the Tambovenergo branch, high-tech equipment is being implemented to increase the controllability of power grids. Over the past two years, on the territory of the Tambovsky and Rasskazovsky districts, measures were taken to introduce elements of distributed automation, equip 6-10 kV overhead lines with sectioning points, modernize dispatching systems by introducing digital radio communications. The main effect will be a reduction in the restoration time of power supply and the number of outages, as well as a decrease in power losses.

In addition, pilot projects were implemented to introduce electric energy storage systems in 0.4 kV distribution networks aimed at improving the quality of electricity, smoothing load schedules, regulating the frequency in the grid and backing up critical loads, which additionally increases the reliability of power supply to socially important facilities.

"Reliable power supply to consumers is one of the main objectives of the company. The newest technologies used in the power complex increase the reliability and quality of power supply, and this is the key criterion for assessing our activities by residents of the region," stressed Igor Makovskiy. "Currently, the largest investment projects are being implemented in the Tambov region, which in turn require the creation of a reliable supply infrastructure. Timely and high-quality work of Tambov power engineers to connect new facilities to power grids, as well as constant development and modernization of the power grid complex is a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the region," Maxim Egorov noted at the end of the meeting.